On 08/06/16 08:38 +0000, Petr Pisar wrote:
On 2016-06-08, Jonathan Wakely <jwakely@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 08/06/16 07:37 +0000, Petr Pisar wrote:
Guidelines require devel packages to be architecture specific (no
BuildArch: noarch). Guidelines require having dependencies between
architecture specific packages restricted to the architecture
(Requires: foo-devel%{?_isa}). C guildelines require depending on "gcc"
for standard C library header files.
Files in devel packages usually include standard C library header
files, thus one needs to "Require: gcc%{?_isa}" from the devel packages.
Because "#include <stdlib.h>" fails without stdlib.h on the system,
you need to depend on something that provides the stdlib.h. And
guidelines says the provider is "gcc".
So you should require gcc, not gcc%{?_isa}
But it's not possible to install gcc.x86_64 and gcc.i686 at the same
time (they conflicts on /usr/libexec/getconf/default).
So the final question: When gcc package will be multilib-safe? Without
multlib-safe gcc package, all the aim in all the other packages is
useless because all the dependencies lead to gcc.
Which dependencies?
"Requires: gcc%{?_isa}" in *-devel packages.
Don't do that then.
The 'gcc' package doesn't install any multilib headers, so why do you
need gcc%{?_isa} ?
That doesn't answer my question :-)
That page doesn't say to require gcc.%{_isa}.
I can see how you might need libstdc++-devel%{?_isa} or other
components of GCC, but those *are* multilibbed, so you can have both
libstdc++-devel.i686 and libstdc++-devel.x86_64 installed at the same
Last I was those are implementation details and I should depend on GCC
instead. You should know because you were involved in the discussion
that leads to the C packaging guidelines.
The guidelines say:
"You need not include a BuildRequires or Requires on glibc-headers, or
any other core C or C++ implementation package unless you have a
specific and special need"
A 64-bit package which requires 32-bit compilation seems like a fairly
specific need, so it seems reasonable to require glibc-headers.i686
directly in that case (or more accurately, glibc-headers%{arch32}
where that macro is set appropriately).
What other problems are you trying to solve?
In any case, the solution is not to make gcc multilib-installable (as
has been explained repeatedly, that isn't useful, the 'gcc' binaries
installed by gcc.x86_64 already support 32-bit compilation perfectly
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