Re: Orphaned Packages in rawhide (2017-01-12)

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Ah, sorry, just saw the reason budgie orphaned is that, the upstream is deleted.

On 01/14/2017 08:29 PM, Zamir SUN wrote:
I'll take budgie.

On 01/13/2017 06:56 AM, opensource@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know
for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected
package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

          Package                    (co)maintainers          Status

GLee                           orphan                         9 weeks ago
amplab-tachyon                 orphan, hchen, java-sig,       0 weeks ago
budgie                         orphan, cicku,                 3 weeks ago
caml-crush                     orphan, nmav                   4 weeks ago
chatzilla                      orphan                         9 weeks ago
clipit                         orphan                         1 weeks ago
diodon                         orphan                         5 weeks ago
ehcache-parent                 orphan, java-sig, ke4qqq       0 weeks ago
ehcache-sizeof-agent           orphan, arg, gil, java-sig,    0 weeks ago
farstream                      orphan, amigadave,             5 weeks ago
                               mooninite, uraeus, vicodan
freetalk                       orphan, cicku                  5 weeks ago
jspeex                         orphan                         9 weeks ago
kryo-serializers               orphan, java-sig, tstclair     0 weeks ago
libaudclient                   orphan, sergiomb               2 weeks ago
libgnome-media-profiles        orphan, hadess, yaneti         1 weeks ago
mingw-gtkhtml3                 orphan, epienbro               1 weeks ago
mingw-libgnurx                 orphan, epienbro, rjones       1 weeks ago
mingw-winstorecompat           orphan, epienbro, ktietz       1 weeks ago
mj                             orphan, goeran                 0 weeks ago
nautilus-terminal              orphan, hicham                 9 weeks ago
nntpgrab                       orphan, epienbro               1 weeks ago
ocaml-config-file              orphan, nmav                   4 weeks ago
open-nat                       orphan                         9 weeks ago
openclipart                    orphan                         1 weeks ago
par2cmdline                    orphan, epienbro               1 weeks ago
php-IDNA_Convert               orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
php-channel-htmlpurifier       orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
php-fpdf                       orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
php-htmlpurifier-              orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
php-nusoap                     orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
php-pear-File-Bittorrent2      orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
php-pear-HTML-Common           orphan, remi                   5 weeks ago
php-pear-HTML-QuickForm        orphan, remi                   5 weeks ago
php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-    orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
phpFlickr                      orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
phpesp                         orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
postal                         orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
python-diff-cover              orphan, dshea                  3 weeks ago
python-django-roa              orphan, bkabrda, cstratak      8 weeks ago
python-django-sorting          orphan, bkabrda, cstratak      7 weeks ago
python-gudev                   orphan, aledvink               9 weeks ago
python-jinja2_pluralize        orphan, dshea                  3 weeks ago
python-logilab-common          orphan, bcl, mrunge            3 weeks ago
python-remoteobjects           orphan, bkabrda, cstratak      8 weeks ago
rubygem-aws                    orphan, clalance, goldmann,    0 weeks ago
rubygem-deltacloud-client      orphan, clalance, mfojtik      0 weeks ago
rubygem-factory_girl           orphan, clalance, mfojtik,     0 weeks ago
rubygem-openstack              orphan, itamarjp, mfojtik,     0 weeks ago
rubygem-rerun                  orphan, jstribny, mfojtik      0 weeks ago
rubygem-right_aws              orphan, mfojtik                0 weeks ago
rubygem-will_paginate          orphan, clalance, mfojtik,     0 weeks ago
sahana                         orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
starksoft-aspen                orphan                         9 weeks ago
uispec4j                       orphan                         4 weeks ago
vorbisspi                      orphan, hicham                 9 weeks ago
xenserverjava                  orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago
xfce-bluetooth                 orphan                         5 weeks ago
zapplet                        orphan, ke4qqq                 0 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: GLee (1), status change: 2016-11-07 (9 weeks ago)
    atanua (maintained by: lkundrak)
        atanua-1.3.141220-5.fc25.i686 requires
        atanua-1.3.141220-5.fc25.src requires GLee-devel = 5.4.0-10.fc24

Depending on: ehcache-parent (21), status change: 2017-01-06 (0 weeks
    ehcache-core (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        ehcache-core-2.6.11-2.fc24.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-parent:pom:) = 2.3

    ehcache2 (maintained by: gil)
        ehcache2- requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-parent:pom:) = 2.3
        ehcache2-root- requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-parent:pom:) = 2.3

    acegisecurity (maintained by: msrb, java-sig, mizdebsk, msimacek)
        acegisecurity-1.0.7-6.fc24.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache) = 2.6.11

    apacheds (maintained by: gil, ctubbsii, java-sig)
        apacheds-2.0.0-0.3.M21.fc26.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        apacheds-core-2.0.0-0.3.M21.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache) = 2.6.11
        apacheds-kerberos-2.0.0-0.3.M21.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache) = 2.6.11

    cas-client (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        cas-client-3.4.1-2.fc24.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        cas-client-3.4.1-2.fc24.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    cxf (maintained by: goldmann, gil)
        cxf-3.1.6-3.fc26.src requires mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core)
= 2.6.11
        cxf-rt-3.1.6-3.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        cxf-services-3.1.6-3.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    hibernate (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        hibernate-5.0.10-1.fc26.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        hibernate-ehcache-5.0.10-1.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    hibernate3 (maintained by: gil)
        hibernate3-3.6.10-20.fc25.src requires ehcache-core =
        hibernate3-ehcache-3.6.10-20.fc25.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    hibernate4 (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        hibernate4-4.3.11-3.fc26.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        hibernate4-ehcache-4.3.11-3.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    httpcomponents-client (maintained by: mizdebsk, java-sig, jerboaa,
kdaniel, msimacek)
        httpcomponents-client-4.5.2-4.fc25.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    ldaptive (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        ldaptive-1.1.0-1.fc25.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    metrics (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        metrics-3.1.2-3.fc24.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        metrics-ehcache-3.1.2-3.fc24.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache) = 2.6.11

    openid4java (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        openid4java-1.0.0-3.fc24.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    shiro (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        shiro-1.3.2-1.fc26.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        shiro-cas-1.3.2-1.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(org.jasig.cas.client:cas-client-core) = 3.4.1

    springframework (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        springframework-3.2.18-1.fc26.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    springframework-security (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
        springframework-security-3.2.10-1.fc26.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    wss4j (maintained by: mbooth, gil)
        wss4j-2.1.5-1.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11
        wss4j-2.1.5-1.fc26.src requires
mvn(net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core) = 2.6.11

    jenkins (maintained by: msrb, java-sig, mizdebsk)
        jenkins-1.651.3-2.fc26.src requires
mvn(org.acegisecurity:acegi-security) = 1.0.7
        jenkins-core-1.651.3-2.fc26.noarch requires
mvn(org.acegisecurity:acegi-security) = 1.0.7
        jenkins-webapp-1.651.3-2.fc26.noarch requires acegisecurity =

    jenkins-ssh-slaves-plugin (maintained by: msrb, java-sig,
mizdebsk, msimacek)
        jenkins-ssh-slaves-plugin-1.10-3.fc24.src requires
mvn(org.acegisecurity:acegi-security) = 1.0.7

    jenkins-sshd (maintained by: msrb, java-sig, mizdebsk, msimacek)
        jenkins-sshd-1.6-7.fc24.noarch requires
mvn(org.acegisecurity:acegi-security) = 1.0.7
        jenkins-sshd-1.6-7.fc24.src requires
mvn(org.acegisecurity:acegi-security) = 1.0.7

    wildfly (maintained by: gil, dchen, goldmann)
        wildfly-10.1.0-8.fc26.src requires
mvn(org.apache.cxf:cxf-core) = 3.1.6

    Too many dependencies for ehcache-parent, not all listed here

Depending on: libgnome-media-profiles (7), status change: 2017-01-04
(1 weeks ago)
    gnome-python2-desktop (maintained by: walters, alexl, caillon,
caolanm, group::gnome-sig, johnp, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, xiphmont)
        gnome-python2-desktop-2.32.0-24.fc25.src requires
gnome-media-devel = 3.0.0-12.fc24

    conduit (maintained by: pwalter)
        conduit-0.3.17-13.fc25.noarch requires gnome-python2-desktop =

    hotssh (maintained by: walters)
        hotssh-0.2.7-11.fc25.noarch requires gnome-python2-desktop =

    hotwire (maintained by: walters)
        hotwire-0.721-16.fc25.noarch requires gnome-python2-desktop =

    pessulus (maintained by: hguemar)
        pessulus-2.30.3-11.fc25.noarch requires gnome-python2-desktop
= 2.32.0-24.fc25
        pessulus-2.30.3-11.fc25.src requires gnome-python2-desktop =

    pychess (maintained by: bruno, raphgro)
        pychess-0.12.4-6.fc25.noarch requires gnome-python2-desktop =

    revelation (maintained by: pwalter, aarem, jspaleta, pingou)
        revelation-0.4.14-12.fc24.src requires gnome-python2-desktop =

Depending on: mingw-libgnurx (2), status change: 2017-01-05 (1 weeks ago)
    mingw-gtkhtml3 (maintained by: orphan, epienbro)
        mingw-gtkhtml3-4.6.6-4.fc24.src requires mingw32-libgnurx =
2.5.1-18.fc24, mingw64-libgnurx = 2.5.1-18.fc24

    mingw-sword (maintained by: greghellings)
        mingw-sword-1.7.4-4.fc26.src requires mingw32-libgnurx =
2.5.1-18.fc24, mingw64-libgnurx = 2.5.1-18.fc24
        mingw32-sword-1.7.4-4.fc26.noarch requires
        mingw64-sword-1.7.4-4.fc26.noarch requires

Depending on: par2cmdline (4), status change: 2017-01-05 (1 weeks ago)
    bup (maintained by: tadej)
        bup-0.29-1.fc26.i686 requires par2cmdline = 0.6.14-2.fc24
        bup-0.29-1.fc26.src requires par2cmdline = 0.6.14-2.fc24

    dar (maintained by: lbazan)
        dar-2.5.5-1.fc25.i686 requires par2cmdline = 0.6.14-2.fc24

    kwooty (maintained by: rdieter, brummbq)
        kwooty-1.1.0-7.fc24.i686 requires par2cmdline = 0.6.14-2.fc24

    backup-manager (maintained by: llaumgui)
        backup-manager-0.7.10-19.fc25.noarch requires dar = 2.5.5-1.fc25

Depending on: php-IDNA_Convert (7), status change: 2017-01-06 (0 weeks
    php-simplepie (maintained by: trasher, ke4qqq, nb)
        php-simplepie-1.4.3-2.fc26.noarch requires php-IDNA_Convert =

    fusionforge (maintained by: beuc, nerville)
        fusionforge-web-6.0.3-2.fc24.noarch requires php-simplepie =

    glpi (maintained by: remi, trasher)
        glpi-9.1.1-3.fc26.noarch requires php-simplepie = 1.4.3-2.fc26
        glpi-9.1.1-3.fc26.src requires php-simplepie = 1.4.3-2.fc26

    moodle (maintained by: limb, ignatenkobrain)
        moodle-3.2.1-1.fc26.noarch requires php-simplepie = 1.4.3-2.fc26

    wordpress (maintained by: remi, limb)
        wordpress-4.7-1.fc26.noarch requires php-simplepie = 1.4.3-2.fc26

    wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior (maintained by: nb)
        wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior-2.2.13-5.fc24.noarch requires
wordpress = 4.7-1.fc26

    wordpress-plugin-defaults (maintained by: herlo, nb)
        wordpress-plugin-defaults-2.1-9.fc24.noarch requires wordpress
= 4.7-1.fc26

Depending on: php-fpdf (1), status change: 2017-01-06 (0 weeks ago)
    phoronix-test-suite (maintained by: lotharlutz)
        phoronix-test-suite-6.6.0-1.fc26.noarch requires php-fpdf =

Depending on: php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier (1), status change:
2017-01-06 (0 weeks ago)
    fusionforge (maintained by: beuc, nerville)
        fusionforge-common-6.0.3-2.fc24.noarch requires
php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier = 4.6.0-4.fc26

Depending on: php-nusoap (1), status change: 2017-01-06 (0 weeks ago)
    fusionforge (maintained by: beuc, nerville)
        fusionforge-web-6.0.3-2.fc24.noarch requires php-nusoap =

Depending on: php-pear-HTML-Common (1), status change: 2016-12-08 (5
weeks ago)
    php-pear-HTML_Javascript (maintained by: topdog, mtasaka)
        php-pear-HTML_Javascript-1.1.2-4.fc24.noarch requires
php-pear(HTML_Common) = 1.2.5

Depending on: python-jinja2_pluralize (1), status change: 2016-12-21
(3 weeks ago)
    python-diff-cover (maintained by: orphan, dshea)
        python-diff-cover-0.9.9-2.fc26.src requires
python3-jinja2_pluralize = 0.3.0-6.fc26

Depending on: python-remoteobjects (2), status change: 2016-11-14 (8
weeks ago)
    python-django-typepadapp (maintained by: lbazan)
        python-django-typepadapp-1.2.1-13.fc25.src requires
python-remoteobjects = 1.2.1-3.fc25

    python-typepad (maintained by: lbazan)
        python-typepad-2.0-8.fc25.noarch requires python-remoteobjects
= 1.2.1-3.fc25

Depending on: rubygem-factory_girl (1), status change: 2017-01-12 (0
weeks ago)
    rubygem-factory_girl_rails (maintained by: mmorsi)
        rubygem-factory_girl_rails-1.4.0-10.fc24.noarch requires
rubygem(factory_girl) = 2.3.2, rubygem(factory_girl) = 2.3.2-1

Affected (co)maintainers
aarem: libgnome-media-profiles
aledvink: python-gudev
alexl: libgnome-media-profiles
amigadave: farstream
arg: ehcache-sizeof-agent
bcl: python-logilab-common
beuc: php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier, php-IDNA_Convert, php-nusoap
bkabrda: python-django-roa, python-django-sorting, python-remoteobjects
brummbq: par2cmdline
bruno: libgnome-media-profiles
caillon: libgnome-media-profiles
caolanm: libgnome-media-profiles
cicku: budgie, freetalk
clalance: rubygem-deltacloud-client, rubygem-will_paginate,
rubygem-factory_girl, rubygem-aws
cstratak: python-django-roa, python-django-sorting, python-remoteobjects
ctubbsii: ehcache-parent
dchen: ehcache-parent
dshea: python-diff-cover, python-jinja2_pluralize
epienbro: mingw-libgnurx, mingw-winstorecompat, par2cmdline, nntpgrab,
gil: ehcache-sizeof-agent, ehcache-parent
goeran: mj
goldmann: ehcache-parent, rubygem-aws
greghellings: mingw-libgnurx
group::gnome-sig: libgnome-media-profiles
hadess: libgnome-media-profiles
hchen: amplab-tachyon
herlo: php-IDNA_Convert
hguemar: libgnome-media-profiles
hicham: vorbisspi, nautilus-terminal
ignatenkobrain: php-IDNA_Convert
itamarjp: rubygem-openstack
java-sig: amplab-tachyon, ehcache-sizeof-agent, ehcache-parent,
jerboaa: ehcache-parent
johnp: libgnome-media-profiles
jspaleta: libgnome-media-profiles
jstribny: rubygem-rerun
kdaniel: ehcache-parent
ke4qqq: sahana, php-fpdf, php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer,
php-IDNA_Convert, ehcache-parent, php-channel-htmlpurifier, phpesp,
phpFlickr, xenserverjava, php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier,
php-pear-File-Bittorrent2, ehcache-sizeof-agent, zapplet, postal,
ktietz: mingw-winstorecompat
lbazan: par2cmdline, python-remoteobjects
limb: php-IDNA_Convert
lkundrak: GLee
llaumgui: par2cmdline
lotharlutz: php-fpdf
mbooth: ehcache-parent
mfojtik: rubygem-openstack, rubygem-deltacloud-client, rubygem-rerun,
rubygem-aws, rubygem-will_paginate, rubygem-factory_girl,
mizdebsk: ehcache-parent
mmorsi: rubygem-will_paginate, rubygem-factory_girl
mooninite: farstream
mrunge: python-logilab-common
msimacek: ehcache-parent
msrb: ehcache-parent
mtasaka: php-pear-HTML-Common
nb: php-IDNA_Convert
nerville: php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier, php-IDNA_Convert, php-nusoap
nmav: ocaml-config-file, caml-crush
pingou: libgnome-media-profiles
pwalter: libgnome-media-profiles
raphgro: libgnome-media-profiles
rdieter: par2cmdline
remi: php-pear-HTML-Common, php-IDNA_Convert, php-pear-HTML-QuickForm
rhughes: libgnome-media-profiles
rjones: mingw-libgnurx
rstrode: libgnome-media-profiles
sergiomb: libaudclient
ssp: libgnome-media-profiles
stevetraylen: rubygem-openstack
tadej: par2cmdline
topdog: php-pear-HTML-Common
trasher: php-IDNA_Convert
tstclair: amplab-tachyon, kryo-serializers
uraeus: farstream
vicodan: farstream
walters: libgnome-media-profiles
williamjmorenor: budgie
xiphmont: libgnome-media-profiles
yaneti: libgnome-media-profiles

Orphans (58): GLee amplab-tachyon budgie caml-crush chatzilla clipit
    diodon ehcache-parent ehcache-sizeof-agent farstream freetalk
    jspeex kryo-serializers libaudclient libgnome-media-profiles
    mingw-gtkhtml3 mingw-libgnurx mingw-winstorecompat mj
    nautilus-terminal nntpgrab ocaml-config-file open-nat openclipart
    par2cmdline php-IDNA_Convert php-channel-htmlpurifier php-fpdf
    php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier php-nusoap php-pear-File-Bittorrent2
    php-pear-HTML-Common php-pear-HTML-QuickForm
    php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer phpFlickr phpesp postal
    python-diff-cover python-django-roa python-django-sorting
    python-gudev python-jinja2_pluralize python-logilab-common
    python-remoteobjects rubygem-aws rubygem-deltacloud-client
    rubygem-factory_girl rubygem-openstack rubygem-rerun
    rubygem-right_aws rubygem-will_paginate sahana starksoft-aspen
    uispec4j vorbisspi xenserverjava xfce-bluetooth zapplet

Orphans (dependend on) (13): GLee ehcache-parent
    libgnome-media-profiles mingw-libgnurx par2cmdline
    php-IDNA_Convert php-fpdf php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier php-nusoap
    php-pear-HTML-Common python-jinja2_pluralize python-remoteobjects

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (2): GLee

Orphans  (rawhide)(not depended on) (45): amplab-tachyon budgie
    caml-crush chatzilla clipit diodon ehcache-sizeof-agent farstream
    freetalk jspeex kryo-serializers libaudclient mingw-gtkhtml3
    mingw-winstorecompat mj nautilus-terminal nntpgrab
    ocaml-config-file open-nat openclipart php-channel-htmlpurifier
    php-pear-File-Bittorrent2 php-pear-HTML-QuickForm
    php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer phpFlickr phpesp postal
    python-diff-cover python-django-roa python-django-sorting
    python-gudev python-logilab-common rubygem-aws
    rubygem-deltacloud-client rubygem-openstack rubygem-rerun
    rubygem-right_aws rubygem-will_paginate sahana starksoft-aspen
    uispec4j vorbisspi xenserverjava xfce-bluetooth zapplet

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (9):
    chatzilla jspeex nautilus-terminal open-nat python-django-roa
    python-django-sorting python-gudev starksoft-aspen vorbisspi

Depending packages (rawhide) (48): acegisecurity apacheds atanua
    backup-manager bup cas-client conduit cxf dar ehcache-core
    ehcache2 fusionforge glpi gnome-python2-desktop hibernate
    hibernate3 hibernate4 hotssh hotwire httpcomponents-client jenkins
    jenkins-ssh-slaves-plugin jenkins-sshd kwooty ldaptive metrics
    mingw-gtkhtml3 mingw-sword moodle openid4java pessulus
    phoronix-test-suite php-pear-HTML_Javascript php-simplepie pychess
    python-diff-cover python-django-typepadapp python-typepad
    revelation rubygem-factory_girl_rails shiro springframework
    springframework-security wildfly wordpress
    wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior wordpress-plugin-defaults wss4j

Packages depending on packages orphaned (rawhide) for more than 6
    weeks (3): atanua python-django-typepadapp python-typepad

Zamir SUN
Fedora user
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