> Have you considerer smart : > http://www.smartpm.org/ Good choice! ;-) > It is Interesting. But sometimes it ignore %{epoch} (for good or bad I'm unaware about such problems. Please, let me know if you find any cases I might study. > reason it's not the point), does not support group, the gui interface is > a little confusing. It supports group in several places. If you have suggestions about how you'd like to see them handled, or GUI improvements, contact me please. > Smart is quite fast (python), have gnome, kde, text interface. It's in > beta/testing stage. No kde interfaces yet.. but it's already being thought about by me and others. It has also a shell interface, btw (which might certainly fall under your "text" category). Thanks for suggesting it, -- Gustavo Niemeyer http://niemeyer.net