Re: Stepping away from packaging (and request for owners)

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Hi! I'll take python-sleekxmpp. FAS: limb. Thank you!

Gwyn Ciesla
in your fear, seek only peace 
in your fear, seek only love
-d. bowie

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Saturday, October 19, 2019 12:38 PM, Jamie Nguyen <j@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi all,

> It's been incredible to part of this project and community! :-)

> Once upon a time I was an (over?)enthusiastic packager and it's left me
> with ownership of 300+ packages. O_o

> In the last couple years I haven't been able to dedicate enough time to
> Fedora, and I've just about kept my most important packages ticking along.

> I keep thinking I'll eventually get around to everything, but I should
> probably stop kidding myself! So it's time to step down and let other
> people do a better job than I'm doing :-)

> (Of course, I still plan to use Fedora for my servers and laptops
> indefinitely!)

> Unfortunately, I have an insane number of NodeJS packages (sorry!), but
> here's me trying to step down in a helpful manner:

> 1.  nginx, tor and torsocks have active co-maintainers who've been doing
>     a great job. Massive thanks to Felix (heffer) and Marcel (maha) in
>     particular! I've emailed them to see if they want ownership.

> 2.  I have 5 packages that need owners. Volunteers welcome. [a]
> 3.  I've removed my admin & commit access from 10 packages. These are
>     owned by someone else, but some may be in need of co-maintainers. [b]

> 4.  I've removed my admin & commit access from 30 NodeJS packages. Most
>     are already owned by tomh so are in brilliant hands. [c]

> 5.  I have 148 NodeJS packages that are listed as runtime dependencies by
>     other packages (in rawhide). These need owners and love. [d]

> 6.  I have 7 NodeJS packages that are listed as BuildRequires by other
>     packages (in rawhide) but aren't runtime dependencies. These need
>     owners. [e]

> 7.  I have 75 NodeJS packages that are not listed as dependencies (in
>     rawhide) by any other package. These may need owners. [f]

> 8.  I've sent emails to co-maintainers for 51 packages asking if they
>     want ownership. [g]

> 9.  There are 39 other packages that I need to ask someone to remove my
>     commit access from (where I'm not admin so can't remove myself).
>     Hopefully that's scriptable by a Proven Packager?

>     After a few weeks, if there are any packages I own where nobody has
>     volunteered to take ownership, I'll orphan them.

>     ===============
>     [a]: Need owner
>     ===============

>     bashmount
>     CutyCapt
>     dateformat
>     ledger
>     utf8cpp

>     ==================================
>     [b]: Remove my admin/commit access
>     ==================================

>     adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
>     libmpdclient
>     libuv
>     mpc
>     ncmpc
>     newsbeuter
>     notmuch
>     python-sleekxmpp
>     rubygem-highline
>     weechat

>     ===================================
>     [c]: Removed my admin/commit access
>     ===================================

>     js-jquery
>     js-jquery1
>     js-sizzle
>     nodejs
>     nodejs-assertion-error
>     nodejs-chai
>     nodejs-chai-connect-middleware
>     nodejs-chai-passport-strategy
>     nodejs-closure-compiler
>     nodejs-deep-eql
>     nodejs-difflet
>     nodejs-inherits
>     nodejs-mapnik
>     nodejs-mapnik-vector-tile
>     nodejs-less
>     nodejs-packaging
>     nodejs-passport-oauth1
>     nodejs-passport-oauth2
>     nodejs-passport-strategy
>     nodejs-proxyquire
>     nodejs-set-immediate
>     nodejs-simple-assert
>     nodejs-speedometer
>     nodejs-tap
>     nodejs-tilelive-mapnik
>     nodejs-tiletype
>     nodejs-type-detect
>     nodejs-uid2
>     nodejs-utils-merge
>     nodejs-xmlbuilder

>     ===================================
>     [d]: Need owner, listed as Requires
>     ===================================

>     jasmine: 1
>     js-zlib: 1
>     marked: 1
>     mocha: 4
>     nodejs-abbrev: 1
>     nodejs-ansi: 3
>     nodejs-ansi-styles: 1
>     nodejs-asap: 2
>     nodejs-asn1: 1
>     nodejs-assert-plus: 1
>     nodejs-async: 11
>     nodejs-batch: 1
>     nodejs-better-assert: 3
>     nodejs-bindings: 8
>     nodejs-block-stream: 1
>     nodejs-boom: 2
>     nodejs-buffer-crc32: 1
>     nodejs-buffer-equal: 1
>     nodejs-bunker: 1
>     nodejs-burrito: 1
>     nodejs-bytes: 2
>     nodejs-callsite: 3
>     nodejs-chalk: 14
>     nodejs-character-parser: 1
>     nodejs-charm: 1
>     nodejs-cmd-shim: 1
>     nodejs-collections: 1
>     nodejs-combined-stream: 2
>     nodejs-commander: 7
>     nodejs-component-emitter: 7
>     nodejs-constantinople: 1
>     nodejs-cookie: 2
>     nodejs-cookiejar: 1
>     nodejs-cookie-signature: 3
>     nodejs-cryptiles: 1
>     nodejs-css: 1
>     nodejs-css-parse: 2
>     nodejs-css-stringify: 1
>     nodejs-ctype: 1
>     nodejs-cycle: 1
>     nodejs-defined: 2
>     nodejs-delayed-stream: 1
>     nodejs-diff: 3
>     nodejs-ejs: 1
>     nodejs-estraverse: 5
>     nodejs-eventemitter2: 1
>     nodejs-exit: 2
>     nodejs-eyes: 2
>     nodejs-faye-websocket: 1
>     nodejs-findup-sync: 3
>     nodejs-forever-agent: 1
>     nodejs-form-data: 1
>     nodejs-formidable: 1
>     nodejs-fresh: 1
>     nodejs-fstream: 4
>     nodejs-fstream-ignore: 2
>     nodejs-generic-pool: 4
>     nodejs-getobject: 1
>     nodejs-glob: 25
>     nodejs-growl: 2
>     nodejs-gzip-size: 1
>     nodejs-has-color: 1
>     nodejs-hawk: 1
>     nodejs-highlight-js: 1
>     nodejs-hoek: 3
>     nodejs-hooker: 3
>     nodejs-http-signature: 1
>     nodejs-inherits1: 1
>     nodejs-ini: 3
>     nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter: 1
>     nodejs-jasmine-reporters: 1
>     nodejs-joose: 2
>     nodejs-joosex-simplerequest: 1
>     nodejs-jsonify: 1
>     nodejs-json-stringify-safe: 2
>     nodejs-js-yaml: 9
>     nodejs-jwt-simple: 2
>     nodejs-markdown: 1
>     nodejs-maxmin: 2
>     nodejs-methods: 4
>     nodejs-mime: 8
>     nodejs-mimeparse: 1
>     nodejs-minimatch: 14
>     nodejs-minimist: 8
>     nodejs-moment: 2
>     nodejs-ms: 3
>     nodejs-mute-stream: 1
>     nodejs-nan0: 2
>     nodejs-ncp: 1
>     nodejs-node-uuid: 2
>     nodejs-nopt: 8
>     nodejs-noptify: 1
>     nodejs-npmlog: 1
>     nodejs-oauth-sign: 1
>     nodejs-optimist: 7
>     nodejs-opts: 1
>     nodejs-osenv: 1
>     nodejs-package: 1
>     nodejs-paperboy: 1
>     nodejs-parseurl: 4
>     nodejs-pause: 1
>     nodejs-pkginfo: 4
>     nodejs-pretty-bytes: 1
>     nodejs-promise: 3
>     nodejs-proto-list: 1
>     nodejs-pubcontrol: 1
>     nodejs-q: 12
>     nodejs-qs: 5
>     nodejs-range-parser: 1
>     nodejs-raw-body: 1
>     nodejs-read: 2
>     nodejs-readdirp: 1
>     nodejs-read-package-json: 1
>     nodejs-reduce-component: 1
>     nodejs-repl: 1
>     nodejs-require-cs: 1
>     nodejs-requirejs: 2
>     nodejs-resolve: 7
>     nodejs-retry: 1
>     nodejs-revalidator: 1
>     nodejs-rimraf: 12
>     nodejs-runforcover: 1
>     nodejs-sax: 3
>     nodejs-semver: 9
>     nodejs-showdown: 2
>     nodejs-slide: 2
>     nodejs-snockets: 1
>     nodejs-source-map: 13
>     nodejs-stack-trace: 1
>     nodejs-stream-counter: 1
>     nodejs-strip-ansi: 5
>     nodejs-tar: 2
>     nodejs-through: 6
>     nodejs-tiny-lr-fork: 1
>     nodejs-transformers: 1
>     nodejs-traverse: 3
>     nodejs-tunnel-agent: 1
>     nodejs-uglify-to-browserify: 1
>     nodejs-uid-number: 1
>     nodejs-underscore-dot-string: 2
>     nodejs-url2: 1
>     nodejs-weak-map: 1
>     nodejs-websocket-driver: 1
>     nodejs-which: 6
>     nodejs-wordwrap: 3
>     nodejs-yamlish: 1
>     nodejs-zlibjs: 1
>     uglify-js1: 6

>     ========================================
>     [e]: Need owner, listed as BuildRequires
>     ========================================

>     jasmine-node: 4
>     nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean: 1
>     nodejs-grunt-contrib-concat: 1
>     nodejs-grunt-contrib-uglify: 1
>     nodejs-ronn: 2
>     nodejs-supertest: 1
>     ycssmin: 1

>     =====================================================
>     [f]: Need owner, not listed as Requires/BuildRequires
>     =====================================================

>     compat-libuv010
>     docco
>     expresso
>     js-jquery-migrate
>     js-json
>     nodejs-ain2
>     nodejs-archy
>     nodejs-aws-sign
>     nodejs-basic-auth-connect
>     nodejs-child-process-close
>     nodejs-chmodr
>     nodejs-chownr
>     nodejs-compressible
>     nodejs-compression
>     nodejs-config-chain
>     nodejs-connect
>     nodejs-connect-timeout
>     nodejs-console-dot-log
>     nodejs-cookie-jar
>     nodejs-cookie-parser
>     nodejs-couch-login
>     nodejs-cssom
>     nodejs-csurf
>     nodejs-dryice
>     nodejs-editor
>     nodejs-errorhandler
>     nodejs-expect-dot-js
>     nodejs-express-session
>     nodejs-fileset
>     nodejs-fstream-npm
>     nodejs-github-url-from-git
>     nodejs-grip
>     nodejs-grunt-compare-size
>     nodejs-grunt-git-authors
>     nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib
>     nodejs-i
>     nodejs-init-package-json
>     nodejs-iso8601
>     nodejs-isodate
>     nodejs-joosex-namespace-depended
>     nodejs-jscoverage
>     nodejs-jsonfile
>     nodejs-keypress
>     nodejs-lazystream
>     nodejs-lockfile
>     nodejs-ltx
>     nodejs-method-override
>     nodejs-morgan
>     nodejs-muffin
>     nodejs-multiparty
>     nodejs-negotiator
>     nodejs-node-int64
>     nodejs-normalize-package-data
>     nodejs-npmconf
>     nodejs-npm-registry-client
>     nodejs-npm-user-validate
>     nodejs-opener
>     nodejs-promzard
>     nodejs-q-io
>     nodejs-read-installed
>     nodejs-response-time
>     nodejs-scmp
>     nodejs-serve-index
>     nodejs-serve-static
>     nodejs-setimmediate
>     nodejs-sigmund
>     nodejs-static-favicon
>     nodejs-stylus
>     nodejs-temporary
>     nodejs-testswarm
>     nodejs-underscore-dot-logger
>     nodejs-vhost
>     nodejs-watchit
>     nodejs-zlib-browserify
>     web-assets

>     ==================================
>     [g]: Sent emails to co-maintainers
>     ==================================

>     lua-event (robert)
>     node-gyp (tomh)
>     nodejs-argparse (jsmith)
>     nodejs-cli (jsmith)
>     nodejs-colors (jsmith)
>     nodejs-concat-stream (tomh)
>     nodejs-constantinople (tomh)
>     nodejs-debug (piotrp)
>     nodejs-dep-graph (tomh)
>     nodejs-detective (piotrp)
>     nodejs-escodegen (piotrp)
>     nodejs-esprima (jsmith)
>     nodejs-esutils (piotrp)
>     nodejs-express (tomh)
>     nodejs-fs-extra (tomh)
>     nodejs-globule (tomh)
>     nodejs-graceful-fs (tomh)
>     nodejs-grunt (piotrp)
>     nodejs-grunt-cli (tomh)
>     nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal (piotrp)
>     nodejs-grunt-contrib-watch (piotrp)
>     nodejs-grunt-init (piotrp)
>     nodejs-i2c (tomh)
>     nodejs-iconv-lite (tomh)
>     nodejs-jade (jsmith)
>     nodejs-libxmljs (tomh)
>     nodejs-load-grunt-tasks (tomh)
>     nodejs-lodash (tomh)
>     nodejs-lru-cache (jsmith)
>     nodejs-merge-descriptors (tomh)
>     nodejs-mkdirp (jsmith)
>     nodejs-monocle (tomh)
>     nodejs-multimatch (tomh)
>     nodejs-nan (tomh)
>     nodejs-node-expat (tomh)
>     nodejs-node-stringprep (tomh)
>     nodejs-once (jsmith)
>     nodejs-pg (tomh)
>     nodejs-prompt (tomh)
>     nodejs-request (tomh)
>     nodejs-send (tomh)
>     nodejs-should (tomh)
>     nodejs-sntp (jsmith)
>     nodejs-superagent (piotrp)
>     nodejs-tape (tomh)
>     nodejs-temp (piotrp)
>     nodejs-underscore (dcallagh)
>     nodejs-utile (piotrp)
>     nodejs-vows (tomh)
>     nodejs-winston (piotrp)
>     nodejs-with (tomh)

>     --
>     Jamie Nguyen


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