Re: Orphaned packages to be retired

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Could you please also send a list of retired packages after you pull the



Dne 01. 04. 19 v 23:17 Miro Hrončok napsal(a):
> The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
> are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know
> for sure
> that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper
> reason:
> Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the
> affected
> packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected
> package or
> retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise
> your
> package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.
> Grep the list for your FAS name, follow the transitive deps:
> Request package ownership via releng ticket:
>             Package                      (co)maintainers          
> Status Change
> ================================================================================
> PyMca                             orphan                           0
> weeks ago
> Ray                               orphan                           0
> weeks ago
> SimplyHTML                        mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> aether-connector-okhttp           galileo, mizdebsk, orphan        7
> weeks ago
> antlr3                            dchen, lef, mizdebsk,            7
> weeks ago
>                                   mjakubicek, orphan, walters
> apache-commons-csv                lef, mizdebsk, orphan, spike     7
> weeks ago
> apache-commons-el                 fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,       7
> weeks ago
>                                   spike
> apache-commons-fileupload         jerboaa, mizdebsk, mmraka,       7
> weeks ago
>                                   orphan, spike
> apache-james-project              lef, mizdebsk, orphan            7
> weeks ago
> apache-logging-parent             mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> apache-mime4j                     lef, mizdebsk, orphan            7
> weeks ago
> arc-theme                         besser82, dbenoit, orphan        0
> weeks ago
> args4j                            jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> bea-stax                          jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> c3p0                              dchen, lef, orphan               7
> weeks ago
> cmusphinx3                        jjames, orphan                   4
> weeks ago
> codemodel                         gil, mizdebsk, orphan            7
> weeks ago
> cwiid                             orphan                           0
> weeks ago
> decentxml                         mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> devilspie                         orphan                           6
> weeks ago
> geronimo-jms                      mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> geronimo-jta                      mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> glassfish-dtd-parser              gil, mizdebsk, orphan            7
> weeks ago
> glassfish-fastinfoset             gil, mizdebsk, orphan            7
> weeks ago
> glassfish-jaxb                    mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> glassfish-jsp                     mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> gnue-common                       orphan                           0
> weeks ago
> icu4j                             akurtakov, fnasser, kdaniel,     7
> weeks ago
>                                   lef, mizdebsk, orphan
> iris                              kde-sig, orphan, rdieter,        6
> weeks ago
>                                   slankes
> istack-commons                    mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> jackson                           gil, mizdebsk, orphan            7
> weeks ago
> jam-control                       orphan                           0
> weeks ago
> java-service-wrapper              arg, gil, lef, mizdebsk,         7
> weeks ago
>                                   orphan
> jchardet                          mizdebsk, orion, orphan          7
> weeks ago
> jdepend                           goldmann, jcapik, mizdebsk,      7
> weeks ago
>                                   orphan
> jeromq                            mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> jettison                          davidx, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> jetty-parent                      mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> jetty-version-maven-plugin        mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> jetty8                            eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan,   7
> weeks ago
>                                   pmackinn
> jmapviewer                        mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> jortho                            mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> jsr-311                           gil, mizdebsk, orphan            7
> weeks ago
> jvnet-parent                      mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> keybinder                         ohaessler, orphan                6
> weeks ago
> kohsuke-pom                       lef, mizdebsk, msrb, orphan      7
> weeks ago
> libkexif                          orphan, rdieter                  6
> weeks ago
> lightdm-gtk                       cwickert, dbenoit, orphan,       0
> weeks ago
>                                   rdieter
> log4j                             devrim, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> maven-archetype                   mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-file-management             mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-gpg-plugin                  mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-idea-plugin                 mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-indexer                     galileo, mizdebsk, orphan        7
> weeks ago
> maven-osgi                        mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-reporting-exec              mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-repository-builder          mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-shared-jar                  mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-site-plugin                 mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-stapler-plugin              mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> maven-toolchains-plugin           mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> mchange-commons                   mmraka, orphan                   7
> weeks ago
> mingw-webkitgtk                   epienbro, orphan, pfor           6
> weeks ago
> mingw-webkitgtk3                  epienbro, orphan, pfor           6
> weeks ago
> mnemonicsetter                    mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> netty                             ctubbsii, lef, mizdebsk,         7
> weeks ago
>                                   orphan
> nodejs-after                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-alter                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-ansi-font                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-ansidiff                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-archiver                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-archiver-utils             nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-array-uniq                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-ast-traverse               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-ast-types                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-astral                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-astral-angular-annotate    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-astral-pass                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-async-cache                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-async-each                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-aws-sign2                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-base64-js                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-basic-auth-parser          nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-bl                         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-bluebird                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-breakable                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-camel-case                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-caniuse-db                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-change-case                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-clean-css                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-clone                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-cls                        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-co                         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-commoner                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-compress-commons           nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-console-browserify         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-constant-case              nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-crc32-stream               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-dashdash                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-date-now                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-deferred                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-defs                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-degenerator                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-dom-serializer             nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-domelementtype             nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-domhandler                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-domutils                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-dot-case                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-dreamopt                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-each-async                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-entities                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-etag                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-extend                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-extsprintf                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-far                        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-fd                         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-fg-lodash                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-file-uri-to-path           nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-fn-name                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-formatio                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-fs2                        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-ftp                        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-generate-function          nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-generate-object-property   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-get-stdin                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-get-uri                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-angular-templates    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-contrib-connect      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-contrib-cssmin       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-contrib-htmlmin      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-contrib-less         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-contrib-requirejs    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-known-options        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-saucelabs            nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-util-args            nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-util-options         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-util-process         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-grunt-util-property        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-har-validator              nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-hash_file                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-hock                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-html-minifier              nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-https-proxy-agent          nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-install                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-is-lower-case              nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-is-my-json-valid           nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-is-property                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-is-typedarray              nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-is-upper-case              nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-isstream                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-istanbul                   nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-jison                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-jsonpointer                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-log-symbols                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-lolex                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-lower-case                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-lower-case-first           nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-mkfiletree                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-multiline                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-next                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-onetime                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-oop                        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-opn                        nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-pac-proxy-agent            nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-pac-resolver               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-param-case                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-parserlib                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-pascal-case                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-path-case                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-path-exists                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-pend                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-pify                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-portscanner                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-private                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-proxy                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-recast                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-regenerator                nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-relateurl                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-requestretry               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-require-directory          nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-run-parallel-limit         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-safe-buffer                nodejs-sig, orphan, pnemade      2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-samsam                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-sauce-tunnel               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-saucelabs                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-sentence-case              nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-sinon                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-smart-buffer               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-snake-case                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-socks-client               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-socks-proxy-agent          nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-st                         nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-std-mocks                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-stream-equal               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-stream-to-array            nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-streamsink                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-string                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-stringstream               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-strip-indent               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-supports-color             nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-swap-case                  nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-tar-stream                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-title-case                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-tough-cookie               nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-upper-case                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-upper-case-first           nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-util                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-vary                       nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-verror                     nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-xregexp                    nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-yargs                      nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> nodejs-zip-stream                 nodejs-sig, orphan               2
> weeks ago
> okio                              galileo, mizdebsk, orphan        7
> weeks ago
> os-maven-plugin                   ctubbsii, mizdebsk, orphan       7
> weeks ago
> plexus-digest                     jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> plexus-resources                  jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> prover9                           orphan                           0
> weeks ago
> python-django-notifications-hq    orphan                           1
> weeks ago
> python-jabberbot                  orphan                           0
> weeks ago
> python-port-for                   orphan                           1
> weeks ago
> python-urwid                      fabiand, lmacken, orphan         6
> weeks ago
> qblade                            orphan                           4
> weeks ago
> qcodeedit                         orphan                           6
> weeks ago
> rubygem-capybara_minitest_spec    orphan                           7
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fakeweb                   orphan                           6
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog                       orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-atmos                 orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-brightbox             orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-ecloud                orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-profitbricks          orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-radosgw               orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-riakcs                orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-sakuracloud           orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-serverlove            orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-softlayer             orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-storm_on_demand       orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-terremark             orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-vmfusion              orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-fog-voxel                 orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-jnunemaker-matchy         orphan, tdawson                  1
> weeks ago
> rubygem-kaminari                  orphan                           2
> weeks ago
> rubygem-map                       orphan                           1
> weeks ago
> rubygem-multipart                 orphan                           3
> weeks ago
> rubygem-rabl                      orphan                           4
> weeks ago
> rubygem-rails-observers           orphan                           7
> weeks ago
> rubygem-riot                      orphan                           4
> weeks ago
> sketch                            orphan                           86
> weeks ago
> sphinxbase                        jjames, orphan                   4
> weeks ago
> sphinxtrain                       jjames, orphan                   4
> weeks ago
> stax2-api                         jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> stringtemplate4                   lef, mizdebsk, mjakubicek,       7
> weeks ago
>                                   orphan
> superkaramba                      jreznik, kde-sig, orphan,        6
> weeks ago
>                                   rdieter, than
> synaptic                          moceap, orphan                   4
> weeks ago
> takari-archiver                   dchen, mizdebsk, orphan          7
> weeks ago
> takari-filemanager                dchen, galileo, mizdebsk,        7
> weeks ago
>                                   orphan
> takari-incrementalbuild           dchen, mizdebsk, orphan          7
> weeks ago
> takari-lifecycle                  dchen, mizdebsk, orphan          7
> weeks ago
> takari-plugin-testing             mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> takari-pom                        mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> takari-tycho-support              mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> thermald                          dbenoit, orphan                  0
> weeks ago
> txw2                              mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> wicd                              orphan                           6
> weeks ago
> woodstox-core                     jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> workrave                          lzap, orphan                     1
> weeks ago
> xcdroast                          orphan                           5
> weeks ago
> xml-maven-plugin                  ke4qqq, mizdebsk, orphan         7
> weeks ago
> xmlrpc                            gil, kdaniel, mizdebsk, orphan   7
> weeks ago
> xsom                              mizdebsk, orphan                 7
> weeks ago
> The following packages require above mentioned packages:
>   This list was arguable too long so it is left outside this e-mail at:
>   Grep it if your FAS name: It shows transitive dependencies.
>   If your FAS name is in here, you will be affected if you don't take
> action.
> Packages already retired today:
>   SimplyHTML aether-connector-okhttp antlr3 apache-commons-el
>   apache-james-project apache-mime4j args4j codemodel decentxml
>   geronimo-jta glassfish-dtd-parser glassfish-fastinfoset
>   glassfish-jaxb glassfish-jsp istack-commons jackson
> java-service-wrapper
>   jchardet jdepend jmapviewer jortho jsr-311 kohsuke-pom maven-archetype
>   maven-gpg-plugin maven-idea-plugin maven-indexer maven-osgi
>   maven-reporting-exec maven-repository-builder maven-shared-jar
>   maven-site-plugin maven-stapler-plugin maven-toolchains-plugin
>   mnemonicsetter okio plexus-digest plexus-resources
>   rubygem-capybara_minitest_spec rubygem-rails-observers stax2-api
>   stringtemplate4 takari-archiver takari-filemanager
>   takari-incrementalbuild takari-lifecycle takari-plugin-testing
>   takari-pom takari-tycho-support txw2 xml-maven-plugin xsom
> Affected (co)maintainers
> abbra: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> acaringi: stax2-api, jsr-311, log4j, netty, apache-commons-csv,
> apache-logging-parent, jackson, stringtemplate4, antlr3, jeromq,
> maven-site-plugin, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> adamwill: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone
> aeperezt: rubygem-fakeweb
> akurtakov: jetty-version-maven-plugin, apache-commons-fileupload,
> xml-maven-plugin, icu4j, decentxml, glassfish-jsp, netty, xmlrpc,
> jetty8, apache-mime4j, kohsuke-pom, args4j, jettison, jdepend,
> maven-file-management, apache-commons-el, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> alt-gtk-de-sig: lightdm-gtk
> anishpatil: nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-set-immediate-shim,
> nodejs-bluebird
> arg: icu4j, java-service-wrapper, geronimo-jta, geronimo-jms, jettison
> arobinso: apache-commons-fileupload, decentxml, icu4j, glassfish-jsp,
> xmlrpc, apache-mime4j, kohsuke-pom, args4j, xml-maven-plugin,
> apache-commons-el
> awood: apache-commons-fileupload, xmlrpc
> besser82: arc-theme, lightdm-gtk, maven-file-management
> bowlofeggs: args4j, nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options
> brolley: apache-commons-fileupload, xmlrpc
> brouhaha: stringtemplate4, antlr3
> caniszczyk: args4j, kohsuke-pom
> coolsvap: geronimo-jms
> ctubbsii: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> plexus-resources, jetty-parent, jetty8, txw2, apache-logging-parent,
> istack-commons, nodejs-array-uniq, nodejs-path-exists, netty,
> nodejs-bluebird, glassfish-fastinfoset, stax2-api, jsr-311,
> glassfish-jsp, nodejs-grunt-known-options, geronimo-jms, jettison,
> jdepend, log4j, apache-commons-csv, codemodel, glassfish-jaxb,
> jackson, jeromq, xsom, maven-file-management, apache-commons-el,
> maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> cwickert: lightdm-gtk, keybinder
> davidx: jettison, jvnet-parent, woodstox-core, bea-stax
> dbenoit: arc-theme, lightdm-gtk, thermald
> dbhole: apache-commons-fileupload, bea-stax, decentxml, icu4j,
> glassfish-jsp, xml-maven-plugin, apache-commons-el
> dcallagh: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-clone,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-yargs, nodejs-bluebird,
> nodejs-string, nodejs-grunt-known-options
> dchen: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> plexus-resources, maven-archetype, jetty8, apache-logging-parent,
> c3p0, antlr3, istack-commons, maven-site-plugin, mchange-commons,
> woodstox-core, takari-plugin-testing, netty, args4j, xml-maven-plugin,
> glassfish-fastinfoset, bea-stax, stax2-api, takari-incrementalbuild,
> jsr-311, jvnet-parent, xmlrpc, maven-gpg-plugin, maven-reporting-exec,
> java-service-wrapper, geronimo-jta, kohsuke-pom, stringtemplate4,
> geronimo-jms, jettison, takari-pom, takari-lifecycle,
> apache-commons-fileupload, takari-archiver, icu4j, log4j,
> takari-filemanager, jchardet, maven-idea-plugin, apache-commons-csv,
> codemodel, apache-mime4j, glassfish-jaxb, jackson, jeromq, xsom,
> maven-file-management, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> decathorpe: jetty-version-maven-plugin, jetty-parent, jetty8,
> apache-logging-parent, c3p0, nodejs-array-uniq, mchange-commons,
> woodstox-core, netty, nodejs-supports-color,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, bea-stax, jvnet-parent, xmlrpc,
> geronimo-jms, jettison, apache-commons-fileupload, icu4j, log4j,
> apache-commons-csv, jeromq, maven-file-management, os-maven-plugin
> denisarnaud: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> jetty-parent, jetty8, txw2, istack-commons, netty,
> glassfish-fastinfoset, stax2-api, jsr-311, glassfish-jsp,
> geronimo-jms, jettison, codemodel, glassfish-jaxb, jackson, xsom,
> maven-file-management, apache-commons-el, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> devrim: log4j, netty, apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent,
> jeromq, woodstox-core, os-maven-plugin
> dgoodwin: apache-commons-fileupload, xmlrpc
> dmalcolm: icu4j, netty, os-maven-plugin
> dmoluguw: jdepend
> dominik: jsr-311, jackson, stax2-api, maven-gpg-plugin
> dwalluck: apache-commons-csv, log4j, apache-logging-parent, jeromq
> ebaron: apache-commons-fileupload, decentxml, icu4j, glassfish-jsp,
> xml-maven-plugin, apache-commons-el
> eclipse-sig: jetty-version-maven-plugin, maven-archetype, jetty8,
> jetty-parent, c3p0, okio, mchange-commons, takari-plugin-testing,
> netty, args4j, xml-maven-plugin, maven-indexer,
> takari-incrementalbuild, glassfish-jsp, xmlrpc, kohsuke-pom, jettison,
> takari-pom, takari-lifecycle, apache-commons-fileupload,
> takari-archiver, decentxml, icu4j, jchardet, apache-mime4j,
> takari-tycho-support, aether-connector-okhttp, apache-commons-el,
> maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> edewata: apache-commons-fileupload, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> glassfish-fastinfoset, stax2-api, jsr-311, netty, xmlrpc,
> apache-mime4j, c3p0, glassfish-jaxb, jackson, xsom, jettison,
> istack-commons, mchange-commons, os-maven-plugin
> ellert: log4j, nodejs-yargs, maven-gpg-plugin, apache-commons-csv,
> apache-logging-parent, nodejs-string, jeromq, args4j
> epienbro: mingw-webkitgtk3, mingw-webkitgtk
> eseyman: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone, stringtemplate4, antlr3,
> geronimo-jms
> fab: python-jabberbot
> fabiand: python-urwid
> fcami: jdepend, nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> fnasser: icu4j, log4j, apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent,
> jeromq, apache-commons-el
> fsimonce: jsr-311, jackson, stax2-api, maven-gpg-plugin
> fszymanski: python-urwid
> galileo: maven-indexer, takari-archiver, icu4j, log4j,
> takari-incrementalbuild, takari-filemanager, jchardet,
> maven-archetype, nodejs-bluebird, takari-plugin-testing,
> apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent, jeromq, args4j, okio,
> aether-connector-okhttp, takari-pom, takari-lifecycle
> gchamoul: python-urwid
> gil: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> plexus-resources, maven-archetype, jetty-parent, jetty8, txw2,
> apache-logging-parent, c3p0, antlr3, okio, istack-commons,
> maven-site-plugin, mchange-commons, woodstox-core,
> takari-plugin-testing, netty, args4j, xml-maven-plugin,
> glassfish-fastinfoset, bea-stax, stax2-api, jsr-311, xmlrpc,
> jvnet-parent, plexus-digest, takari-incrementalbuild,
> maven-gpg-plugin, maven-reporting-exec, java-service-wrapper,
> geronimo-jta, kohsuke-pom, stringtemplate4, geronimo-jms, jettison,
> jdepend, takari-pom, takari-lifecycle, maven-shared-jar,
> apache-commons-fileupload, apache-james-project, takari-archiver,
> icu4j, log4j, jchardet, maven-idea-plugin, codemodel,
> apache-commons-csv, jackson, apache-mime4j, glassfish-jaxb, jeromq,
> xsom, maven-file-management, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> goldmann: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> plexus-resources, jetty-parent, jetty8, apache-logging-parent, c3p0,
> antlr3, istack-commons, maven-site-plugin, mchange-commons,
> woodstox-core, netty, xml-maven-plugin, glassfish-fastinfoset,
> bea-stax, stax2-api, jsr-311, jvnet-parent, xmlrpc, maven-gpg-plugin,
> maven-reporting-exec, java-service-wrapper, geronimo-jta, kohsuke-pom,
> stringtemplate4, geronimo-jms, jettison, jdepend,
> apache-commons-fileupload, icu4j, log4j, maven-idea-plugin,
> apache-commons-csv, codemodel, apache-mime4j, glassfish-jaxb, jackson,
> jeromq, xsom, maven-file-management, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> grover: python-urwid
> guidograzioli: maven-file-management
> gwei3: jetty-version-maven-plugin, jetty8, codemodel, jettison,
> istack-commons, maven-osgi
> halfie: python-urwid
> hhorak: stax2-api, jsr-311, log4j, netty, apache-commons-csv,
> geronimo-jta, apache-logging-parent, jackson, c3p0, antlr3, jeromq,
> stringtemplate4, maven-site-plugin, mchange-commons, maven-osgi,
> os-maven-plugin
> hubbitus: stringtemplate4, antlr3, geronimo-jms
> humaton: nodejs-clone
> huwang: maven-shared-jar, plexus-digest, maven-file-management,
> plexus-resources
> ignatenkobrain: nodejs-clean-css
> ignotusp: python-urwid, wicd
> ipa-maint: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> irina: nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-set-immediate-shim,
> maven-reporting-exec, geronimo-jms, maven-site-plugin
> itamarjp: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone
> jamielinux: nodejs-is-my-json-valid, nodejs-stream-to-array,
> nodejs-tough-cookie, nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-requestretry,
> nodejs-is-property, nodejs-co, nodejs-array-uniq, nodejs-util,
> nodejs-path-exists, nodejs-sinon, nodejs-dreamopt,
> nodejs-generate-function, nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-is-typedarray,
> nodejs-bluebird, nodejs-istanbul, nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl,
> nodejs-formatio, nodejs-string, args4j, nodejs-supports-color,
> nodejs-clone, nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-after,
> nodejs-aws-sign2, nodejs-fg-lodash, nodejs-jsonpointer, nodejs-vary,
> nodejs-extend, nodejs-grunt-known-options, nodejs-har-validator,
> nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-entities, nodejs-lolex, nodejs-isstream,
> nodejs-hash_file, nodejs-yargs, nodejs-generate-object-property,
> nodejs-samsam, nodejs-etag
> jaruga: nodejs-yargs, nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-string,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim
> java-sig: glassfish-dtd-parser, plexus-resources, c3p0,
> maven-site-plugin, istack-commons, mchange-commons, woodstox-core,
> netty, xml-maven-plugin, glassfish-fastinfoset, bea-stax, stax2-api,
> jvnet-parent, maven-gpg-plugin, maven-reporting-exec, geronimo-jta,
> geronimo-jms, jettison, icu4j, maven-idea-plugin, apache-mime4j,
> glassfish-jaxb, xsom, maven-file-management, os-maven-plugin
> jcapik: apache-commons-fileupload, bea-stax, plexus-resources,
> stax2-api, plexus-digest, xmlrpc, kohsuke-pom, args4j, jdepend,
> woodstox-core, maven-file-management
> jdeluyck: nodejs-archiver, nodejs-compress-commons, nodejs-tar-stream,
> nodejs-zip-stream, nodejs-archiver-utils, nodejs-crc32-stream
> jerboaa: apache-commons-fileupload, plexus-resources, decentxml,
> icu4j, glassfish-jsp, log4j, netty, maven-gpg-plugin,
> maven-idea-plugin, apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent,
> kohsuke-pom, jeromq, geronimo-jms, args4j, xml-maven-plugin,
> apache-commons-el, os-maven-plugin
> jgu: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> jhogarth: nodejs-clean-css
> jhrozek: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> jjames: sphinxbase, sphinxtrain, cmusphinx3, stringtemplate4, antlr3
> jjanco: stax2-api, jsr-311, netty, apache-commons-csv, geronimo-jta,
> jackson, c3p0, antlr3, stringtemplate4, maven-site-plugin,
> mchange-commons, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> jjelen: log4j, apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent, jeromq,
> woodstox-core, maven-file-management
> jjohnstn: jetty-version-maven-plugin, apache-commons-fileupload,
> bea-stax, decentxml, icu4j, glassfish-jsp, xmlrpc, jetty8,
> apache-mime4j, kohsuke-pom, args4j, jettison, xml-maven-plugin,
> apache-commons-el, maven-osgi
> jkang: jvnet-parent
> jkastner: stringtemplate4, antlr3
> jmatthews: icu4j, netty, os-maven-plugin
> jonny: jsr-311, netty, okio, os-maven-plugin
> jouty: keybinder
> jreznik: superkaramba
> jsmith: nodejs-breakable, nodejs-is-my-json-valid,
> nodejs-stream-to-array, nodejs-tough-cookie, nodejs-extsprintf,
> nodejs-parserlib, nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-is-property,
> nodejs-regenerator, nodejs-co, nodejs-array-uniq, nodejs-domutils,
> nodejs-ast-traverse, nodejs-recast, nodejs-util,
> nodejs-domelementtype, nodejs-path-exists, nodejs-sinon,
> nodejs-dreamopt, nodejs-domhandler, nodejs-generate-function,
> nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-is-typedarray, nodejs-strip-indent,
> nodejs-bluebird, nodejs-istanbul, nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl,
> nodejs-formatio, nodejs-string, nodejs-commoner, nodejs-samsam,
> nodejs-onetime, args4j, nodejs-next, nodejs-private, nodejs-defs,
> nodejs-deferred, nodejs-far, nodejs-cls, nodejs-clone,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-after, nodejs-aws-sign2,
> nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-dom-serializer, nodejs-jsonpointer,
> nodejs-fs2, nodejs-vary, nodejs-ast-types, nodejs-extend,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options, nodejs-alter, nodejs-har-validator,
> nodejs-each-async, nodejs-oop, nodejs-entities, nodejs-get-stdin,
> nodejs-lolex, nodejs-isstream, nodejs-hash_file, nodejs-log-symbols,
> nodejs-yargs, nodejs-generate-object-property, nodejs-pify,
> nodejs-async-each, nodejs-verror
> jvanek: icu4j, netty, stringtemplate4, antlr3, geronimo-jms,
> maven-file-management, os-maven-plugin
> kashyapc: python-urwid
> kdaniel: jetty-version-maven-plugin, plexus-resources, jetty-parent,
> jetty8, c3p0, mchange-commons, netty, args4j, xml-maven-plugin,
> xmlrpc, glassfish-jsp, jvnet-parent, maven-gpg-plugin, kohsuke-pom,
> jettison, jdepend, apache-commons-fileupload, icu4j, decentxml,
> maven-idea-plugin, apache-mime4j, maven-file-management,
> apache-commons-el, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> kde-sig: superkaramba, iris
> ke4qqq: xml-maven-plugin, maven-idea-plugin, maven-gpg-plugin,
> plexus-resources
> kiilerix: python-urwid
> kumarpraveen: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-string, nodejs-clone, nodejs-yargs
> kwizart: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone
> lberk: apache-commons-fileupload, xmlrpc
> leamas: maven-repository-builder, maven-file-management
> lef: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> plexus-resources, jetty-parent, jetty8, apache-logging-parent, c3p0,
> antlr3, istack-commons, maven-site-plugin, mchange-commons,
> woodstox-core, netty, xml-maven-plugin, glassfish-fastinfoset,
> bea-stax, stax2-api, jsr-311, glassfish-jsp, jvnet-parent, xmlrpc,
> maven-gpg-plugin, maven-reporting-exec, java-service-wrapper,
> geronimo-jta, kohsuke-pom, stringtemplate4, geronimo-jms, jettison,
> jdepend, apache-commons-fileupload, apache-james-project, icu4j,
> decentxml, log4j, maven-idea-plugin, apache-commons-csv, codemodel,
> apache-mime4j, glassfish-jaxb, jackson, jeromq, xsom,
> maven-file-management, apache-commons-el, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> lgao: codemodel, jdepend, glassfish-dtd-parser
> limb: nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-set-immediate-shim,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options, nodejs-bluebird
> lkundrak: icu4j, netty, os-maven-plugin
> lmacken: python-urwid
> lzap: workrave, rubygem-fakeweb
> martinkg: nodejs-after
> mathstuf: python-urwid
> maxamillion: python-urwid
> mbaldessari: python-urwid
> mbooth: plexus-resources, maven-archetype, okio,
> takari-plugin-testing, netty, args4j, xml-maven-plugin, maven-indexer,
> bea-stax, takari-incrementalbuild, glassfish-jsp, jvnet-parent,
> maven-gpg-plugin, kohsuke-pom, takari-pom, takari-lifecycle,
> apache-commons-fileupload, takari-archiver, decentxml, icu4j,
> jchardet, maven-idea-plugin, apache-mime4j, takari-tycho-support,
> aether-connector-okhttp, apache-commons-el, os-maven-plugin
> melmorabity: stringtemplate4, antlr3
> mgoodwin: apache-commons-fileupload, xmlrpc
> mikep: sphinxbase
> milleruntime: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> jetty-parent, jetty8, txw2, apache-logging-parent, istack-commons,
> netty, glassfish-fastinfoset, stax2-api, jsr-311, glassfish-jsp,
> geronimo-jms, jettison, log4j, apache-commons-csv, codemodel,
> glassfish-jaxb, jackson, jeromq, xsom, maven-file-management,
> apache-commons-el, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> minh: python-urwid, wicd
> mizdebsk: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> plexus-resources, maven-archetype, jetty-parent, jetty8, txw2,
> apache-logging-parent, c3p0, antlr3, okio, istack-commons, jortho,
> maven-site-plugin, woodstox-core, mchange-commons,
> takari-plugin-testing, netty, jmapviewer, maven-repository-builder,
> args4j, maven-stapler-plugin, xml-maven-plugin,
> maven-toolchains-plugin, glassfish-fastinfoset, maven-indexer,
> bea-stax, stax2-api, jsr-311, glassfish-jsp, jvnet-parent,
> plexus-digest, takari-incrementalbuild, maven-gpg-plugin,
> maven-reporting-exec, java-service-wrapper, geronimo-jta, xmlrpc,
> kohsuke-pom, stringtemplate4, geronimo-jms, jettison, jdepend,
> takari-pom, takari-lifecycle, maven-shared-jar,
> apache-commons-fileupload, apache-james-project, mnemonicsetter,
> takari-archiver, decentxml, icu4j, log4j, takari-filemanager,
> jchardet, maven-idea-plugin, apache-commons-csv, codemodel,
> apache-mime4j, glassfish-jaxb, jackson, jeromq, takari-tycho-support,
> SimplyHTML, xsom, aether-connector-okhttp, maven-file-management,
> apache-commons-el, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> mjakubicek: geronimo-jta, stringtemplate4, c3p0, antlr3, mchange-commons
> mkosek: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> mlombard: python-urwid
> mmorsi: apache-commons-fileupload, xmlrpc
> mmraka: apache-commons-fileupload, mchange-commons
> moceap: synaptic, maven-reporting-exec, geronimo-jta, geronimo-jms,
> maven-site-plugin
> mrunge: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone, nodejs-grunt-known-options
> mschorm: apache-commons-csv, geronimo-jta, mchange-commons, c3p0
> msimacek: bea-stax, icu4j, jettison, woodstox-core, maven-file-management
> mskalick: netty, os-maven-plugin
> mso: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone
> msrb: jetty-version-maven-plugin, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> plexus-resources, maven-archetype, jetty-parent, jetty8, txw2,
> apache-logging-parent, istack-commons, woodstox-core, args4j,
> maven-stapler-plugin, xml-maven-plugin, glassfish-fastinfoset,
> bea-stax, stax2-api, xmlrpc, maven-gpg-plugin, kohsuke-pom, jettison,
> jdepend, apache-commons-fileupload, icu4j, log4j, jchardet,
> maven-idea-plugin, apache-commons-csv, codemodel, glassfish-jaxb,
> xsom, jeromq, maven-osgi
> nathans: apache-commons-fileupload, xmlrpc
> neuro-sig: apache-commons-csv, log4j, apache-logging-parent, jeromq
> ngompa: python-urwid
> nodejs-sig: nodejs-astral, nodejs-parserlib, nodejs-zip-stream,
> nodejs-requestretry, nodejs-co, nodejs-grunt-util-property,
> nodejs-domutils, nodejs-recast, nodejs-socks-client, nodejs-swap-case,
> nodejs-astral-pass, nodejs-sinon, nodejs-generate-function,
> nodejs-path-case, nodejs-istanbul, nodejs-pend, nodejs-onetime,
> nodejs-camel-case, nodejs-stream-equal, nodejs-supports-color,
> nodejs-grunt-angular-templates, nodejs-title-case, nodejs-clean-css,
> nodejs-proxy, nodejs-get-stdin, nodejs-lolex, nodejs-isstream,
> nodejs-hash_file, nodejs-log-symbols, nodejs-change-case,
> nodejs-tar-stream, nodejs-grunt-contrib-htmlmin,
> nodejs-grunt-util-options, nodejs-etag, nodejs-stream-to-array,
> nodejs-tough-cookie, nodejs-ansi-font, nodejs-archiver-utils,
> nodejs-is-lower-case, nodejs-regenerator, nodejs-ast-traverse,
> nodejs-st, nodejs-path-exists, nodejs-is-typedarray,
> nodejs-grunt-util-process, nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-commoner,
> nodejs-pac-resolver, nodejs-private, nodejs-dashdash, nodejs-deferred,
> nodejs-cls, nodejs-aws-sign2, nodejs-ftp, nodejs-fg-lodash,
> nodejs-ansidiff, nodejs-date-now, nodejs-dom-serializer,
> nodejs-jsonpointer, nodejs-lower-case, nodejs-saucelabs,
> nodejs-ast-types, nodejs-grunt-known-options, nodejs-entities,
> nodejs-run-parallel-limit, nodejs-relateurl, nodejs-pac-proxy-agent,
> nodejs-samsam, nodejs-breakable, nodejs-is-my-json-valid,
> nodejs-astral-angular-annotate, nodejs-file-uri-to-path,
> nodejs-extsprintf, nodejs-fd, nodejs-lower-case-first,
> nodejs-grunt-contrib-less, nodejs-hock, nodejs-caniuse-db, nodejs-opn,
> nodejs-is-upper-case, nodejs-util, nodejs-domhandler,
> nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-formatio, nodejs-upper-case,
> nodejs-pascal-case, nodejs-fn-name, nodejs-streamsink, nodejs-far,
> nodejs-clone, nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-after,
> nodejs-smart-buffer, nodejs-fs2, nodejs-constant-case, nodejs-vary,
> nodejs-portscanner, nodejs-alter, nodejs-grunt-util-args,
> nodejs-har-validator, nodejs-each-async, nodejs-dot-case, nodejs-oop,
> nodejs-basic-auth-parser, nodejs-grunt-contrib-connect,
> nodejs-snake-case, nodejs-generate-object-property, nodejs-xregexp,
> nodejs-verror, nodejs-sentence-case, nodejs-std-mocks,
> nodejs-upper-case-first, nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-degenerator,
> nodejs-is-property, nodejs-https-proxy-agent, nodejs-param-case,
> nodejs-grunt-contrib-requirejs, nodejs-array-uniq,
> nodejs-domelementtype, nodejs-archiver, nodejs-dreamopt,
> nodejs-compress-commons, nodejs-strip-indent, nodejs-bluebird,
> nodejs-bl, nodejs-get-uri, nodejs-string, nodejs-next, args4j,
> nodejs-defs, nodejs-mkfiletree, nodejs-install, nodejs-jison,
> nodejs-grunt-saucelabs, nodejs-extend, nodejs-grunt-contrib-cssmin,
> nodejs-crc32-stream, nodejs-sauce-tunnel, nodejs-multiline,
> nodejs-console-browserify, nodejs-async-cache, nodejs-base64-js,
> nodejs-yargs, nodejs-html-minifier, nodejs-pify, nodejs-async-each,
> nodejs-socks-proxy-agent
> nphilipp: cwiid
> ohaessler: keybinder
> oliver: apache-commons-fileupload, decentxml, icu4j, glassfish-jsp,
> xml-maven-plugin, apache-commons-el
> omajid: icu4j, jvnet-parent, netty, xmlrpc, maven-reporting-exec,
> kohsuke-pom, maven-site-plugin, os-maven-plugin
> orion: log4j, jchardet, apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent,
> jeromq, geronimo-jms, maven-file-management
> pahuang: glassfish-dtd-parser, glassfish-fastinfoset, takari-archiver,
> stax2-api, takari-plugin-testing, jsr-311, takari-incrementalbuild,
> jchardet, maven-archetype, jackson, glassfish-jaxb, xsom, jettison,
> istack-commons, takari-pom, takari-lifecycle
> patches: nodejs-is-my-json-valid, nodejs-stream-to-array,
> nodejs-tough-cookie, nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-is-property,
> nodejs-co, nodejs-array-uniq, nodejs-util, nodejs-path-exists,
> nodejs-sinon, nodejs-dreamopt, nodejs-generate-function,
> nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-is-typedarray, nodejs-bluebird,
> nodejs-istanbul, nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl, nodejs-formatio,
> nodejs-string, args4j, nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-clone,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-after, nodejs-aws-sign2,
> nodejs-jsonpointer, nodejs-vary, nodejs-extend,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options, nodejs-har-validator, nodejs-clean-css,
> nodejs-entities, nodejs-lolex, nodejs-isstream, nodejs-hash_file,
> nodejs-yargs, nodejs-generate-object-property, nodejs-samsam, nodejs-etag
> pfor: mingw-webkitgtk3, mingw-webkitgtk
> pingou: keybinder
> piotrp: nodejs-is-my-json-valid, nodejs-tough-cookie,
> nodejs-is-property, nodejs-dreamopt, nodejs-generate-function,
> nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-is-typedarray, nodejs-bluebird,
> nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl, nodejs-string,
> nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-aws-sign2,
> nodejs-jsonpointer, nodejs-extend, nodejs-grunt-known-options,
> nodejs-har-validator, nodejs-isstream, nodejs-hash_file, nodejs-yargs,
> nodejs-generate-object-property
> pjp: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-string, nodejs-clone, nodejs-yargs
> pkajaba: maven-file-management
> pmackinn: jetty-version-maven-plugin, jetty8, jetty-parent,
> apache-logging-parent, c3p0, antlr3, maven-site-plugin,
> mchange-commons, netty, glassfish-jsp, maven-reporting-exec,
> geronimo-jta, stringtemplate4, icu4j, log4j, apache-commons-csv,
> jeromq, maven-file-management, os-maven-plugin
> pnemade: nodejs-is-my-json-valid, nodejs-stream-to-array,
> nodejs-tough-cookie, nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-is-property,
> nodejs-dreamopt, nodejs-generate-function, nodejs-stringstream,
> nodejs-is-typedarray, nodejs-bluebird, nodejs-istanbul,
> nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl, nodejs-supports-color,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-aws-sign2, nodejs-jsonpointer,
> nodejs-extend, nodejs-har-validator, nodejs-isstream,
> nodejs-hash_file, nodejs-generate-object-property
> praiskup: maven-file-management
> puiterwijk: python-urwid
> pvoborni: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> raphgro: maven-reporting-exec, maven-site-plugin, keybinder
> rathann: args4j, nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone
> rcritten: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> rdieter: superkaramba, sphinxbase, sphinxtrain, libkexif, iris,
> lightdm-gtk
> rfenkhuber: apache-commons-csv, log4j, apache-logging-parent, jeromq
> rgrunber: jetty-version-maven-plugin, apache-commons-fileupload,
> decentxml, icu4j, glassfish-jsp, xmlrpc, jetty8, apache-mime4j,
> kohsuke-pom, args4j, jettison, xml-maven-plugin, apache-commons-el,
> maven-osgi
> ricardo: stax2-api, jsr-311, log4j, netty, apache-commons-csv,
> apache-logging-parent, jackson, c3p0, antlr3, jeromq, kohsuke-pom,
> stringtemplate4, jdepend, mchange-commons, maven-file-management,
> os-maven-plugin
> richardfearn: jetty-version-maven-plugin, log4j, jetty8,
> apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent, jeromq, jettison, jdepend,
> maven-osgi
> ruben: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> ruby-packagers-sig: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> sagitter: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> sdgathman: plexus-resources, jvnet-parent, maven-idea-plugin,
> maven-gpg-plugin, stringtemplate4, antlr3, xml-maven-plugin
> sdyroff: python-urwid
> sergiomb: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> sgallagh: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone, nodejs-grunt-known-options
> simo: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> siwinski: nodejs-clean-css
> skottler: icu4j, geronimo-jta, jettison, geronimo-jms
> slankes: iris
> spike: apache-commons-fileupload, plexus-resources,
> apache-commons-csv, geronimo-jta, apache-commons-el
> stewardship-sig: jetty-version-maven-plugin, jetty-parent, jetty8,
> apache-logging-parent, c3p0, nodejs-array-uniq, mchange-commons,
> woodstox-core, netty, nodejs-supports-color,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, bea-stax, jvnet-parent, xmlrpc,
> geronimo-jms, jettison, apache-commons-fileupload, icu4j, log4j,
> apache-commons-csv, jeromq, maven-file-management, os-maven-plugin
> suanand: python-port-for
> sundaram: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-string, nodejs-clone, nodejs-yargs
> tartina: cwiid
> tc01: nodejs-is-my-json-valid, nodejs-stream-to-array,
> nodejs-tough-cookie, nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-is-property,
> nodejs-util, nodejs-sinon, nodejs-dreamopt, nodejs-generate-function,
> nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-is-typedarray, nodejs-bluebird,
> nodejs-istanbul, nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl, nodejs-formatio,
> nodejs-string, nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-set-immediate-shim,
> nodejs-aws-sign2, nodejs-jsonpointer, nodejs-extend,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options, nodejs-har-validator, nodejs-lolex,
> nodejs-isstream, nodejs-hash_file, nodejs-yargs,
> nodejs-generate-object-property, nodejs-samsam
> tchaikov: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-clone
> tdawson: nodejs-is-my-json-valid, nodejs-tough-cookie,
> nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-is-property, nodejs-generate-function,
> rubygem-jnunemaker-matchy, nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-is-typedarray,
> nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl, nodejs-aws-sign2,
> nodejs-jsonpointer, geronimo-jta, nodejs-extend, geronimo-jms,
> jettison, nodejs-har-validator, icu4j, nodejs-isstream,
> nodejs-hash_file, nodejs-generate-object-property
> terjeros: python-urwid
> than: superkaramba
> tjikkun: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> tomh: nodejs-is-my-json-valid, nodejs-stream-to-array,
> nodejs-tough-cookie, nodejs-requestretry, nodejs-is-property,
> nodejs-co, nodejs-util, nodejs-sinon, nodejs-generate-function,
> nodejs-stringstream, nodejs-is-typedarray, nodejs-bluebird,
> nodejs-require-directory, nodejs-bl, nodejs-formatio, args4j,
> nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-clone, nodejs-set-immediate-shim,
> nodejs-aws-sign2, nodejs-fg-lodash, nodejs-jsonpointer, nodejs-extend,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options, nodejs-har-validator, nodejs-clean-css,
> nodejs-lolex, nodejs-isstream, nodejs-hash_file,
> nodejs-generate-object-property, nodejs-samsam, nodejs-etag
> trepik: stax2-api, jsr-311, log4j, netty, apache-commons-csv,
> apache-logging-parent, jackson, stringtemplate4, antlr3, jeromq,
> maven-site-plugin, maven-osgi, os-maven-plugin
> tstclair: jettison, jackson, jsr-311, stax2-api
> ttomecek: python-urwid
> twoerner: nodejs-string, nodejs-yargs
> vakwetu: apache-commons-fileupload, glassfish-dtd-parser,
> glassfish-fastinfoset, stax2-api, jsr-311, netty, xmlrpc,
> apache-mime4j, c3p0, glassfish-jaxb, jackson, xsom, jettison,
> istack-commons, mchange-commons, os-maven-plugin
> vjancik: nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-clone,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-stream-to-array, sphinxbase,
> sphinxtrain, nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-yargs, nodejs-bluebird,
> nodejs-string, nodejs-grunt-known-options, args4j
> vondruch: nodejs-path-exists, nodejs-yargs, nodejs-string,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options, args4j, nodejs-array-uniq
> walters: stringtemplate4, antlr3
> weli: maven-osgi, plexus-resources
> willb: apache-commons-csv, log4j, apache-logging-parent, jeromq
> williamjmorenor: args4j, nodejs-array-uniq, nodejs-path-exists,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options
> xavierb: nodejs-clean-css, nodejs-grunt-contrib-cssmin,
> nodejs-grunt-known-options
> zbyszek: log4j, apache-commons-csv, apache-logging-parent,
> kohsuke-pom, stringtemplate4, antlr3, jeromq, geronimo-jms, args4j
> zvetlik: nodejs-supports-color, nodejs-clone,
> nodejs-set-immediate-shim, nodejs-stream-to-array, nodejs-dreamopt,
> nodejs-safe-buffer, nodejs-bluebird, nodejs-istanbul
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