Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yes, I got the same type of errors you received, in addition to the:
> "bin/bash"open("/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/",O_RDONLY)
I listed previously. > "bin/bash"open("/usr/share/
I gave up and just re-installed; which I venture to guess is what everyone else does.
Sad that you can't rely on Fedora recovery tools... maybe that is why they
Sad that you can't rely on Fedora recovery tools... maybe that is why they
don't even bother to put it on the Workstation live ISO.
In any event, I opened up a bugzilla.
On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 2:41 PM, stan <stanl-fedorauser@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, 7 Jul 2017 14:45:38 -0700
"Gerald B. Cox" <gbcox@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Your onto something...I tried renaming the file on both the rescue
> image and then on the target system, and it didn't help..
> I did find when running the strace it returned with a bunch of no
> such file or directory as above and also:
> chroot: failed to run command
> "bin/bash"open("/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_ I have no further insight to offer. Like you, I haven't used this forMESSAGES/",O_RDONLY)
> WTF???? These files weren't on my system when it was running... why
> does it need them now??? This is bizarre...
a long time, and the last time I did, it worked without issues. Did
strace give an actual error when you ran the command? Did you find a
workaround? Is there anything more relevant in the logs?
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