On Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 10:08:04AM +0000, Tom Hughes wrote: > On 05/11/2018 23:24, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote: > > >I'll do a mass update to use C.UTF-8 for the packages in the list that > >follows, next week. I'll do test builds locally, and I'll only push to > >dist-git if the local builds succeed. Let me know if you want your > >package to be excluded. > > I've done mapnik (which seems to be missing from your list for > some reason) and python-mapnik. Arghhh! regexp failure on my part. I missed a bunch of packages. Maintainers by package: ant akurtakov jcapik kdaniel mizdebsk msrb aspectjweaver gil rfenkhuber autoarchive fab c++-gtk-utils airwave echevemaster espeak-ng olysonek hyphen-grc caolanm kgb-bot averi mecab-java mtasaka perl-App-PFT dacav perl-Glib-Object-Introspection berrange ddick perl-PFT dacav perl-Perl-Critic jplesnik pghmcfc ppisar perl-Perl-OSType pghmcfc perl-Text-Hunspell pghmcfc perl-Text-SpellChecker pghmcfc perl-libintl-perl eseyman pl bagnara mef ppisar po4a athimm sergiomb sharkcz python-argh cstratak python-autopep8 mrunge ndipanov python-cairocffi brouhaha jdulaney python-congressclient mflobo python-cotyledon apevec pkilambi python-enchant cstratak mmraka python-evic besser82 python-httpbin adamwill python-httpretty jamielennox python-jsonpatch apevec dprince skottler python-jsonpointer apevec dprince skottler python-muranoclient mflobo python-netaddr jcholast jeckersb jhrozek python-pankoclient pkilambi python-pifpaf hguemar pkilambi python-ptyprocess ignatenkobrain orion tomspur python-py mrunge thm python-rospkg cottsay rmattes python-scandir aviso salimma python-sphinx aviso cstratak salimma toshio python-tenacity pkilambi python-webtest bkabrda lmacken ricky python-yaql mflobo pywebdav sharkcz rubygem-asciidoctor fale ktdreyer mojavelinux rubygem-charlock_holmes axilleas ktdreyer rubygem-coderay jaruga rubygem-em-http-request jackorp rubygem-fast_gettext vondruch rubygem-gettext-setup domcleal rubygem-highline jamielinux stahnma tdawson rubygem-hpricot kanarip mtasaka rubygem-i18n humaton jstribny stahnma vondruch rubygem-jekyll-feed decathorpe rubygem-kramdown mtasaka rubygem-marc mtasaka rubygem-minitest humaton jstribny mkent mmorsi skottler smoitra stahnma vondruch rubygem-mustache vondruch rubygem-nokogiri kanarip mtasaka tdawson tremble rubygem-pango mtasaka rubygem-power_assert mtasaka rubygem-rack jaruga jstribny mmorsi smoitra stevetraylen vondruch rubygem-redis axilleas rubygem-rspec-core bkearney mtasaka skottler tdawson vondruch rubygem-rspec-expectations bkearney mtasaka skottler tdawson vondruch rubygem-rspec-mocks bkearney mtasaka skottler tdawson vondruch rubygem-rspec-support mtasaka rubygem-rspec2-core mtasaka rubygem-rspec2-expectations mtasaka rubygem-taskjuggler orphan rubygem-tilt ktdreyer valtri vondruch udiskie jstanek Packages by maintainer: adamwill python-httpbin airwave c++-gtk-utils akurtakov ant apevec python-cotyledon python-jsonpatch python-jsonpointer athimm po4a averi kgb-bot aviso python-scandir python-sphinx axilleas rubygem-charlock_holmes rubygem-redis bagnara pl berrange perl-Glib-Object-Introspection besser82 python-evic bkabrda python-webtest bkearney rubygem-rspec-core rubygem-rspec-expectations rubygem-rspec-mocks brouhaha python-cairocffi caolanm hyphen-grc cottsay python-rospkg cstratak python-argh python-enchant python-sphinx dacav perl-App-PFT perl-PFT ddick perl-Glib-Object-Introspection decathorpe rubygem-jekyll-feed domcleal rubygem-gettext-setup dprince python-jsonpatch python-jsonpointer echevemaster c++-gtk-utils eseyman perl-libintl-perl fab autoarchive fale rubygem-asciidoctor gil aspectjweaver hguemar python-pifpaf humaton rubygem-i18n rubygem-minitest ignatenkobrain python-ptyprocess jackorp rubygem-em-http-request jamielennox python-httpretty jamielinux rubygem-highline jaruga rubygem-coderay rubygem-rack jcapik ant jcholast python-netaddr jdulaney python-cairocffi jeckersb python-netaddr jhrozek python-netaddr jplesnik perl-Perl-Critic jstanek udiskie jstribny rubygem-i18n rubygem-minitest rubygem-rack kanarip rubygem-hpricot rubygem-nokogiri kdaniel ant ktdreyer rubygem-asciidoctor rubygem-charlock_holmes rubygem-tilt lmacken python-webtest mef pl mflobo python-congressclient python-muranoclient python-yaql mizdebsk ant mkent rubygem-minitest mmorsi rubygem-minitest rubygem-rack mmraka python-enchant mojavelinux rubygem-asciidoctor mrunge python-autopep8 python-py msrb ant mtasaka mecab-java rubygem-hpricot rubygem-kramdown rubygem-marc rubygem-nokogiri rubygem-pango rubygem-power_assert rubygem-rspec-core rubygem-rspec-expectations rubygem-rspec-mocks rubygem-rspec-support rubygem-rspec2-core rubygem-rspec2-expectations ndipanov python-autopep8 olysonek espeak-ng orion python-ptyprocess orphan rubygem-taskjuggler pghmcfc perl-Perl-Critic perl-Perl-OSType perl-Text-Hunspell perl-Text-SpellChecker pkilambi python-cotyledon python-pankoclient python-pifpaf python-tenacity ppisar perl-Perl-Critic pl rfenkhuber aspectjweaver ricky python-webtest rmattes python-rospkg salimma python-scandir python-sphinx sergiomb po4a sharkcz po4a pywebdav skottler python-jsonpatch python-jsonpointer rubygem-minitest rubygem-rspec-core rubygem-rspec-expectations rubygem-rspec-mocks smoitra rubygem-minitest rubygem-rack stahnma rubygem-highline rubygem-i18n rubygem-minitest stevetraylen rubygem-rack tdawson rubygem-highline rubygem-nokogiri rubygem-rspec-core rubygem-rspec-expectations rubygem-rspec-mocks thm python-py tomspur python-ptyprocess toshio python-sphinx tremble rubygem-nokogiri valtri rubygem-tilt vondruch rubygem-fast_gettext rubygem-i18n rubygem-minitest rubygem-mustache rubygem-rack rubygem-rspec-core rubygem-rspec-expectations rubygem-rspec-mocks rubygem-tilt _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to devel-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx