I just noticed that the Fedora ethereal rpm requests net-snmp support but it is never actually turned on. If this is a bug, the solution is to explicitly enable the ssl crypto library; then net-snmp support will compile in too. Also, I've found the concurrent dns feature quite handy and have had success compiling against Dag's adns rpm. I've not bothered to try the one in extras. Current: Compiled with GLib 2.4.8, with libpcap 0.8.3, with libz, without libpcre, without UCD-SNMP or Net-SNMP, without ADNS. Proposed: Compiled with GLib 2.4.8, with libpcap 0.8.3, with libz, without libpcre, with Net-SNMP 5.1.2, with ADNS. Linked is an example diff which also includes a few missing build deps. http://www.greenkey.net/~curtis/rpm/src/SPECPATCH/ethereal-0.10.9/ethereal.spec.patch.html ../C