So net-tools has been deprecated a long time at this point with numerous known issues - especially as we enter an IPv6 world.
There was an initial discussion a few months back as can be reviewed here:
FESCo agreed with the goal of removing the distributions dependency on net-tools a couple of months ago:
In accordance with the mass bug filing process the packages that are affected have been located with `dnf repoquery --all --alldeps --whatrequires net-tools` and the list of maintainers/packagers affected are at the end.
I'll be filing the tracker bug in due course and bugs against the packages in question.
I'm going to go through as best I can to check for the reason for the dependency on each, but naturally I only have so much time. If you are able to swiftly remove the dependency yourself, or if there is a good reason for it, please actively close the bugs opened - or reach out to me to do so.
I'm already knee deep in facter which is a complex update to remove the requirement as new dependency packages are introduced to get to the current version without the requirement.
If you're unsure how to port a net-tools related script to one using the iproute2 utilities please do let me know and I'll be happy to help move them over.
For those who aren't currently packagers that would like to help - remember that the new Pagure based interface to our git does support pull requests :)
For any changes that are made to packages, please just include them in Rawhide to be a part of F28 and leave the F27 branch and packages at the current versions they are. If it's going to make a change to the user experience please file (or ping me and I'll do so on your behalf whilst managing this process overall) a Self Contained Change for Fedora 28.
Maintainers by package:
WALinuxAgent cottsay
beakerlib afri sopos
chkrootkit limb
cloud-init adimania apevec gholms larsks shardy skottler
facter gchamoul kanarip lzap rrati skottler stahnma
gnome-nettool alexl caolanm group::gnome-sig johnp kalev mbarnes rhughes rnorwood rstrode ssp
iodine hubbitus lystor
mariadb hhorak jstanek mbayer mkocka mmuzila mschorm
mediatomb limb
open-vm-tools ravindrakumar rjones slaanesh
openslp rdieter vcrhonek
openwsman gunnersrini praveenp vcrhonek
peervpn jcholast
pki-core edewata kwright mharmsen vakwetu
psad rathann
recap bharper carlwgeorge
redhat-lsb ovasik pnemade
resource-agents beekhof cfeist dvossel lon oalbrigt
synce-connector awjb
systemtap brolley drsmith2 fche jistone lberk mjw nathans scox smakarov wcohen
testcloud group::qa-tools-sig mkrizek tflink
tunir kushal
wicd dcantrel
wifi-radar robyduck
wlassistant spot
x2goserver orion
Packages by maintainer:
adimania cloud-init
afri beakerlib
alexl gnome-nettool
apevec cloud-init
awjb synce-connector
beekhof resource-agents
bharper recap
brolley systemtap
caolanm gnome-nettool
carlwgeorge recap
cfeist resource-agents
cottsay WALinuxAgent
dcantrel wicd
drsmith2 systemtap
dvossel resource-agents
edewata pki-core
fche systemtap
gchamoul facter
gholms cloud-init
group::gnome-sig gnome-nettool
group::qa-tools-sig testcloud
gunnersrini openwsman
hhorak mariadb
hubbitus iodine
jcholast peervpn
jistone systemtap
johnp gnome-nettool
jstanek mariadb
kalev gnome-nettool
kanarip facter
kushal tunir
kwright pki-core
larsks cloud-init
lberk systemtap
limb chkrootkit mediatomb
lon resource-agents
lystor iodine
lzap facter
mbarnes gnome-nettool
mbayer mariadb
mharmsen pki-core
mjw systemtap
mkocka mariadb
mkrizek testcloud
mmuzila mariadb
mschorm mariadb
nathans systemtap
oalbrigt resource-agents
orion x2goserver
ovasik redhat-lsb
pnemade redhat-lsb
praveenp openwsman
rathann psad
ravindrakumar open-vm-tools
rdieter openslp
rhughes gnome-nettool
rjones open-vm-tools
rnorwood gnome-nettool
robyduck wifi-radar
rrati facter
rstrode gnome-nettool
scox systemtap
shardy cloud-init
skottler cloud-init facter
slaanesh open-vm-tools
smakarov systemtap
sopos beakerlib
spot wlassistant
ssp gnome-nettool
stahnma facter
tflink testcloud
vakwetu pki-core
vcrhonek openslp openwsman
wcohen systemtap
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