*Modularity Working Group Meeting*
The Modularity Working Group meeting has moved time and locations. You
can now find us on Tuesdays at 15h UTC in #fedora-meeting-3[1].
[1]: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/modularity/
Life of a Module
We have created a proposed infrastructure[1] for the module pipeline.
The new pipeline includes modifications to existing tooling as well as
creating new components. The new pipeline should also support the
traditional pipeline of RPM packages as well. In order to ensure
compatibility with the existing RPM pipeline, we also developed a "life
of a package" diagram[2]. Ralph provided a great walk-through[3] of the
final document[4] during a demo. We have also started work on the
changes implementing development instances and deployments of some of
the components.
[1]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Modularity_Systems.png
[4]: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularization/Infra
Module Definition and Guidelines
We have also been working to create the syntax by which one creates a
module. An early version of "modulemd"[1], as it is coming to be called,
can be found in one of the pagure repos. To help document the syntax and
capture what we learn as we go, we also developed a "Module Packaging
Guidelines" document[2]. The Guidelines are definitely an early draft
but a good start. We have also developed some example modules[3] that we
hope will become the repository to learn how to implement your own modules.
[1]: https://pagure.io/modulemd
[2]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Packaging_Guidelines_for_Modules
[3]: https://pagure.io/fm-modules
Module Tooling
We have improved the user tooling (fm tool) to support the new module
definition as well as to provide local metadata caching and inter-module
depsolving. You can see it in action by downloading it from the copr
repo[1] or watching the demo[2].
[1]: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jkaluza/fm/
Release Planning
We have outlined what we plan for our first Fedora “release.” Basically,
a milestone where all the pieces we have been working on come together
as a comprehensible “thing” rather than a bunch of quickly moving parts
that may be hard to follow. The first one will be for Flock 2016 in
Krakow[1] (join us! :) ). If you would like to add your thoughts to our
plan, please check out the doc[2], which is in the midst of being
formalized in to epics and user stories, and send your comments here or
on the wiki page (or bring them to the WG meeting).
[1]: https://flocktofedora.org/
Demos and Meeting Minutes
We have released a number of demos[1][2] and had a lot of meetings.
[1] Demos Sprint 5:
[2] Demos Sprint 6:
[3] May 12, 2016:
[4] May 19, 2016:
[5] May 26, 2016:
[5] June 02, 2016:
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