/etc/apt/sources.list: rpm http://download.fedora.us/fedora fedora/3/i386 extras Hawaii, USA Mirror rpm http://download.fr.fedora.us/fedora fedora/3/i386 extras France Mirror
Pre-Extras currently hosted at http://fedoraproject.org/pre-extras/ is yum metadata only, so I have replicated those packages into the download.fedora.us repository for the convenience of apt users.
yum repodata users should continue using http://fedoraproject.org/pre-extras/ instead.
http://fedoraproject.org/pre-extras/RPM-GPG-KEY-Fedora-Pre-Extras Import this GPG key for pre-extras packages.
download.fedora.us will continue to exist primarily to support apt users of older distributions who depend on the fedora.us Extras. RPMS.updates continues to import updates from download.fedora.redhat.com or the Fedora Legacy project.
download.fedora.redhat.com will soon push the official Extras tree. When that happens, RPMS.extras will be populated from that tree instead.
Warren Togami wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx