On 02/23/2005 11:15:07 AM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
I think the only reason the postfix crowd is silent right now people can't even imagine RH relenting on sendmail, while exim users still have some hope left.
I'm a postfix fan because it was easy (as in cake) to set it up to run in a chroot jail back when I first started using it, which was when sendmail exploit after exploit ad infinitum were being found (a couple years ago) - I was running an LFS system at the time, and that was a PITA.
postfix didn't have those vulnerabilities, and I could chroot it as an extra measure.
Now I just use the default Fedora rpm and don't run it in a chroot, but OTOH I'm also now only using it for mail on a lan and not to talk to (or receive from) outside world, so chroot isn't as critical to set up.
I'm not speaking up here though because I know nothing about exim.
-- Michael A. Peters http://mpeters.us/