Re: HEADS UP: Rawhide rebuild of Python packages with old bytecode version

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On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 9:47 AM Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> Python packages built with Python < 3.8.0b4 have invalid bytecode version,
> because the version was updated in 3.8.0b4.
> To see why this is a problem, follow the bugreport:
> We were waiting for 3.8.0rc1 to see if the version is not updated once more.
> It was not.
> After rc1 hits the f32 buildroot we will mass bump and rebuild all Python
> packages that still have the old bytecode.

Thank you for dealing with this. With hindsight, I guess it was also a
wise decision to postpone python 3.8 to fedora 32? :)


> The list of packages based on data from Monday (to be updated):
> 2ping
> 5minute
> APLpy
> ATpy
> Cython
> GitPython
> Mayavi
> NLopt
> OpenIPMI
> OpenLP
> ProDy
> PyDrive
> PyGreSQL
> PyMca
> PyQt4
> PySolFC
> PyX
> RBTools
> SoapySDR
> ViTables
> WALinuxAgent
> abrt
> abrt-server-info-page
> adapt
> airnef
> alot
> ampy
> ansible-bender
> ansible-lint
> ansible-review
> antimony
> appliance-tools
> apx
> arandr
> artifacts
> asciidoc
> asciinema
> assimp
> astrometry
> asv
> atomic-reactor
> aubio
> audit
> authselect
> autoarchive
> autojump
> autokey
> avogadro2-libs
> awake
> babeltrace
> bandit
> barman
> battray
> bcc
> beets
> binwalk
> blivet-gui
> blueman
> bodhi
> boom-boot
> boost
> borgmatic
> botan
> botan2
> bpython
> brotli
> btest
> btrfs-sxbackup
> buildbot
> bumpversion
> cairo-dock-plug-ins
> calamares
> cantoolz
> capstone
> caribou
> ccsm
> cheat
> cinch
> classification-banner
> cloud-init
> clufter
> clustershell
> codespell
> colin
> commissaire-client
> compose-utils
> concordance
> congruity
> conu
> copr-cli
> copr-keygen
> copr-messaging
> copr-rpmbuild
> copydeps
> cranc
> csmock
> csound
> csvdiff
> cura
> cura-lulzbot
> custodia
> cxxtest
> d-feet
> datanommer-commands
> dbus-python
> ddupdate
> debconf
> deltarpm
> devscripts
> diceware
> diffoscope
> distcc
> distro-info
> dlrn
> dnf-plugin-diff
> dnf-plugin-ovl
> dnf-plugins-core
> dnfdaemon
> dnfdragora
> docker-compose
> doge
> dogtail
> dot2tex
> dput-ng
> dxf2gcode
> dynaconf
> electrum
> enjarify
> enki
> eric
> esptool
> etckeeper
> evemu
> execdb
> fabric
> fail2ban
> fapolicyd
> fedfind
> fedmod
> fedmsg
> fedpkg
> file
> firewalld
> flann
> flatcam
> flatpak-module-tools
> flent
> fmf
> fontdump
> fonts-tweak-tool
> freeipa
> freeipa-desktop-profile
> freeipa-healthcheck
> fros
> fusion-icon
> future
> gajim
> gaupol
> gcc
> gcovr
> gerrymander
> ginga
> git-archive-all
> git-pull-request
> git-review
> gitg
> glances
> gmsh
> gnofract4d
> gnome-abrt
> gns3-net-converter
> go2rpm
> gofer
> gom
> goobook
> google-api-python-client
> google-compute-engine-tools
> gpaw
> gpgme
> gphotoframe
> gpsd
> graphviz
> grin
> grpc
> gtimelog
> gtts
> gtts-token
> guake
> gumbo-parser
> gyp
> h5py
> hamlib
> hashid
> hatch
> heat-cfntools
> heketi
> hgsvn
> hivex
> holland
> hovercraft
> httpie
> httpwatcher
> hugin
> ibus-cangjie
> imgbased
> inception
> insight
> ioc-writer
> iotop
> irclog2html
> is-it-in-rhel
> jabberpy
> javapackages-tools
> jpype
> jrnl
> json_diff
> keycloak-httpd-client-install
> khal
> khard
> kicad
> kismon
> kobo
> koji-containerbuild
> koschei
> lammps
> lazygal
> lcm
> ldns
> lecm
> legofy
> lensfun
> libCombine
> libbatch
> libbytesize
> libcaca
> libcap-ng
> libchewing
> libcomps
> libgexiv2
> libgit2-glib
> libgpuarray
> libiio
> libkdtree++
> libkml
> libkolabxml
> liblinear
> liblouis
> libnuml
> liborcus
> libpfm
> libprelude
> libpreludedb
> libproxy
> librepo
> libreport
> libsbml
> libsedml
> libselinux
> libsemanage
> libsmbios
> libsoc
> libsolv
> libstoragemgmt
> libtaskotron
> libtdb
> libvoikko
> libxc
> libxml2
> libyang
> libyui-bindings
> lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
> limnoria
> lirc
> livecd-tools
> lnst
> loook
> lorax
> lttng-ust
> m2crypto
> mailman3-fedmsg-plugin
> manuale
> marisa
> mate-menu
> mathgl
> med
> meld
> menulibre
> meson
> mgarepo
> mir
> mirrormanager2
> mlpack
> mnemosyne
> mod_wsgi
> modtools
> module-build-service-copr
> mpi4py
> msoffcrypto-tool
> mu
> mycli
> mysql-connector-python
> nest
> net-snmp
> netcdf4-python
> netgen-mesher
> netstat-monitor
> neuron
> newt
> nfoview
> nfsometer
> nml
> nmstate
> nodepool
> notmuch
> nototools
> nova-agent
> nvmetcli
> nyx
> oct2spec
> odcs
> odfpy
> ogr2osm
> omniORB
> omniORBpy
> onboard
> onionshare
> openbabel
> openmeeg
> openscap
> openscap-daemon
> openslide-python
> opentrep
> openwsman
> oraculum
> osbs-client
> osc
> otf2
> oz
> pacemaker
> pag
> pagure
> pagure-dist-git
> paperwork
> parsero
> patool
> pcp
> pcp2pdf
> pcs
> pdfposter
> percol
> petsc4py
> pew
> pgzero
> photocollage
> pipenv
> piper
> pipsi
> pitivi
> pkgwat
> pki-core
> playitagainsam
> poetry
> poezio
> portmidi
> powerline
> prelude-correlator
> preprocess
> prewikka
> printrun
> proselint
> protobuf
> pss
> pssh
> ptpython
> py-bcrypt
> py-radix
> py3status
> py4j
> pyOpenSSL
> pyaudio
> pybluez
> pybox2d
> pybugz
> pycairo
> pycanberra
> pychess
> pycmd
> pycolumnize
> pycscope
> pydot
> pyee
> pyelftools
> pyephem
> pyflakes
> pyftpdlib
> pygame
> pygrib
> pygsl
> pyhoca-cli
> pyhoca-gui
> pyicu
> pyjokes
> pyke
> pykickstart
> pykka
> pylast
> pymilia
> pymodbus
> pyosmium
> pyowm
> pyp2rpm
> pyparted
> pypolicyd-spf
> pyppd
> pypykatz
> pyqtrailer
> pyscard
> pyserial
> pyshp
> pysnmp
> pysubnettree
> pysysbot
> pytest
> pythia8
> python-AppTools
> python-BTrees
> python-Bottleneck
> python-CacheControl
> python-CommonMark
> python-ECPy
> python-IPy
> python-Lektor
> python-Levenshtein
> python-Mastodon
> python-ModulemdTranslationHelpers
> python-MultipartPostHandler2
> python-Naked
> python-OWSLib
> python-PyGithub
> python-PyLEMS
> python-PyLink
> python-PyMySQL
> python-PyPDF2
> python-PyRSS2Gen
> python-QtAwesome
> python-QtPy
> python-Rtree
> python-SALib
> python-SecretStorage
> python-Traits
> python-XStatic
> python-XStatic-Angular
> python-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap
> python-XStatic-Angular-FileUpload
> python-XStatic-Angular-Gettext
> python-XStatic-Angular-Mock
> python-XStatic-Angular-UUID
> python-XStatic-Angular-Vis
> python-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop
> python-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker
> python-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS
> python-XStatic-D3
> python-XStatic-DataTables
> python-XStatic-FileSaver
> python-XStatic-Font-Awesome
> python-XStatic-Hogan
> python-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate
> python-XStatic-JQuery-TableSorter
> python-XStatic-JQuery-quicksearch
> python-XStatic-JS-Yaml
> python-XStatic-JSEncrypt
> python-XStatic-Jasmine
> python-XStatic-Json2yaml
> python-XStatic-Magic-Search
> python-XStatic-Patternfly
> python-XStatic-Patternfly-Bootstrap-Treeview
> python-XStatic-QUnit
> python-XStatic-Rickshaw
> python-XStatic-Spin
> python-XStatic-bootswatch
> python-XStatic-jQuery
> python-XStatic-jquery-ui
> python-XStatic-mdi
> python-XStatic-roboto-fontface
> python-XStatic-smart-table
> python-XStatic-termjs
> python-ZConfig
> python-ZEO
> python-ZODB
> python-aaargh
> python-abclient
> python-abimap
> python-acora
> python-acoustid
> python-actdiag
> python-adal
> python-adduserpath
> python-aenum
> python-aiodns
> python-aiofiles
> python-aiohttp-cors
> python-aiohttp-negotiate
> python-aiohttp-socks
> python-aioodbc
> python-aiorpcx
> python-aiozeroconf
> python-airspeed
> python-alsa
> python-altgraph
> python-amico
> python-amqp
> python-animatplot
> python-ansi
> python-ansi2html
> python-ansible-runner
> python-ansicolor
> python-ansicolors
> python-anyio
> python-anyjson
> python-anykeystore
> python-aodhclient
> python-apipkg
> python-argcomplete
> python-argh
> python-argopt
> python-args
> python-arpeggio
> python-arpy
> python-ase
> python-asn1crypto
> python-astral
> python-astropy
> python-astropy-helpers
> python-astroquery
> python-astunparse
> python-async-generator
> python-async-timeout
> python-asyncssh
> python-atomicwrites
> python-atpublic
> python-attrs
> python-augeas
> python-auth-credential
> python-autobahn
> python-automaton
> python-autopep8
> python-azure-devtools
> python-azure-sdk
> python-azure-storage
> python-babelfish
> python-backcall
> python-backlash
> python-backoff
> python-baluhn
> python-barbicanclient
> python-basemap
> python-bashate
> python-batinfo
> python-bcrypt
> python-beaker
> python-betamax
> python-betamax-matchers
> python-betamax-serializers
> python-bids-validator
> python-bigsuds
> python-billiard
> python-binaryornot
> python-binstruct
> python-bintrees
> python-biopython
> python-bitmath
> python-bitstring
> python-bitstruct
> python-black
> python-blessed
> python-blessings
> python-blindspin
> python-blinker
> python-blist
> python-blivet
> python-blockdiag
> python-bloom
> python-blosc
> python-blowfish
> python-blurb
> python-bna
> python-booleanoperations
> python-boto
> python-bottle
> python-bottle-sqlite
> python-box
> python-branca
> python-breathe
> python-brian2
> python-bsddb3
> python-btchip
> python-btrfs
> python-bucky
> python-cached_property
> python-cachetools
> python-cachez
> python-cachy
> python-cairocffi
> python-cairosvg
> python-can
> python-canonicaljson
> python-capturer
> python-carbon
> python-case
> python-catkin-sphinx
> python-catkin_tools
> python-celery
> python-cerberus
> python-cerealizer
> python-certifi
> python-cffi
> python-cftime
> python-chardet
> python-cherrypy
> python-cinderclient
> python-citeproc-py
> python-cleo
> python-cli-helpers
> python-click-completion
> python-click-log
> python-click-man
> python-click-plugins
> python-click-threading
> python-cliff
> python-cliff-tablib
> python-cligj
> python-clikit
> python-clint
> python-cloud-sptheme
> python-cloudflare
> python-cltk
> python-clyent
> python-cmd2
> python-cmdln
> python-cmigemo
> python-coapthon3
> python-colander
> python-colcon-argcomplete
> python-colcon-bash
> python-colcon-bazel
> python-colcon-cmake
> python-colcon-common-extensions
> python-colcon-core
> python-colcon-defaults
> python-colcon-devtools
> python-colcon-library-path
> python-colcon-metadata
> python-colcon-mixin
> python-colcon-notification
> python-colcon-output
> python-colcon-package-information
> python-colcon-package-selection
> python-colcon-parallel-executor
> python-colcon-pkg-config
> python-colcon-powershell
> python-colcon-python-setup-py
> python-colcon-recursive-crawl
> python-colcon-ros-bazel
> python-colcon-spawn-shell
> python-colcon-zsh
> python-collada
> python-collectd_cvmfs
> python-collectd_puppet
> python-collectd_systemd
> python-colorama
> python-colorclass
> python-coloredlogs
> python-colorful
> python-colorlog
> python-colorspacious
> python-colour
> python-colour-runner
> python-compreffor
> python-concurrentloghandler
> python-conda-package-handling
> python-configargparse
> python-configobj
> python-configparser
> python-configshell
> python-confluent-kafka
> python-confuse
> python-congressclient
> python-constantly
> python-construct
> python-contextlib2
> python-cookiecutter
> python-cornice-sphinx
> python-cotyledon
> python-couchbase
> python-couchdb
> python-cov-core
> python-coverage
> python-coverage-test-runner
> python-coveralls
> python-cpio
> python-cpuinfo
> python-cram
> python-crank
> python-crayons
> python-crcelk
> python-croniter
> python-crypto
> python-cson
> python-css-parser
> python-cssmin
> python-cssutils
> python-cu2qu
> python-curio
> python-curtsies
> python-cvss
> python-cvxopt
> python-cycler
> python-cypari2
> python-cysignals
> python-cytoolz
> python-d2to1
> python-daemon
> python-daemonize
> python-daiquiri
> python-datadog
> python-datanommer-consumer
> python-datanommer-models
> python-dbf
> python-dbfread
> python-dbus-client-gen
> python-dbus-signature-pyparsing
> python-dbusmock
> python-ddt
> python-debian
> python-debrepo
> python-debtcollector
> python-decorator
> python-deepdiff
> python-defcon
> python-defusedxml
> python-demjson
> python-deprecated
> python-deprecation
> python-descartes
> python-designateclient
> python-dfdatetime
> python-dialog
> python-dict-sorted
> python-dictdiffer
> python-diff-cover
> python-diff-match-patch
> python-digitalocean
> python-dill
> python-dipy
> python-dirq
> python-distlib
> python-distro
> python-distroinfo
> python-distutils-extra
> python-django-ajax-selects
> python-django-angular
> python-django-annoying
> python-django-authority
> python-django-babel
> python-django-compressor
> python-django-contact-form
> python-django-crispy-forms
> python-django-database-url
> python-django-debreach
> python-django-filter
> python-django-formtools
> python-django-haystack
> python-django-helpdesk
> python-django-macros
> python-django-markdownx
> python-django-nose
> python-django-pipeline
> python-django-post_office
> python-django-pytest
> python-django-redis
> python-django-registration
> python-django-reversion
> python-django-robots
> python-django-simple-captcha
> python-django-tagging
> python-django-tastypie
> python-django-threadedcomments
> python-django-tinymce
> python-dmidecode
> python-dns
> python-dns-lexicon
> python-docker-pycreds
> python-docker-squash
> python-dockerfile-parse
> python-dockerpty
> python-docopt
> python-docutils
> python-docx
> python-doit
> python-dominate
> python-dotenv
> python-dpkt
> python-drat
> python-dropbox
> python-dtfabric
> python-dtopt
> python-duecredit
> python-dulwich
> python-easyargs
> python-easygui
> python-ecdsa
> python-edgegrid
> python-editorconfig
> python-efel
> python-elasticsearch
> python-elpy
> python-email_reply_parser
> python-emcee
> python-empy
> python-enlighten
> python-entrypoints
> python-enzyme
> python-epdb
> python-epi
> python-et_xmlfile
> python-etcd
> python-etcd3gw
> python-evdev
> python-events
> python-evic
> python-exif
> python-extras
> python-f5-icontrol-rest
> python-f5-sdk
> python-factory-boy
> python-fastavro
> python-fastcache
> python-fastimport
> python-fastpurge
> python-fauxquests
> python-fdb
> python-feedgenerator
> python-feedparser
> python-fiat
> python-fields
> python-filelock
> python-filetype
> python-firehose
> python-firkin
> python-first
> python-fisx
> python-fitsio
> python-fixtures
> python-flake8
> python-flake8-docstrings
> python-flake8-polyfill
> python-flaky
> python-flask-admin
> python-flask-assets
> python-flask-autoindex
> python-flask-babelex
> python-flask-bootstrap
> python-flask-cache
> python-flask-classy
> python-flask-cors
> python-flask-debugtoolbar
> python-flask-gravatar
> python-flask-htmlmin
> python-flask-httpauth
> python-flask-login
> python-flask-mail
> python-flask-mako
> python-flask-multistatic
> python-flask-oauth
> python-flask-oidc
> python-flask-openid
> python-flask-paranoid
> python-flask-principal
> python-flask-restful
> python-flask-rstpages
> python-flask-security
> python-flask-silk
> python-flask-sphinx-themes
> python-flask-whooshee
> python-flask-xml-rpc
> python-flexmock
> python-flit
> python-flock
> python-flower
> python-flufl-bounce
> python-flufl-i18n
> python-flufl-lock
> python-flufl-testing
> python-fluidity-sm
> python-flup
> python-fn
> python-fontMath
> python-fontname
> python-formats
> python-formencode
> python-fpylll
> python-freecell_solver
> python-freetype
> python-frozen-flask
> python-frozendict
> python-fsmonitor
> python-fuckit
> python-funcparserlib
> python-funcsigs
> python-furl
> python-fuse
> python-futurist
> python-fuzzyfinder
> python-fuzzywuzzy
> python-fypp
> python-gabbi
> python-gammu
> python-gccinvocation
> python-gear
> python-gearbox
> python-genshi
> python-gensim
> python-genty
> python-geoip2
> python-geomet
> python-gerritlib
> python-gertty
> python-getmac
> python-gevent
> python-gflags
> python-ghp-import2
> python-gitapi
> python-gitdb
> python-github3py
> python-gitlab
> python-glad
> python-glanceclient
> python-glances-api
> python-glob2
> python-glue
> python-glusterfs-api
> python-glyphsLib
> python-gnupg
> python-google-apputils
> python-google-auth
> python-gphoto2
> python-gpiozero
> python-gpxpy
> python-grabbit
> python-gradunwarp
> python-grako
> python-graphitesend
> python-grokmirror
> python-gssapi
> python-guizero
> python-gunicorn
> python-gzipstream
> python-h11
> python-h5io
> python-hacking
> python-hamcrest
> python-hdfs
> python-hdmf
> python-healpy
> python-heatclient
> python-hexdump
> python-hgapi
> python-hgdistver
> python-hglib
> python-hkdf
> python-hl7
> python-hole
> python-hpilo
> python-hs-dbus-signature
> python-html5-parser
> python-htmlmin
> python-httmock
> python-http-ece
> python-httpbin
> python-httplib2
> python-httpretty
> python-httpsig-cffi
> python-httptools
> python-hug
> python-humanfriendly
> python-humanize
> python-humblewx
> python-hupper
> python-husl
> python-hwdata
> python-hypothesis
> python-hypothesis-fspaths
> python-i3ipc
> python-icalendar
> python-idna
> python-idna-ssl
> python-idstools
> python-ifaddr
> python-ifcfg
> python-igor
> python-igraph
> python-imagesize
> python-img2pdf
> python-importmagic
> python-incremental
> python-indexed_gzip
> python-inflect
> python-influxdb
> python-inifile
> python-iniparse
> python-inotify
> python-inotify_simple
> python-instant
> python-interfile
> python-intervaltree
> python-invocations
> python-iowait
> python-ipgetter
> python-ipmi
> python-iptables
> python-ipyparallel
> python-ipython_genutils
> python-ironicclient
> python-iso-639
> python-iso3166
> python-iso639
> python-iso8601
> python-isort
> python-j1m.sphinxautointerface
> python-j1m.sphinxautozconfig
> python-jaraco-classes
> python-jaraco-packaging
> python-javalang
> python-jaydebeapi
> python-jcconv
> python-jdcal
> python-jedi
> python-jellyfish
> python-jenkins
> python-jenkinsapi
> python-jep
> python-jinja2
> python-jinja2-cli
> python-jinja2-time
> python-jinja2_pluralize
> python-jnius
> python-josepy
> python-journal-brief
> python-jsmin
> python-json-logger
> python-json-minify
> python-json2table
> python-jsonmodels
> python-jsonpatch
> python-jsonpath-rw
> python-jsonpath-rw-ext
> python-jsonpickle
> python-jsonrpclib
> python-jsonschema
> python-jupyter-c-kernel
> python-jupyter-console
> python-jupyter-kernel-test
> python-jupyterlab-launcher
> python-justbases
> python-justbytes
> python-jwcrypto
> python-jwt
> python-k8sclient
> python-kaitaistruct
> python-kaptan
> python-kazoo
> python-kdcproxy
> python-keystoneauth1
> python-keystoneclient
> python-klusta
> python-kmod
> python-kombu
> python-krbcontext
> python-kubernetes
> python-ladon
> python-landslide
> python-lark-parser
> python-lasagne
> python-latexcodec
> python-lazr-config
> python-lazr-delegates
> python-lazr-smtptest
> python-lazy-object-proxy
> python-lazyarray
> python-ldap
> python-ldap3
> python-ldappool
> python-leather
> python-lesscpy
> python-lexicon
> python-lfpy
> python-libNeuroML
> python-libarchive-c
> python-libdiscid
> python-libnacl
> python-libpagure
> python-libsass
> python-libtmux
> python-libusb1
> python-lightblue
> python-line_profiler
> python-linux-procfs
> python-listparser
> python-lmdb
> python-locket
> python-logbook
> python-logutils
> python-logzero
> python-lrparsing
> python-luftdaten
> python-lupa
> python-ly
> python-lz4
> python-m2r
> python-magic-wormhole
> python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server
> python-magic-wormhole-transit-relay
> python-magnumclient
> python-mailer
> python-mailmerge
> python-manilaclient
> python-mapnik
> python-maps
> python-marathon
> python-markdown
> python-markdown2
> python-markupsafe
> python-martian
> python-matplotlib-scalebar
> python-matrix-synapse-ldap3
> python-maxminddb
> python-mccabe
> python-mechanize
> python-meh
> python-meld3
> python-messaging
> python-metar
> python-micawber
> python-microfs
> python-mido
> python-migen
> python-migrate
> python-mimeparse
> python-mimerender
> python-minidb
> python-minidump
> python-minikerberos
> python-minimock
> python-mistralclient
> python-mitogen
> python-mmtf
> python-mnemonic
> python-mock
> python-modernize
> python-moksha-hub
> python-mongoquery
> python-more-itertools
> python-moss
> python-mox3
> python-mpd
> python-mpd2
> python-mpmath
> python-mtg
> python-multi_key_dict
> python-multilib
> python-multio
> python-multipart
> python-munkres
> python-murano-pkg-check
> python-music21
> python-musicbrainzngs
> python-mutagen
> python-mutatormath
> python-mwclient
> python-mygpoclient
> python-myhdl
> python-mypy_extensions
> python-mysql
> python-natsort
> python-nb2plots
> python-nbsphinx
> python-nbxmpp
> python-ndg_httpsclient
> python-ndjson-testrunner
> python-neo4j-driver
> python-neomodel
> python-neotime
> python-neovim
> python-netaddr
> python-netdata
> python-netdisco
> python-netlib
> python-netmiko
> python-netssh2
> python-network-runner
> python-networkmanager
> python-neutronclient
> python-ngram
> python-nibabel
> python-nipy
> python-nitime
> python-nixio
> python-nltk
> python-nmap
> python-nmrglue
> python-nnpy
> python-nodeenv
> python-nose
> python-nose-cov
> python-nose-cover3
> python-nose-exclude
> python-nose-ignore-docstring
> python-nose-progressive
> python-nose-testconfig
> python-nose-xcover
> python-nose2
> python-nose_fixes
> python-nose_warnings_filters
> python-notario
> python-notebook
> python-notify2
> python-novaclient
> python-novaclient-os-networks
> python-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces
> python-ns1-python
> python-nss
> python-ntlm-auth
> python-ntplib
> python-nudatus
> python-nudepy
> python-num2words
> python-numcodecs
> python-numexpr
> python-numpy-stl
> python-numpydoc
> python-nwdiag
> python-oauth
> python-oauth2
> python-oauth2client
> python-oauthlib
> python-octave-kernel
> python-octaviaclient
> python-ofxparse
> python-okaara
> python-olefile
> python-oletools
> python-opendata-transport
> python-openoffice
> python-openopt
> python-openpyxl
> python-openqa_client
> python-opensensemap-api
> python-openshift
> python-openstack-doc-tools
> python-openstackclient
> python-openstackdocstheme
> python-openstacksdk
> python-operator-courier
> python-optcomplete
> python-ordered-set
> python-orderedmultidict
> python-orderedset
> python-os-client-config
> python-os-service-types
> python-os-testr
> python-osc-lib
> python-oslo-concurrency
> python-oslo-config
> python-oslo-context
> python-oslo-db
> python-oslo-i18n
> python-oslo-log
> python-oslo-serialization
> python-oslo-sphinx
> python-oslo-utils
> python-oslotest
> python-osrf-pycommon
> python-outcome
> python-pacpy
> python-paho-mqtt
> python-pam
> python-pamela
> python-pandocfilters
> python-paperwork-backend
> python-parallel-ssh
> python-parameterized
> python-paramiko
> python-parse
> python-parse_type
> python-parsedatetime
> python-parsel
> python-parsley
> python-parso
> python-partd
> python-parver
> python-passlib
> python-pastel
> python-pathlib2
> python-pathspec
> python-patsy
> python-pbkdf2
> python-pdfkit
> python-pdfminer
> python-pdir2
> python-pecan
> python-pecan-notario
> python-pelican
> python-pep517
> python-pep8-naming
> python-persist-queue
> python-persistent
> python-petlink
> python-phabricator
> python-phpserialize
> python-phyghtmap
> python-pickleshare
> python-pid
> python-piexif
> python-pifpaf
> python-pigpio
> python-pika-pool
> python-pillow
> python-pip-shims
> python-pipdeptree
> python-pipreqs
> python-pivy
> python-pkgconfig
> python-pkgwat-api
> python-plaintable
> python-plette
> python-pluggy
> python-pluginbase
> python-pluginlib
> python-plumbum
> python-ply
> python-plyvel
> python-pmw
> python-pocketlint
> python-podcastparser
> python-podman-api
> python-polib
> python-portalocker
> python-portend
> python-positional
> python-power
> python-poyo
> python-prawcore
> python-precis_i18n
> python-pretend
> python-prettyprinter
> python-prettytable
> python-process-tests
> python-profilehooks
> python-progress
> python-progressbar2
> python-prometheus_client
> python-prompt-toolkit
> python-proteus
> python-prov
> python-psycogreen
> python-ptrace
> python-ptyprocess
> python-publicsuffix
> python-pudb
> python-pvc
> python-py
> python-py2pack
> python-py3nvml
> python-py9p
> python-pyModbusTCP
> python-pyactivetwo
> python-pyaes
> python-pyasn1
> python-pybeam
> python-pybids
> python-pybtex-docutils
> python-pycares
> python-pycdlib
> python-pycha
> python-pycodestyle
> python-pycosat
> python-pycotap
> python-pycountry
> python-pycparser
> python-pycryptodomex
> python-pycurl
> python-pydbus
> python-pydenticon
> python-pydicom
> python-pydispatcher
> python-pydotplus
> python-pyeclib
> python-pyelectro
> python-pyemd
> python-pyface
> python-pyfakefs
> python-pyfastnoisesimd
> python-pygal
> python-pygeoip
> python-pyghmi
> python-pygiftiio
> python-pygit2
> python-pyglet
> python-pygments
> python-pygments-markdown-lexer
> python-pygments-pytest
> python-pygments-style-solarized
> python-pygraphviz
> python-pyi2cflash
> python-pyinsane2
> python-pykafka
> python-pykdtree
> python-pykmip
> python-pylev
> python-pylibmc
> python-pylibravatar
> python-pylons-sphinx-themes
> python-pymacaroons-pynacl
> python-pymatreader
> python-pymemcache
> python-pymilter
> python-pymoc
> python-pymod2pkg
> python-pymongo
> python-pynacl
> python-pyngus
> python-pynlpl
> python-pyocr
> python-pyopengl
> python-pyoptical
> python-pyotp
> python-pyperclip
> python-pyphen
> python-pypillowfight
> python-pypng
> python-pyprocdev
> python-pypubsub
> python-pyqtgraph
> python-pyrad
> python-pyramid
> python-pyramid-fas-openid
> python-pyramid-mako
> python-pyramid-tm
> python-pyramid_sawing
> python-pyrfc3339
> python-pyro
> python-pyroute2
> python-pyrpm
> python-pyrpmmd
> python-pyrsistent
> python-pysaml2
> python-pysb
> python-pyscaffold
> python-pysctp
> python-pysimplesoap
> python-pysnooper
> python-pysol-cards
> python-pyspf
> python-pyspiflash
> python-pysrt
> python-pystalk
> python-pystemd
> python-pystray
> python-pysword
> python-pytaglib
> python-pytelegrambotapi
> python-pytest-aiohttp
> python-pytest-arraydiff
> python-pytest-beakerlib
> python-pytest-benchmark
> python-pytest-cache
> python-pytest-capturelog
> python-pytest-catchlog
> python-pytest-cov
> python-pytest-doctestplus
> python-pytest-expect
> python-pytest-faulthandler
> python-pytest-fixture-config
> python-pytest-flake8
> python-pytest-flakes
> python-pytest-forked
> python-pytest-helpers-namespace
> python-pytest-httpbin
> python-pytest-lazy-fixture
> python-pytest-mock
> python-pytest-mpl
> python-pytest-multihost
> python-pytest-openfiles
> python-pytest-relaxed
> python-pytest-remotedata
> python-pytest-repeat
> python-pytest-rerunfailures
> python-pytest-runner
> python-pytest-shutil
> python-pytest-sourceorder
> python-pytest-spec
> python-pytest-sugar
> python-pytest-testmon
> python-pytest-timeout
> python-pytest-tornado
> python-pytest-vcr
> python-pytest-virtualenv
> python-pytest-watch
> python-pytest-xdist
> python-pytest-xprocess
> python-pythonfinder
> python-pytimeparse
> python-pytoml
> python-pytools
> python-pyudev
> python-pyvirtualize
> python-pyvit
> python-pyvo
> python-pyxid
> python-pyxs
> python-pyzabbix
> python-pyzolib
> python-q
> python-qrcode
> python-qrencode
> python-queuelib
> python-qutepart
> python-random2
> python-rangehttpserver
> python-ratelimitingfilter
> python-raven
> python-rawkit
> python-rcssmin
> python-readme-renderer
> python-recommonmark
> python-regex
> python-relatorio
> python-remoto
> python-rencode
> python-renderspec
> python-reno
> python-repomd
> python-repoze-lru
> python-repoze-sphinx-autointerface
> python-repoze-tm2
> python-repoze-who
> python-repoze-who-plugins-sa
> python-represent
> python-requests-cache
> python-requests-credssp
> python-requests-file
> python-requests-ftp
> python-requests-gssapi
> python-requests-mock
> python-requests-oauthlib
> python-requests-toolbelt
> python-requests-unixsocket
> python-requests_ntlm
> python-requestsexceptions
> python-responses
> python-restauth
> python-restructuredtext-lint
> python-restsh
> python-resultsdb_api
> python-resumable-urlretrieve
> python-retask
> python-retrying
> python-retryz
> python-rfc3986
> python-rfc3987
> python-ripozo
> python-rjsmin
> python-rmtest
> python-rnc2rng
> python-roman
> python-rope
> python-rosinstall
> python-routes
> python-rows
> python-rpdb
> python-rply
> python-rpmfluff
> python-rpyc
> python-rsd-lib
> python-rsdclient
> python-rst-linker
> python-rstcheck
> python-rtslib
> python-ruamel-yaml
> python-ruffus
> python-rustcfg
> python-rxjson
> python-ryu
> python-s3transfer
> python-saharaclient
> python-sanction
> python-sane
> python-scales
> python-scandir
> python-schema
> python-scour
> python-scp
> python-scrapy
> python-scripttester
> python-scrypt
> python-scss
> python-seaborn
> python-selenium
> python-semantic_version
> python-semver
> python-send2trash
> python-sendgrid
> python-seqdiag
> python-serpy
> python-setuptools-lint
> python-setuptools_git
> python-setuptools_hg
> python-setuptools_scm
> python-setuptools_scm_git_archive
> python-sh
> python-shade
> python-shadowsocks
> python-shapely
> python-shellingham
> python-shortuuid
> python-sievelib
> python-signalfd
> python-signedjson
> python-simplebayes
> python-simplegeneric
> python-simplejson
> python-simpleline
> python-simplemediawiki
> python-simpleparse
> python-simplevisor
> python-simplewrap
> python-simpy
> python-singledispatch
> python-six
> python-slackclient
> python-slacker
> python-slip
> python-slixmpp
> python-smartypants
> python-smbc
> python-smi
> python-smmap
> python-snappy
> python-sniffio
> python-snowballstemmer
> python-social-auth-app-flask
> python-social-auth-app-flask-sqlalchemy
> python-social-auth-core
> python-social-auth-storage-sqlalchemy
> python-sockjs-tornado
> python-sortedcontainers
> python-spake2
> python-speedtest-cli
> python-speg
> python-sphinx
> python-sphinx-argparse
> python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints
> python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme
> python-sphinx-click
> python-sphinx-gallery
> python-sphinx-intl
> python-sphinx-issues
> python-sphinx-notfound-page
> python-sphinx-removed-in
> python-sphinx-testing
> python-sphinx-theme-alabaster
> python-sphinx-theme-py3doc-enhanced
> python-sphinx_rtd_theme
> python-sphinxcontrib-actdiag
> python-sphinxcontrib-adadomain
> python-sphinxcontrib-apidoc
> python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp
> python-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram
> python-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
> python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp
> python-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc
> python-sphinxcontrib-github-alt
> python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp
> python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
> python-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker
> python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath
> python-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme
> python-sphinxcontrib-phpdomain
> python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput
> python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp
> python-sphinxcontrib-seqdiag
> python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
> python-sphinxcontrib-spelling
> python-sphinxcontrib-trio
> python-sphinxcontrib-websupport
> python-sphinxtesters
> python-spur
> python-sql
> python-sqlacodegen
> python-sqlalchemy-collectd
> python-sqlalchemy-utils
> python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay
> python-sqlobject
> python-sqlparse
> python-sseclient
> python-ssh2-python
> python-statsd
> python-statsmodels
> python-stdlib-list
> python-stdnum
> python-stem
> python-stestr
> python-stevedore
> python-stomper
> python-straight-plugin
> python-streamlink
> python-string_utils
> python-stuf
> python-subliminal
> python-subvertpy
> python-suds
> python-supersmoother
> python-sushy
> python-svg
> python-svg-path
> python-svgwrite
> python-swiftclient
> python-tables
> python-tablib
> python-tabulate
> python-tackerclient
> python-tambo
> python-taskflow
> python-tasklib
> python-tbgrep
> python-tblib
> python-tbtrim
> python-tempdir
> python-tempora
> python-tenacity
> python-termcolor
> python-terminado
> python-terminaltables
> python-test_server
> python-testing.postgresql
> python-testpath
> python-testresources
> python-testscenarios
> python-texext
> python-textfsm
> python-textile
> python-texttable
> python-tftpy
> python-tgext-crud
> python-tgscheduler
> python-theano
> python-tidy
> python-tilestache
> python-timeout-decorator
> python-tinycss
> python-tinycss2
> python-tinyrpc
> python-tld
> python-tldextract
> python-tmuxp
> python-toml
> python-tomlkit
> python-toolz
> python-tornado
> python-tortilla
> python-tosca-parser
> python-towncrier
> python-tox
> python-tox-current-env
> python-tpg
> python-traitsui
> python-transaction
> python-transforms3d
> python-translationstring
> python-treq
> python-trimesh
> python-trio
> python-trollius
> python-trololio
> python-troveclient
> python-trustme
> python-tvb-data
> python-tw2-forms
> python-tw2-jquery
> python-twiggy
> python-twilio
> python-twitter
> python-txaio
> python-txamqp
> python-txredisapi
> python-txws
> python-txzmq
> python-typing-extensions
> python-typogrify
> python-tzlocal
> python-u-msgpack-python
> python-ufl
> python-ufolib
> python-uinput
> python-unicodecsv
> python-unidecode
> python-unidiff
> python-unipath
> python-unittest2
> python-unpaddedbase64
> python-upoints
> python-uranium
> python-uranium-lulzbot
> python-uri-templates
> python-uritemplate
> python-urllib-gssapi
> python-urllib3
> python-urlobject
> python-urwid
> python-urwidtrees
> python-utils
> python-uvloop
> python-validators
> python-varlink
> python-vatnumber
> python-vconnector
> python-vcstool
> python-venusian
> python-verboselogs
> python-versiontools
> python-vine
> python-virtualbmc
> python-virtualenv-api
> python-virtualenv-clone
> python-virtualenvwrapper
> python-visionegg-quest
> python-visitor
> python-vistir
> python-visvis
> python-vitrageclient
> python-vobject
> python-volkszaehler
> python-voluptuous
> python-vpoller
> python-vulture
> python-w3lib
> python-walkdir
> python-wand
> python-watchdog
> python-wcwidth
> python-webassets
> python-webpy
> python-websocket-client
> python-websockets
> python-websockify
> python-whichcraft
> python-whisper
> python-whoosh
> python-wikipedia
> python-winrm
> python-wsaccel
> python-wsgi_intercept
> python-wsproto
> python-wtf-peewee
> python-www-authenticate
> python-x2go
> python-xcffib
> python-xdot
> python-xlib
> python-xlrd
> python-xlwt
> python-xml2rfc
> python-xmlrunner
> python-xmltodict
> python-xmltramp
> python-xmp-toolkit
> python-xtermcolor
> python-xunitparser
> python-xvfbwrapper
> python-yamlordereddictloader
> python-yapf
> python-yappi
> python-yapsy
> python-yaql
> python-yarg
> python-yarl
> python-yaspin
> python-yattag
> python-yourls
> python-yubico
> python-zabbix-api-erigones
> python-zake
> python-zanata2fedmsg
> python-zaqarclient
> python-zarr
> python-zc-customdoctests
> python-zc-lockfile
> python-zdaemon
> python-zeroconf
> python-zict
> python-zipstream
> python-zmq
> python-zodbpickle
> python-zope-component
> python-zope-configuration
> python-zope-deprecation
> python-zope-event
> python-zope-interface
> python-zope-sqlalchemy
> python-zuul-sphinx
> python3-cangjie
> python3-exiv2
> python3-iep
> python3-lxc
> python3-mallard-ducktype
> python3-mypy
> python3-openid
> python3-postgresql
> python3-py3dns
> python3-pyPEG2
> python3-pytest-asyncio
> python3-saml
> python3-script
> python3-simplepam
> python3-simpletal
> python3-typed_ast
> python3-zope-fixers
> pytrailer
> pytz
> pyusb
> pywebdav
> pyxdg
> pyxtrlock
> pyzor
> qpid-dispatch
> qpid-proton
> qtile
> quasselgrep
> quodlibet
> qutebrowser
> rabbitvcs
> radicale
> ranger
> rapid-photo-downloader
> rdkit
> rdopkg
> rednotebook
> redshift
> regindexer
> resalloc
> resalloc-openstack
> resultsdb
> resultsdb_conventions
> resultsdb_frontend
> retrace-server
> rmol
> roca-detect
> rpkg-util
> rpmdeplint
> rpmspectool
> rpy
> rst2txt
> rubber
> s3cmd
> salt
> sasutils
> satyr
> scidavis
> scipy
> scons
> scudcloud
> sen
> sendKindle
> sepolicy_analysis
> setconf
> setools
> setroubleshoot
> sgmanager
> shyaml
> signon-glib
> slack-cleaner
> solaar
> solarwolf
> spec2scl
> speech-dispatcher
> spglib
> sse2fedmsg
> sshuttle
> stgit
> stomppy
> stp
> subscription-manager
> supervisor
> sword
> system-config-printer
> system-config-repo
> system-storage-manager
> systemd-coredump-python
> systemtap
> targetcli
> taskotron-trigger
> tbb
> tcl-snack
> testcloud
> thefuck
> thrift
> timeline
> tito
> tldr
> todocli
> torbrowser-launcher
> totpcgi
> tpm2-pkcs11
> tracer
> trademgen
> translate-toolkit
> transmageddon
> transtats-cli
> trash-cli
> trytond
> trytond-account
> trytond-account-be
> trytond-account-de-skr03
> trytond-account-invoice
> trytond-account-invoice-history
> trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone
> trytond-account-product
> trytond-account-statement
> trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon
> trytond-account-stock-continental
> trytond-analytic-account
> trytond-analytic-invoice
> trytond-analytic-purchase
> trytond-analytic-sale
> trytond-company
> trytond-company-work-time
> trytond-country
> trytond-currency
> trytond-dashboard
> trytond-google-maps
> trytond-ldap-authentication
> trytond-party
> trytond-party-siret
> trytond-product
> trytond-product-cost-fifo
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> --
> Miro Hrončok
> --
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok
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