On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 04:06:27PM -0500, Jeff Spaleta wrote: > On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 13:54:20 -0700, Joshua Eichorn <josh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > It would be a shame to lose gnome-games, every computer needs easy > > access to solitaire. > > why? so office workers can be less productive? I'll tackle this one. There's very few other applications provided by an operating system that are both fun/engaging, and a good learning tool for most of the basic actions that a mouse requires. After seeing my 73-year-old mother go from "what do you mean, drag it?" to double clicking like she was born at a computer in a couple of days of playing solitaire, I'm sold on it: it's an ingenious tool for teaching how to use the mouse that doesn't bore the hell out of the student. Does Fedora need all of gnome-games? No, that's just silly. But a few basic games which emphasize the range of mouse interactions with the system widget set should be there, IMHO. -- Edward S. Marshall <esm@xxxxxxxxx> http://esm.logic.net/ Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.