Ivan Gyurdiev writes: >Hi, I noticed gv, ggv, and gpdf were removed from FC3 in favor of >evince. I had never used evince before, so I had no opinion. I found myself in the same position, so I thought I'd give evince a go. The only problem is, there is no easy way of trying it out. "A "yum search evince" comes back empty, for example. Since evince doesn't even appear to be in FC3, isn't it a bit premature to be talking about it replacing other (working, available) apps? I guess I could probably get it from Rawhide, but should that really be necessary? I'm all for progress, but I'd rather see at least some overlap between a proposed new app, and the older apps it's intended to replace, if for no other reason that giving users a chance to have a side by side comaprison. Isn't this supposed to be a meritocracy? Let the best app win? Replacing working and used code with an untried and untested app seems a little rash... Tet