[PS Farenheit 451 is a great book]
Never read it, i always intended to read it, buying it from Amazon NOW. :)
Read ya, Phil
plot summary: the gov't burns books and hunts down readers. People turn into drones watching tv. Some folks memorize books to carry on their stories. Moral: Book burning, bad. Reading, good.
Good summary. And see, thats why i'm going to buy and read the book. And maybe later burn it, just to prove the point (whichever needs proving ;)) and see wether i feel good or bad about it aferwards to so i can decide wether i'm more prone to be a government official or a freedom of speach type of guy. Oh. Wait. I forgot, it's only a book and fiction... ;)
Read ya, Phil
-- Philipp Knirsch | Tel.: +49-711-96437-470 Development | Fax.: +49-711-96437-111 Red Hat GmbH | Email: Phil Knirsch <phil@xxxxxxxxx> Hauptstaetterstr. 58 | Web: http://www.redhat.de/ D-70178 Stuttgart Motd: You're only jealous cos the little penguins are talking to me.