I've been working with Linux since around 1999. And around that time I started creating a few RPM packages for Red Hat Linux, so that they would easily install. Over time I got "distracted" with Ubuntu and Java. Working since around 2007 on open source projects, in the last years mainly for IoT and Eclipse Foundation projects.Now that brought me back to RPM packaging, my motivation is to bring "open62541" and "Eclipse 4DIAC" to RPM and hopefully Fedora.
I started with a request for "opne62541" [1], which is an OPC UA protocol implementation, which is interesting for people doing IoT and Industry 4.0. From what I understood the request is already reviewed and approved.
Jens Reimann
Senior Software Engineer / EMEA ENG Middleware
Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 14
85630 Grasbrunn
phone: +49 89 2050 71286
Red Hat GmbH, www.de.redhat.com,
Registered seat: Grasbrunn, Commercial register: Amtsgericht Muenchen, HRB 153243,
Managing Directors: Paul Argiry, Charles Cachera, Michael Cunningham, Michael O'Neill
Senior Software Engineer / EMEA ENG Middleware
Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 14
85630 Grasbrunn
phone: +49 89 2050 71286
Red Hat GmbH, www.de.redhat.com,
Registered seat: Grasbrunn, Commercial register: Amtsgericht Muenchen, HRB 153243,
Managing Directors: Paul Argiry, Charles Cachera, Michael Cunningham, Michael O'Neill
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