Re: Donate 1 minute of your time to test upgrades from F29 to F30

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sudo dnf --releasever=30 --setopt=module_platform_id=platform:f30 --enablerepo=updates-testing distro-sync
Copr repo for bumblebee owned by chenxiaolong   126  B/s | 341  B     00:02    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «chenxiaolong-bumblebee»
Copr repo for flat-remix owned by daniruiz      177  B/s | 341  B     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «daniruiz-flat-remix»
Copr repo for Riot owned by taw                 176  B/s | 341  B     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «taw-Riot»
Fedora 30 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64        151  B/s | 543  B     00:03    
Fedora 30 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64        1.6 MB/s | 1.6 kB     00:00    
Импорт GPG-ключа 0xCFC659B9:
Идентификатор пользователя:  "Fedora (30) <fedora-30-primary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
Отпечаток: F1D8 EC98 F241 AAF2 0DF6 9420 EF3C 111F CFC6 59B9
Источник:  /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-30-x86_64
Продолжить? [д/Н]: y
Fedora 30 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64        976  B/s | 5.1 kB     00:05    
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64                      491 kB/s | 2.4 MB     00:04    
negativo17 - Multimedia                         1.9 kB/s | 2.6 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «fedora-multimedia»
negativo17 - Nvidia                              41 kB/s | 115 kB     00:02    
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64 - Updates             62  B/s | 257  B     00:04    
Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Test Updates                69  B/s | 257  B     00:03    
Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates                     68  B/s | 257  B     00:03    
Fedora 30 - x86_64                              3.3 MB/s |  61 MB     00:18    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Free tainted          47 kB/s |  71 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «rpmfusion-free-tainted»
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Free - Updates        46 kB/s |  71 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «rpmfusion-free-updates»
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Free                  46 kB/s |  71 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «rpmfusion-free»
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Nonfree - NVIDIA Dri  46 kB/s |  71 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver»
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Nonfree tainted       46 kB/s |  71 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «rpmfusion-nonfree-tainted»
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Nonfree - Updates     47 kB/s |  71 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «rpmfusion-nonfree-updates»
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Nonfree               46 kB/s |  71 kB     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «rpmfusion-nonfree»
RPM Sphere - Basearch                           1.1 kB/s | 3.0 kB     00:02    
RPM Sphere - Noarch                             1.1 kB/s | 3.0 kB     00:02    
Russian Fedora for Fedora 30 - Free - Updates    70  B/s |  81  B     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «russianfedora-free-updates»
Russian Fedora for Fedora 30 - Free              55  B/s |  64  B     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «russianfedora-free»
Russian Fedora for Fedora 30 - Nonfree - Update  72  B/s |  84  B     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «russianfedora-nonfree-updates»
Russian Fedora for Fedora 30 - Nonfree           58  B/s |  67  B     00:01    
Не удается синхронизировать кэш для репозитория «russianfedora-nonfree»
Ignoring repositories: chenxiaolong-bumblebee, daniruiz-flat-remix, taw-Riot, fedora-multimedia, rpmfusion-free-tainted, rpmfusion-free-updates, rpmfusion-free, rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver, rpmfusion-nonfree-tainted, rpmfusion-nonfree-updates, rpmfusion-nonfree, russianfedora-free-updates, russianfedora-free, russianfedora-nonfree-updates, russianfedora-nonfree
 Проблема 1: problem with installed package klavaro-3.03-6.fc29.x86_64
  - klavaro-3.03-6.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - nothing provides needed by klavaro-3.04-1.fc30.x86_64
 Проблема 2: package compat-ffmpeg-libs-1:3.4.5-2.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - tesseract-3.05.02-1.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package compat-ffmpeg-libs-1:3.4.5-2.fc29.x86_64
 Проблема 3: package guvcview-2.0.6-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package guvcview-2.0.6-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package guvcview-2.0.6-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package guvcview-2.0.6-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package guvcview-2.0.6-1.fc29.x86_64
 Проблема 4: package mpv-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - libavdevice-1:4.1.1-1.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package mpv-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64
 Проблема 5: package rpmfusion-free-release-29-1.noarch requires system-release(29), but none of the providers can be installed
  - fedora-release-29-7.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package rpmfusion-free-release-29-1.noarch
 Проблема 6: package fedora-release-29-7.noarch requires fedora-repos(29) >= 1, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-29-1.noarch requires system-release(29), but none of the providers can be installed
  - fedora-repos-29-3.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-29-1.noarch
 Проблема 7: problem with installed package glob2-
  - package glob2- requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - boost-date-time-1.66.0-14.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
 Проблема 8: problem with installed package violetland-0.5-10.4.x86_64
  - package violetland-0.5-10.4.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - boost-filesystem-1.66.0-14.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
 Проблема 9: package dbus-common-1:1.12.12-2.fc30.noarch conflicts with fedora-release < 30-0.2 provided by fedora-release-29-7.noarch
  - package rpmfusion-free-release-29-1.noarch requires system-release(29), but none of the providers can be installed
  - problem with installed package dbus-common-1:1.12.12-1.fc29.noarch
  - package rpmfusion-free-release-tainted-29-1.noarch requires rpmfusion-free-release = 29-1, but none of the providers can be installed
  - dbus-common-1:1.12.12-1.fc29.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package rpmfusion-free-release-tainted-29-1.noarch
 Проблема 10: package dbus-daemon-1:1.12.12-2.fc30.x86_64 conflicts with fedora-release < 30-0.2 provided by fedora-release-29-7.noarch
  - package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-29-1.noarch requires system-release(29), but none of the providers can be installed
  - problem with installed package dbus-daemon-1:1.12.12-1.fc29.x86_64
  - package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-tainted-29-1.noarch requires rpmfusion-nonfree-release = 29-1, but none of the providers can be installed
  - dbus-daemon-1:1.12.12-1.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-tainted-29-1.noarch
 Проблема 11: package ffmpeg-3.3.6-3.4.x86_64 requires ffmpeg-libs(x86-64) = 3.3.6-3.4, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install both ffmpeg-libs-3.3.6-3.4.x86_64 and ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc29.x86_64
  - problem with installed package ffmpeg-1:4.1.1-1.fc29.x86_64
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - ffmpeg-1:4.1.1-1.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package mplayer-1.3.0-26.20180620svn.fc29.x86_64
 Проблема 12: problem with installed package cyphesis-0.6.2-19.fc28.x86_64
  - package cyphesis-0.6.2-19.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - readline-7.0-12.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
 Проблема 13: cannot install both tesseract-4.0.0-3.fc30.x86_64 and tesseract-3.05.02-1.fc29.x86_64
  - package opencv-contrib-3.4.4-5.fc30.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - opencv-contrib-3.4.1-6.fc29.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package mpv-libs-1:0.29.1-4.fc29.x86_64
  - problem with installed package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.4-3.fc29.x86_64
 Проблема 14: tesseract-4.0.0-3.fc30.i686 has inferior architecture
  - package tesseract-langpack-rus-4.0.0-3.fc30.noarch requires tesseract = 4.0.0-3.fc30, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install both tesseract-4.0.0-3.fc30.x86_64 and tesseract-3.05.02-1.fc29.x86_64
  - package ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - problem with installed package tesseract-langpack-rus-3.05.02-1.fc29.noarch
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - tesseract-langpack-rus-3.05.02-1.fc29.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package telegram-desktop-1.5.15-1.fc29.x86_64
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

вт, 5 мар. 2019 г. в 21:58, Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Tue, 2019-03-05 at 14:20 +0000, Christophe de Dinechin wrote:
> Note sure if you care about this test from F28, but this is a heavily loaded machine where I never find the time to upgrade. Just in case it's of any use:
> sudo dnf --releasever=30 --setopt=module_platform_id=platform:f30 --enablerepo=updates-testing distro-sync
> Main config did not have a module_platform_id attr. before setopt
> Main config did not have a module_platform_id attr. before setopt
> Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Test Updates               706  B/s | 257  B     00:00   
> Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates                    657  B/s | 257  B     00:00   
> Fedora 30 - x86_64                              721 kB/s |  61 MB     01:26   
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'docker-ce-stable', disabling.
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora-multimedia', disabling.
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'rpmfusion-free-updates', disabling.
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'rpmfusion-free', disabling.
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'rpmfusion-nonfree-updates', disabling.
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'rpmfusion-nonfree', disabling.
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'zfs', disabling.
> Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:00 ago on Tue 05 Mar 2019 03:11:31 PM CET.
> Error:
>  Problem 1: package compat-ffmpeg-libs-1:3.4.5-2.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - libass-0.13.4-6.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package compat-ffmpeg-libs-1:3.4.5-2.fc28.x86_64
>  Problem 2: package ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - tesseract-3.05.02-1.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64
>  Problem 3: package rpmfusion-free-release-28-1.noarch requires system-release(28), but none of the providers can be installed
>   - fedora-release-28-6.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package rpmfusion-free-release-28-1.noarch
>  Problem 4: package vlc-1:3.0.6-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - libplacebo-0.4.0-1.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package vlc-1:3.0.6-1.fc28.x86_64
>  Problem 5: package fedora-release-28-6.noarch requires fedora-repos(28) >= 1, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-28-1.noarch requires system-release(28), but none of the providers can be installed
>   - fedora-repos-28-5.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-28-1.noarch
>  Problem 6: package vlc-1:3.0.6-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package vlc-devel-1:3.0.6-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - libupnp-1.6.25-1.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package vlc-devel-1:3.0.6-1.fc28.x86_64
>  Problem 7: package ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package tesseract-3.05.02-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package ffmpeg-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64 requires ffmpeg-libs(x86-64) = 1:4.1.1-1.fc28, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - libicu-60.2-2.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package ffmpeg-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64
>  Problem 8: cannot install both tesseract-4.0.0-3.fc30.x86_64 and tesseract-3.05.02-1.fc28.x86_64
>   - package opencv-contrib-3.4.4-5.fc30.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package compat-ffmpeg-libs-1:3.4.5-2.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.1-7.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package gstreamer1-libav-1:1.14.1-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - opencv-contrib-3.4.1-3.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1:1.14.1-7.fc28.x86_64
>   - problem with installed package gstreamer1-libav-1:1.14.1-1.fc28.x86_64
>  Problem 9: cannot install both libicu-63.1-2.fc30.x86_64 and libicu-60.2-2.fc28.x86_64
>   - package tesseract-3.05.02-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package boost-graph-1.69.0-6.fc30.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package ffmpeg-libs-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - problem with installed package boost-graph-1.66.0-5.fc28.x86_64
>   - package libavdevice-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - boost-graph-1.66.0-8.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - boost-graph-1.66.0-5.fc28.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package libavdevice-1:4.1.1-1.fc28.x86_64
> (try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

That's mainly RPM Fusion stuff, which is kinda out of scope. Thanks for
the report, though!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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Omsk , Russia
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