On 08/14/2016 07:38 PM, Igor Gnatenko wrote:
Probably you've seen some strange activity from me like removing aliases from old (and new) bugs. Actually there is bug in bugzilla which prevents searching by text which is written in some bug's alias. Unfortunately I didn't realize when I ran script that it will send ton of notifications and that it's actual bug of buzilla (I thought it's a feature).
I believe I have recovered the aliases which were removed, in case someone wants to undo the damage.
bug_id | removed ---------+---------------------------------- 1356907 | rust 1302909 | drupal8 1288739 | petpvc 1290995 | python-visionegg-quest 1123645 | mingw-libgee 1327218 | libvterm 1288882 | python-prov 1363935 | python-yara 1279579 | itktools 1123771 | mingw-rest 1336159 | golang-github-rubyist-tracerx 237741 | HTTP-Request-AsCGI 1082552 | mahout-collection-codegen-plugin 1245022 | ghc-base-compat 1151818 | nodejs-typeahead.js 1362265 | yara 1353000 | gns3-server 1279176 | isis 1285112 | DiffusionKurtosisFit 241078 | perl-Net-SSH2 1228089 | zetacomponents/base 472083 | perl-boolean 838775 | ghc-css-text 1320725 | phonon-qt5 846850 | rosa-launcher 462982 | buffer 886320 | mingw-nspr 996186 | python-argh 1016258 | mingw-log4c 735133 | kalzium 1136519 | f21-kde-theme 873454 | mate-image-viewer 1320583 | swiftmailer/swiftmailer 497192 | polkit-qt 910526 | kreversi 995167 | lokalize 1286460 | mcpanel 282261 | isync-review 452636 | mod_proxy_html 691894 | pyrit 952444 | drupal7-i18n_boxes 1021080 | Horde_Socket_Client 454416 | mingw32-zlib 566406 | packETH 693037 | perl-Test-HasVersion 492250 | perl-Git-CPAN-Patch 666889 | perl-Package-Pkg 851793 | mingw-fftw 886221 | python-dogpile-core 910481 | bomber 587915 | perl-Dir-Self 1327160 | unibilium 910388 | kpat 975281 | drupal7-metatag 455172 | perl-Convert-Ber-r. 853689 | libmateui 820659 | python-ufc 438406 | ufiformat 735147 | ktouch 520463 | perl-common-sense 670558 | ape 924897 | drupal7-boxes 235234 | aoetools 1304145 | kf5-libkexiv2 575491 | perl-Test-SharedFork 243978 | cjet-review 985065 | peg-solitaire 236539 | perl-Math-Vec 1228091 | zetacomponents/console-tools 567937 | mpir 962423 | writerperfect 1015909 | org.abego.treelayout.core 629551 | ghc-gio 235236 | vblade 499066 | perl-Text-Context 514911 | mvaliyav@xxxxxxxxxx 1285514 | php-paragonie-random-compat 1003280 | postscriptbarcode 1288756 | python-amico 785448 | horde-autoloader 231753 | perl-DBD-Mock 1262469 | php-patchwork-utf8 1276910 | python-transforms3d 1278673 | octave-jsonlab 987731 | qt4pas 498887 | perl-Class-Mix 1258430 | dolphin 316971 | centerim-review 1332717 | kf5-incidenceeditor 735138 | khangman 498920 | perl-HTML-Toc 1118273 | Horde_OpenXchange 737228 | ghc-data-default 851180 | mingw-lcms 1086445 | dbusmenu-qt5 1277441 | nette/safe-stream 947640 | snappy-player 730033 | perl-autobox-dump 785473 | Horde_Perms 713361 | ghc-pcre-light 222597 | pear-Crypt-CHAP 765953 | qyoto 1319522 | kactivitymanagerd 234812 | tcpreplay 233742 | perl-Math-Spline 447844 | krazy2 714326 | libtpcmisc 1222267 | php-mtdowling-transducers 844154 | libmatekeyring 648100 | ghc-xml 1295260 | php-mnapoli-phpunit-easymock 467854 | parprouted 710907 | oct-specfun 1060989 | ghc-io-streams 1291341 | qt5-qtstyleplugins 454410 | mingw32-gcc 568052 | normaliz 464054 | projectM-pulseaudio 1004760 | ColPack 1288880 | python-pydotplus 499087 | perl-Locale-PO 1122325 | mingw-libtheora 491616 | mingw32-zfstream 894563 | Horde_SpellChecker 1149289 | telepathy-qt 1289634 | libchardet 882561 | mate-bluetooth 903826 | perl-Net-Domain-TLD 1277470 | nette/application 491647 | taglib-extras 495336 | perl-Sort-Key 1332254 | kf5-calendarsupport 970034 | libmm-qt 875308 | mate-menu-editor 251805 | orafce 1009375 | ghc-hslua 959664 | drupal7-language_cookie 498397 | perl-Devel-REPL 713677 | klt 436683 | xmltoman-review 720804 | kross-interpreters 959666 | drupal7-admin_language 589167 | perl-ParseTemplate 199029 | jokosher 261801 | xyz-gallery-review 771052 | kde-workspace 1048260 | qt5-qtlocation 1105550 | kf5-kdoctools 504076 | libiodbc 1278293 | python-moss 567733 | marave 495436 | perl-File-Pid (152 rows)
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