packages provides Re: HEADS UP: python2-sphinx is going away on Monday (2019-03-11)

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:P I just found a weird bug : 

dnf repoquery --available --whatrequires  python2-mlt

dnf repoquery  --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=rawhide --enablerepo=rpmfusion-{,non}free-rawhide --available --requires flowblade

dnf repoquery --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=rawhide --enablerepo=rpmfusion-{,non}free-rawhide --available --whatrequires  python2-mlt

None !!! ??? 

On Fri, 2019-03-08 at 19:29 +0100, Miro Hrončok wrote:
> Due to we will be
> removing 
> python2-sphinx and other related packages on Monday (2019-03-11).
> If you are Bcc'ed, your package still uses python2-sphinx on build
> time and will 
> start to FTBFS. A fix is to stop BuildRequiring it. For your
> documentation, 
> there are several options:
> 1) stop using Python 2 entirely (preferred), drop python2 subpackages
>    (if not dependent upon by other packages)
> 2) switch to python3-sphinx for building the documentation
> 3) stop building the documentation
> If you need help, please explicitly ask for it, we will not do this
> for you 
> automatically unless it would block something else.
> (The query is based on the latest rawhide compose and does not
> entirely reflect 
> the state of your spec in dist-git.)
> Maintainers by package:
> BEDTools             verdurin
> ViTables             tnorth zbyszek
> alot                 ttomecek
> apiextractor         fschwarz hobbes1069 jreznik rdieter than
> autotest-framework   cleber dzickus mkrizek
> aws                  landgraf rombobeorn
> beaker               dcallagh greghellings herlo
> bpython              maxamillion terjeros
> bro                  fab mildew pemensik
> bugzilla             eseyman itamarjp
> bzr                  hno pstodulk vvitek
> catkin               orphan rmattes thofmann
> extra-cmake-modules  cicku dvratil heliocastro lkundrak rdieter
> fedmsg               bowlofeggs
> gdeploy              ramkrsna sac
> gnuradio             jskarvad mmahut
> idris                codeblock petersen
> libmypaint           nphilipp
> mirrorbrain          averi
> mod_wsgi             jdornak jkaluza jorton lmacken mrunge
> moksha               johnp lmacken ralph
> mp                   pcpa sagitter
> nextcloud-client     germano nonamedotc
> nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins ellert jonkni
> offlineimap          cicku dodji notting teuf
> owncloud-client      anvil comzeradd elsupergomez nb
> percona-xtrabackup   pmackinn
> petsc                sagitter
> pyparsing            apevec jamatos sharkcz terjeros
> python-Bottleneck    besser82
> python-arc           cleber
> python-breathe       daveisfera
> python-case          mrunge
> python-catkin_pkg    ankursinha cottsay rmattes
> python-cloudservers  clalance imcleod
> python-dulwich       fab
> python-eventlet      abbot ignatenkobrain kevin
> python-factory-boy   jorti
> python-fedora        bowlofeggs codeblock ricky
> python-feedparser    hguemar lmacken louizatakk mcepl
> python-flask         codeblock fcami hguemar hushan ianweller
> puiterwijk
> python-funcsigs      hguemar ralph
> python-gabbi         apevec chandankumar
> python-genmsg        orphan rmattes thofmann
> python-genpy         orphan rmattes thofmann
> python-gunicorn      dcallagh
> python-hacking       mrunge social
> python-hardware      flepied
> python-hl7           ankursinha
> python-htmlmin       jujens
> python-jenkins-job-builder ignatenkobrain ktdreyer pabelanger
> python-jsonpath-rw-ext apevec hguemar pkilambi
> python-kazoo         apevec nsaje
> python-kitchen       pingou ralph
> python-larch         salimma
> python-mpd2          ankursinha
> python-mpmath        jussilehtola zbyszek
> python-netaddr       jcholast jeckersb jhrozek
> python-ngram         besser82
> python-nose_fixes    besser82
> python-nss           jdennis
> python-numpydoc      orion tomspur
> python-olefile       rebus robert smani
> python-osrf-pycommon cottsay rmattes
> python-parsley       ishcherb lbazan
> python-pathlib       apevec carlwgeorge hguemar
> python-pbr           apevec mrunge
> python-pika          icheishvili ngompa silas
> python-pillow        miminar smani
> python-pint          mrunge
> python-plaster       bowlofeggs
> python-pwntools      mikep
> python-pycares       fantom
> python-pygments      smilner
> python-pyperclip     hguemar
> python-pypump        ralph
> python-pyramid       bowlofeggs lmacken ralph rossdylan tdabasin
> python-requests-cache codeblock hobbes1069
> python-rosdep        cottsay rmattes thofmann
> python-rosdistro     cottsay rmattes thofmann
> python-rosinstall    rmattes
> python-rospkg        cottsay rmattes
> python-sane          smani
> python-scripttest    churchyard mbacovsk
> python-slixmpp       fantom louizatakk
> python-testtools     abompard kumarpraveen salimma
> python-tracing       salimma
> python-txaio         jujens
> python-txsocksx      limb
> python-vcstools      cottsay rmattes
> python-werkzeug      abompard codeblock hguemar ianweller
> python-whoosh        mstuchli rkuska sgallagh
> python-wrapt         chandankumar ralph
> python-wsgi_intercept apevec chandankumar
> python-wstool        ankursinha cottsay rmattes
> python-yaql          mflobo
> python-zope-component abompard ralph tdabasin
> python-zope-schema   abompard ralph tdabasin
> python2-django1.11   pviktori
> python2-docs         bkabrda churchyard cstratak pviktori rkuska
> torsava
> python2-matplotlib   ellert tibbs
> scipy                cstratak jspaleta orion tomspur ttomecek
> seqan2               sagitter
> shiboken             fschwarz hobbes1069 jreznik rdieter than
> swift-lang           tachoknight
> the-new-hotness      jcline
> tortoisehg           kiilerix nbecker
> tryton               sharkcz
> tsung                cicku tartare
> umit                 fab lystor
> virtio-forwarder     fbotha
> xapian-bindings      denisarnaud drago01 pbrobinson sdz
> Packages by maintainer:
> abbot      python-eventlet
> abompard   python-testtools python-werkzeug python-zope-component
> python-zope-schema
> ankursinha python-catkin_pkg python-hl7 python-mpd2 python-wstool
> anvil      owncloud-client
> apevec     pyparsing python-gabbi python-jsonpath-rw-ext python-
> kazoo 
> python-pathlib python-pbr python-wsgi_intercept
> averi      mirrorbrain
> besser82   python-Bottleneck python-ngram python-nose_fixes
> bkabrda    python2-docs
> bowlofeggs fedmsg python-fedora python-plaster python-pyramid
> carlwgeorge python-pathlib
> chandankumar python-gabbi python-wrapt python-wsgi_intercept
> churchyard python-scripttest python2-docs
> cicku      extra-cmake-modules offlineimap tsung
> clalance   python-cloudservers
> cleber     autotest-framework python-arc
> codeblock  idris python-fedora python-flask python-requests-cache
> python-werkzeug
> comzeradd  owncloud-client
> cottsay    python-catkin_pkg python-osrf-pycommon python-rosdep
> python-rosdistro 
> python-rospkg python-vcstools python-wstool
> cstratak   python2-docs scipy
> daveisfera python-breathe
> dcallagh   beaker python-gunicorn
> denisarnaud xapian-bindings
> dodji      offlineimap
> drago01    xapian-bindings
> dvratil    extra-cmake-modules
> dzickus    autotest-framework
> ellert     nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins python2-matplotlib
> elsupergomez owncloud-client
> eseyman    bugzilla
> fab        bro python-dulwich umit
> fantom     python-pycares python-slixmpp
> fbotha     virtio-forwarder
> fcami      python-flask
> flepied    python-hardware
> fschwarz   apiextractor shiboken
> germano    nextcloud-client
> greghellings beaker
> heliocastro extra-cmake-modules
> herlo      beaker
> hguemar    python-feedparser python-flask python-funcsigs python-
> jsonpath-rw-ext 
> python-pathlib python-pyperclip python-werkzeug
> hno        bzr
> hobbes1069 apiextractor python-requests-cache shiboken
> hushan     python-flask
> ianweller  python-flask python-werkzeug
> icheishvili python-pika
> ignatenkobrain python-eventlet python-jenkins-job-builder
> imcleod    python-cloudservers
> ishcherb   python-parsley
> itamarjp   bugzilla
> jamatos    pyparsing
> jcholast   python-netaddr
> jcline     the-new-hotness
> jdennis    python-nss
> jdornak    mod_wsgi
> jeckersb   python-netaddr
> jhrozek    python-netaddr
> jkaluza    mod_wsgi
> johnp      moksha
> jonkni     nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins
> jorti      python-factory-boy
> jorton     mod_wsgi
> jreznik    apiextractor shiboken
> jskarvad   gnuradio
> jspaleta   scipy
> jujens     python-htmlmin python-txaio
> jussilehtola python-mpmath
> kevin      python-eventlet
> kiilerix   tortoisehg
> ktdreyer   python-jenkins-job-builder
> kumarpraveen python-testtools
> landgraf   aws
> lbazan     python-parsley
> limb       python-txsocksx
> lkundrak   extra-cmake-modules
> lmacken    mod_wsgi moksha python-feedparser python-pyramid
> louizatakk python-feedparser python-slixmpp
> lystor     umit
> maxamillion bpython
> mbacovsk   python-scripttest
> mcepl      python-feedparser
> mflobo     python-yaql
> mikep      python-pwntools
> mildew     bro
> miminar    python-pillow
> mkrizek    autotest-framework
> mmahut     gnuradio
> mrunge     mod_wsgi python-case python-hacking python-pbr python-pint
> mstuchli   python-whoosh
> nb         owncloud-client
> nbecker    tortoisehg
> ngompa     python-pika
> nonamedotc nextcloud-client
> notting    offlineimap
> nphilipp   libmypaint
> nsaje      python-kazoo
> orion      python-numpydoc scipy
> orphan     catkin python-genmsg python-genpy
> pabelanger python-jenkins-job-builder
> pbrobinson xapian-bindings
> pcpa       mp
> pemensik   bro
> petersen   idris
> pingou     python-kitchen
> pkilambi   python-jsonpath-rw-ext
> pmackinn   percona-xtrabackup
> pstodulk   bzr
> puiterwijk python-flask
> pviktori   python2-django1.11 python2-docs
> ralph      moksha python-funcsigs python-kitchen python-pypump
> python-pyramid 
> python-wrapt python-zope-component python-zope-schema
> ramkrsna   gdeploy
> rdieter    apiextractor extra-cmake-modules shiboken
> rebus      python-olefile
> ricky      python-fedora
> rkuska     python-whoosh python2-docs
> rmattes    catkin python-catkin_pkg python-genmsg python-genpy 
> python-osrf-pycommon python-rosdep python-rosdistro python-
> rosinstall 
> python-rospkg python-vcstools python-wstool
> robert     python-olefile
> rombobeorn aws
> rossdylan  python-pyramid
> sac        gdeploy
> sagitter   mp petsc seqan2
> salimma    python-larch python-testtools python-tracing
> sdz        xapian-bindings
> sgallagh   python-whoosh
> sharkcz    pyparsing tryton
> silas      python-pika
> smani      python-olefile python-pillow python-sane
> smilner    python-pygments
> social     python-hacking
> tachoknight swift-lang
> tartare    tsung
> tdabasin   python-pyramid python-zope-component python-zope-schema
> terjeros   bpython pyparsing
> teuf       offlineimap
> than       apiextractor shiboken
> thofmann   catkin python-genmsg python-genpy python-rosdep python-
> rosdistro
> tibbs      python2-matplotlib
> tnorth     ViTables
> tomspur    python-numpydoc scipy
> torsava    python2-docs
> ttomecek   alot scipy
> verdurin   BEDTools
> vvitek     bzr
> zbyszek    ViTables python-mpmath
> -- 
> Miro Hrončok
> --
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok
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