Hi Zbyszek,
Thanks for the help. I believe my current mailing system adds html tags to any emails I send. I will try to disable that. As for the srpm and spec file, I can just add it to the bug as an attachment?
Thanks for the help. I believe my current mailing system adds html tags to any emails I send. I will try to disable that. As for the srpm and spec file, I can just add it to the bug as an attachment?

el Zhang

Software Developer Test (WAS Install Team)
----- Original message -----
From: "Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek" <zbyszek@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Development discussions related to Fedora <devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Self-Introduction: Michael Zhang
Date: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 9:28 AM
On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 10:14:27PM +0000, Michael Zhang wrote:
> <div class="socmaildefaultfont" dir="ltr" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10.5pt" ><div dir="ltr" ><font face="Default Monospace,Courier New,Courier,monospace" size="2" >Hi, my name is Michael.<br><br>I’m currently working on the OpenLiberty project and would like to add it as a package into the Fedora main repositories. This is my very first time packaging a rpm and would appreciate all the support I can get. I would like to find a sponsor to aid me in critiquing/uploading the package within 2 months.<br><br>Link to the bugzilla - <a href="" target="_blank" >https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bugzilla.redhat.com_show-5Fbug.cgi-3Fid-3D1666493&d=DwIGaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=x8TGEbGvpnEaCrUz-LUy8Sibefm63IWI3T1UPe4h-cc&m=RDaBILvDhVFoBuxguW8pNL1O9IF3Jza4Ucg-w7uBLrE&s=jF0NLxBREjTXUIrI7TpU4MG7fSq-27-GxiachnOi-sw&e=</a><br><br>pub 4096R/C4DB6583 2019-01-10<br> Key fingerprint = 03C6 619E 6EF4 73DA 7DF2 6005 872F 850A C4DB 6583<br>uid Michael Zhang <Michael.Zhang@xxxxxxx>You<br><br>Yours Sincerely,<br>Michael Zhang</font></div>
Hi Michael,
welcome! My first suggestion would be to not send html email to the
public mailing lists, it's generally considered unnecessary and a lot
of people will skip such mails as spam.
Also, please attach your spec file and srpm to the bug. Don't use url
obfuscators and don't use external hosting (people want to see where
the links go without following them, and we want those files to be
available infinitely, and external file hosting goes against this).
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