Re: Packages with broken dependencies on Python 3.7

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Thanks to ignatenkobrain I have admin privileges for into-dbus-python
as of this Thursday.

This Friday, I packaged release 0.07 of into-dbus-python without too
much trouble and rebuilt dbus-python-client-gen successfully.

- mulhern

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Miro Hrončok" <mhroncok@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Development discussions related to Fedora" <devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 6:39:23 PM
> Subject: Packages with broken dependencies on Python 3.7
> Hello packagers!
> The following packages failed to build on Fedora 32 with Python 3.8 and they
> still require Python 3.7 on runtime.
> If the packages won't build with Python 3.8, they won't be installable, along
> with all their dependent packages, in Fedora 32.
> If there is an "actual" build failure, you should have already received a bug
> report blocking the tracking bug:
> If it is a dependency failure caused by an external factor (retired package,
> etc.) there should be a bugreport as well.
> However, if the package fails to resolve build dependencies only because some
> other package hasn't been rebuilt with Python 3.8, we have not opened a bug
> report (yet) to avoid duplication. If you see your package here and are
> blocked
> by another package, I recommend to see if the dependency isn't waiting for
> your
> help (e.g. the package maintainers haven't yet got time to look into this).
> Chances are, there is some undiscovered dependency loop as well.
> The Red Hat Python Maintenance team will gladly help with specific problems,
> but
> we will not fix all the packages ourselves.
> See also
> Affected maintainers are bcced (except orphan, groups and maintainers usually
> disturbed by my spam).
> Maintainers by package:
> blender              design-sw hobbes1069 ignatenkobrain kwizart luya roma
> s4504kr slaanesh
> certbot              jhogarth nb
> clingo               thofmann
> coccinelle           rjones
> condor               bbockelm bcotton eerlands matt matyas stevetraylen
> tstclair
> ttheisen valtri
> coreboot-utils       lkundrak peter
> datagrepper          ianweller ralph
> dee                  jspaleta spot
> dionaea              rebus
> freecad              hobbes1069 jkastner zultron
> gcc-python-plugin    dmalcolm jakub
> gdl                  orion
> gnucash              notting
> gplugin              ignatenkobrain
> graphite-api         piotrp
> graphite-web         jamielinux jsteffan piotrp
> kdevelop-python      dvratil jgrulich minh
> libcec               pbrobinson
> libpst               carllibpst
> libunity             rdieter
> mailman3             abompard
> matrix-synapse       dcallagh jcline
> mraa                 pbrobinson
> ocrmypdf             qulogic
> paraview             deji orion sagitter
> player               kwizart rmattes timn ttorling
> pocketsphinx         mikep
> pybind11             jussilehtola
> python-APScheduler   orphan
> python-OBD           rathann
> python-Pympler       rathann
> python-agate         jujens
> python-agate-dbf     jujens
> python-agate-excel   jujens
> python-agate-sql     jujens
> python-aioresponses  gsauthof
> python-aiosmtpd      abompard
> python-alchimia      vpopovic
> python-anymarkup     jchaloup orphan
> python-anymarkup-core jchaloup orphan
> python-astroML       lupinix
> python-astroML-addons lupinix
> python-astropy-healpix lupinix
> python-astroscrappy  lupinix
> python-asttokens     zbyszek
> python-asynctest     rathann
> python-behave        churchyard orphan
> python-beniget       churchyard
> python-bz2file       besser82
> python-cartopy       qulogic
> python-cattrs        brouhaha
> python-ccdproc       lupinix
> python-certbot-apache jhogarth nb
> python-certbot-dns-cloudflare nb
> python-certbot-dns-cloudxns nb
> python-certbot-dns-digitalocean elyscape nb
> python-certbot-dns-dnsimple nb
> python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy nb
> python-certbot-dns-gehirn elyscape
> python-certbot-dns-google elyscape nb
> python-certbot-dns-linode elyscape
> python-certbot-dns-luadns nb
> python-certbot-dns-nsone nb
> python-certbot-dns-ovh elyscape
> python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 logic nb
> python-certbot-dns-route53 elyscape nb
> python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud elyscape
> python-certbot-nginx jhogarth nb
> python-chaospy       lbazan
> python-cheetah       mikeb mskalick panovotn
> python-cliapp        salimma
> python-crochet       jcline
> python-csvkit        jujens
> python-dask          qulogic
> python-dbus-python-client-gen grover ignatenkobrain mulhern
> python-django-appconf mrunge
> python-django-pyscss mrunge
> python-elephant      lbazan
> python-envisage      orion
> python-epub          athoscr
> python-flake8-import-order zbyszek
> python-gast          churchyard
> python-gatspy        lupinix
> python-geoplot       qulogic
> python-gfm           thm
> python-gnocchiclient mrunge pkilambi
> python-grafyaml      orphan
> python-imagehash     fab
> python-inema         gsauthof
> python-into-dbus-python grover ignatenkobrain ilgrad
> python-jenkins-job-builder ignatenkobrain ktdreyer pabelanger
> python-jira          ishcherb ralph stevetraylen
> python-joblib        besser82 ignatenkobrain sergiopr
> python-junit_xml     jhogarth
> python-leveldb       carlwgeorge
> python-libpysal      qulogic
> python-logging-tree  orphan ralph
> python-marshmallow-enum orphan
> python-mdp           zbyszek
> python-missingno     lbazan
> python-mne           ignatenkobrain
> python-mne-bids      lbazan
> python-mplcairo      qulogic
> python-mplcursors    qulogic
> python-neo           ankursinha
> python-neurosynth    lbazan
> python-nilearn       ankursinha
> python-nineml        ankursinha
> python-nistats       ankursinha
> python-nose-parameterized echevemaster
> python-onionbalance  maha
> python-photutils     sergiopr
> python-pikepdf       qulogic zdohnal
> python-pint          mrunge
> python-pylatex       ankursinha
> python-pyopencl      ignatenkobrain
> python-pyphi         ankursinha
> python-pyriemann     ignatenkobrain
> python-pyside        fschwarz geertj hobbes1069 jreznik rdieter than
> python-pywt          ignatenkobrain sergiopr
> python-quantities    ankursinha
> python-reproject     lupinix
> python-restauth-common orphan
> python-sanic         ignatenkobrain
> python-scikit-image  orion sergiopr
> python-scikit-learn  besser82 ignatenkobrain lupinix sergiopr
> python-simpleeval    sharkcz
> python-slugify       fab mayorga
> python-sphinx-autobuild suanand
> python-structlog     piotrp
> python-subunit2sql   chandankumar
> python-utmp          jpopelka tuju
> python-whitenoise    piotrp
> python-xarray        qulogic
> python-zbase32       anishpatil
> python-zeep          gsauthof
> python-zope-contenttype orphan ralph
> pythran              churchyard
> pyutil               anishpatil
> shiboken             fschwarz hobbes1069 jreznik rdieter than
> swift-lang           tachoknight
> thonny               aivarannamaa churchyard
> transifex-client     blackfile diegobz echevemaster lbazan
> upm                  pbrobinson
> uwsgi                carlwgeorge kad
> vdirsyncer           mathstuf mbaldessari
> yubikey-piv-manager  orion
> znc                  nb
> zookeeper            ctubbsii greghellings mluscon skottler tstclair
> Packages by maintainer:
> abompard   mailman3 python-aiosmtpd
> aivarannamaa thonny
> anishpatil python-zbase32 pyutil
> ankursinha python-neo python-nilearn python-nineml python-nistats
> python-pylatex
> python-pyphi python-quantities
> athoscr    python-epub
> bbockelm   condor
> bcotton    condor
> besser82   python-bz2file python-joblib python-scikit-learn
> blackfile  transifex-client
> brouhaha   python-cattrs
> carllibpst libpst
> carlwgeorge python-leveldb uwsgi
> chandankumar python-subunit2sql
> churchyard python-behave python-beniget python-gast pythran thonny
> ctubbsii   zookeeper
> dcallagh   matrix-synapse
> deji       paraview
> design-sw  blender
> diegobz    transifex-client
> dmalcolm   gcc-python-plugin
> dvratil    kdevelop-python
> echevemaster python-nose-parameterized transifex-client
> eerlands   condor
> elyscape   python-certbot-dns-digitalocean python-certbot-dns-gehirn
> python-certbot-dns-google python-certbot-dns-linode python-certbot-dns-ovh
> python-certbot-dns-route53 python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud
> fab        python-imagehash python-slugify
> fschwarz   python-pyside shiboken
> geertj     python-pyside
> greghellings zookeeper
> grover     python-dbus-python-client-gen python-into-dbus-python
> gsauthof   python-aioresponses python-inema python-zeep
> hobbes1069 blender freecad python-pyside shiboken
> ianweller  datagrepper
> ignatenkobrain blender gplugin python-dbus-python-client-gen
> python-into-dbus-python python-jenkins-job-builder python-joblib python-mne
> python-pyopencl python-pyriemann python-pywt python-sanic python-scikit-learn
> ilgrad     python-into-dbus-python
> ishcherb   python-jira
> jakub      gcc-python-plugin
> jamielinux graphite-web
> jchaloup   python-anymarkup python-anymarkup-core
> jcline     matrix-synapse python-crochet
> jgrulich   kdevelop-python
> jhogarth   certbot python-certbot-apache python-certbot-nginx
> python-junit_xml
> jkastner   freecad
> jpopelka   python-utmp
> jreznik    python-pyside shiboken
> jspaleta   dee
> jsteffan   graphite-web
> jujens     python-agate python-agate-dbf python-agate-excel python-agate-sql
> python-csvkit
> jussilehtola pybind11
> kad        uwsgi
> ktdreyer   python-jenkins-job-builder
> kwizart    blender player
> lbazan     python-chaospy python-elephant python-missingno python-mne-bids
> python-neurosynth transifex-client
> lkundrak   coreboot-utils
> logic      python-certbot-dns-rfc2136
> lupinix    python-astroML python-astroML-addons python-astropy-healpix
> python-astroscrappy python-ccdproc python-gatspy python-reproject
> python-scikit-learn
> luya       blender
> maha       python-onionbalance
> mathstuf   vdirsyncer
> matt       condor
> matyas     condor
> mayorga    python-slugify
> mbaldessari vdirsyncer
> mikeb      python-cheetah
> mikep      pocketsphinx
> minh       kdevelop-python
> mluscon    zookeeper
> mrunge     python-django-appconf python-django-pyscss python-gnocchiclient
> python-pint
> mskalick   python-cheetah
> mulhern    python-dbus-python-client-gen
> nb         certbot python-certbot-apache python-certbot-dns-cloudflare
> python-certbot-dns-cloudxns python-certbot-dns-digitalocean
> python-certbot-dns-dnsimple python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy
> python-certbot-dns-google python-certbot-dns-luadns python-certbot-dns-nsone
> python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 python-certbot-dns-route53 python-certbot-nginx
> znc
> notting    gnucash
> orion      gdl paraview python-envisage python-scikit-image
> yubikey-piv-manager
> pabelanger python-jenkins-job-builder
> panovotn   python-cheetah
> pbrobinson libcec mraa upm
> peter      coreboot-utils
> piotrp     graphite-api graphite-web python-structlog python-whitenoise
> pkilambi   python-gnocchiclient
> qulogic    ocrmypdf python-cartopy python-dask python-geoplot python-libpysal
> python-mplcairo python-mplcursors python-pikepdf python-xarray
> ralph      datagrepper python-jira python-logging-tree
> python-zope-contenttype
> rathann    python-OBD python-Pympler python-asynctest
> rdieter    libunity python-pyside shiboken
> rebus      dionaea
> rjones     coccinelle
> rmattes    player
> roma       blender
> s4504kr    blender
> sagitter   paraview
> salimma    python-cliapp
> sergiopr   python-joblib python-photutils python-pywt python-scikit-image
> python-scikit-learn
> sharkcz    python-simpleeval
> skottler   zookeeper
> slaanesh   blender
> spot       dee
> stevetraylen condor python-jira
> suanand    python-sphinx-autobuild
> tachoknight swift-lang
> than       python-pyside shiboken
> thm        python-gfm
> thofmann   clingo
> timn       player
> tstclair   condor zookeeper
> ttheisen   condor
> ttorling   player
> tuju       python-utmp
> valtri     condor
> vpopovic   python-alchimia
> zbyszek    python-asttokens python-flake8-import-order python-mdp
> zdohnal    python-pikepdf
> zultron    freecad
> Thanks for your help,
> --
> Miro Hrončok
> --
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok
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