Orphaned Packages in branched (2016-04-09)

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

         Package                    (co)maintainers           Status Change 
CImg                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
PyMca                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
RunSnakeRun                  orphan, mstuchli                 1 weeks ago   
aime                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
ansifilter                   orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
appmenu-qt5                  orphan, mariobl                  2 weeks ago   
be                           orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
bitbake                      orphan, cicku, ixs, ksyz         6 weeks ago   
bleachbit                    orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
bunny                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
cal3d                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
cego                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
cgnslib                      orphan, chitlesh, cicku          6 weeks ago   
chinese-calendar             orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
compiz-plugins-unsupported   orphan, raveit65, vicodan        0 weeks ago   
ctemplate                    orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
darkhttpd                    orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
desktopcouch                 orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
devtodo2                     orphan                           6 weeks ago   
dinotrace                    orphan, chitlesh, cicku          6 weeks ago   
dissy                        orphan, adrienverge, cicku       6 weeks ago   
docky                        orphan, cicku, mono-sig          6 weeks ago   
dx-samples                   orphan, itamarjp                 6 weeks ago   
edsadmin                     orphan, ivazquez                 6 weeks ago   
eigen2                       orphan, rdieter                  6 weeks ago   
elektra                      orphan, cicku, kwizart, moceap   6 weeks ago   
eqntott                      orphan, chitlesh, cicku          6 weeks ago   
fakechroot                   orphan, athimm, cicku,           6 weeks ago   
fdm                          orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
fife                         orphan, bruno, cicku, renich     6 weeks ago   
figtoipe                     orphan, cicku, rineau            6 weeks ago   
firehol                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
florence                     orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
gcin                         orphan, cicku, i18n-team         6 weeks ago   
gdpc                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
geekcode                     orphan, psabata                  4 weeks ago   
ghemical                     orphan, cicku, mtasaka,          6 weeks ago   
ghost-diagrams               orphan, ivazquez                 6 weeks ago   
ginac                        orphan, cicku, rakesh            6 weeks ago   
gnaural                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
gnucap                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
goldendict                   orphan, helloworld1, moceap      6 weeks ago   
guile-lib                    orphan, cicku, laxathom          6 weeks ago   
herbstluftwm                 orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
httraqt                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
jj                           orphan, psabata                  4 weeks ago   
joyce                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
jumanji                      orphan, psabata                  4 weeks ago   
jwm                          orphan, cicku, skytux            6 weeks ago   
kannel                       orphan, cicku, linuxthomass,     6 weeks ago   
lexertl                      orphan, jjames                   6 weeks ago   
lfcbase                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
lfcxml                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
libctl                       orphan, cicku, deji              6 weeks ago   
libdom                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
libebur128                   orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
libghemical                  orphan, cicku, mtasaka           6 weeks ago   
libnsbmp                     orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
libnsgif                     orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
liboglappth                  orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
libpuma                      orphan, jjames                   6 weeks ago   
libsilc                      orphan, cicku, nosnilmot         6 weeks ago   
libxls                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
licq                         orphan, cicku, fcami,            6 weeks ago   
                             tieugene, yaneti                               
lookat                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
mandelbulber                 orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
mate-netspeed                orphan, rdieter, stefanok,       6 weeks ago   
mhddfs                       orphan, imntreal                 6 weeks ago   
mingw-SDL2                   orphan, epienbro, maci           5 weeks ago   
mingw-SDL2_image             orphan, epienbro, maci           5 weeks ago   
mingw-SDL2_mixer             orphan, epienbro, maci           5 weeks ago   
mingw-gtkglext               orphan, epienbro, maci           5 weeks ago   
mingw-physfs                 orphan, epienbro, maci           5 weeks ago   
minised                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
minutor                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
mirmon                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
monitor-edid                 orphan                           6 weeks ago   
mpqc                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
mysqludf_xql                 orphan, yaneti                   5 weeks ago   
nc6                          orphan, jsafrane, psabata,       4 weeks ago   
neap                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
nesc                         orphan, chitlesh, cicku          6 weeks ago   
netatalk                     orphan, cicku, fkocina, jehane   6 weeks ago   
netmonitor                   orphan, tuxbrewr                 6 weeks ago   
nini                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
nodm                         orphan, raphgro                  5 weeks ago   
ocsinventory                 orphan, xavierb                  6 weeks ago   
ocsinventory-agent           orphan                           6 weeks ago   
ocsinventory-ipdiscover      orphan                           6 weeks ago   
oflb-riordonfancy-fonts      orphan, ivazquez                 6 weeks ago   
opencfu                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
ovaldi                       orphan, cicku, mbarabas          6 weeks ago   
oyranos                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
phrel                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
pion-net                     orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
powerman                     orphan, tuxbrewr                 6 weeks ago   
profile-sync-daemon          orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
pyicq-t                      orphan, stefansf                 2 weeks ago   
python-SecretStorage         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
python-dpkt                  orphan, yaneti                   5 weeks ago   
python-flask-admin           orphan, mstuchli, pviktori,      1 weeks ago   
python-flask-mongoengine     orphan, mstuchli                 1 weeks ago   
python-hcs_utils             orphan, helloworld1              6 weeks ago   
python-rply                  orphan, mstuchli                 1 weeks ago   
python-storm                 orphan, abompard                 6 weeks ago   
python-sybase                orphan, yaneti                   5 weeks ago   
python3-dugong               orphan, cicku, maci              5 weeks ago   
qt4pas                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
rabbitvcs                    orphan, cicku, monem, nushio,    5 weeks ago   
rome-parent                  orphan, java-sig                 3 weeks ago   
rpm-compare-req              orphan, mstuchli                 1 weeks ago   
rtmidi                       orphan, cheeselee                4 weeks ago   
s3ql                         orphan, cicku, maci              5 weeks ago   
sfk                          orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
sstp-client                  orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
stjerm                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
sugar-help                   orphan, tuxbrewr                 6 weeks ago   
svni                         orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
sysusage                     orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
tcpcopy                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
tex-zfuzz                    orphan, jjames                   6 weeks ago   
tintii                       orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
tofrodos                     orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
tripwire                     orphan, moezroy, tuxbrewr        6 weeks ago   
tsung                        orphan, cicku, erlang-sig,       6 weeks ago   
undbx                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
undertaker                   orphan, jjames                   6 weeks ago   
urbanlightscape              orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
vaspview                     orphan, cicku, itamarjp          6 weeks ago   
verbiste                     orphan, cicku, icon              6 weeks ago   
vhd2vl                       orphan, cicku, filiperosset      6 weeks ago   
virtuoso-opensource          orphan, group::kde-sig,          6 weeks ago   
                             pingou, rdieter, than                          
wemux                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
willie                       orphan, cicku, elad, embolalia   6 weeks ago   
wxGlade                      orphan, bbbush, cicku            6 weeks ago   
xar                          orphan, cicku, thias             6 weeks ago   
xdrfile                      orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
yapet                        orphan, cicku                    6 weeks ago   
zukitwo                      orphan, odysseus                 0 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: cgnslib (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	gmsh (maintained by: smani, hobbes1069, jkastner)
		gmsh-2.12.0-1.fc24.src requires cgnslib-devel = 3.2.1-7.fc24
		gmsh-libs-2.12.0-1.fc24.i686 requires libcgns.so.3.2
		gmsh-mpich-libs-2.12.0-1.fc24.i686 requires libcgns.so.3.2
		gmsh-openmpi-libs-2.12.0-1.fc24.i686 requires libcgns.so.3.2

Depending on: dinotrace (2), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	gplcver (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh)
		gplcver-2.12a-12.fc24.i686 requires dinotrace = 9.4c-10.fc24

	covered (maintained by: sophiekovalevsky, chitlesh)
		covered-0.7.10-7.fc23.i686 requires gplcver = 2.12a-12.fc24
		covered-0.7.10-7.fc23.src requires gplcver = 2.12a-12.fc24

Depending on: elektra (2), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	cinepaint (maintained by: jcapik)
		cinepaint-1.4-14.fc24.src requires elektra-devel = 0.8.12-6.fc24

	xcm (maintained by: kwizart, cicku)
		xcm-0.5.3-7.fc24.src requires elektra-devel = 0.8.12-6.fc24

Depending on: ginac (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	orsa (maintained by: zbyszek, deji, mjakubicek, mmahut, rakesh)
		orsa-0.7.0-37.fc24.i686 requires libginac.so.5
		orsa-0.7.0-37.fc24.src requires ginac-devel = 1.6.5-2.fc24
		orsa-mpich-0.7.0-37.fc24.i686 requires libginac.so.5
		orsa-openmpi-0.7.0-37.fc24.i686 requires libginac.so.5

Depending on: gnucap (2), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	emacs-spice-mode (maintained by: sagarun, chitlesh)
		emacs-spice-mode-1.2.25-16.fc24.noarch requires gnucap = 0.35-16.fc23

	gcompris (maintained by: jwrdegoede, limb)
		gcompris-15.10-5.fc24.i686 requires gnucap = 0.35-16.fc23

Depending on: guile-lib (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	coot (maintained by: timfenn)
		coot-0.8.2-1.fc24.src requires guile-lib = 0.2.2-3.fc24

Depending on: libsilc (12), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	pidgin (maintained by: jsynacek, itamarjp, jskarvad, mcrha, nosnilmot)
		libpurple-2.10.12-2.fc24.i686 requires libsilc-1.1.so.2, libsilcclient-1.1.so.3
		pidgin-2.10.12-2.fc24.src requires libsilc-devel = 1.1.10-15.fc24

	gnome-shell-extension-pidgin (maintained by: spot)
		gnome-shell-extension-pidgin-0-0.20.gitfb9dbfd.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-birthday-reminder (maintained by: kalev)
		pidgin-birthday-reminder-1.7-11.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-guifications (maintained by: rvokal, nosnilmot)
		pidgin-guifications-2.16-14.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-indicator (maintained by: rdieter)
		pidgin-indicator-0.9-2.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-libnotify (maintained by: epienbro, nosnilmot)
		pidgin-libnotify-0.14-17.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-logviewer (maintained by: kumarpraveen)
		pidgin-logviewer-0.2-18.20110228svn15.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-musictracker (maintained by: hpejakle)
		pidgin-musictracker-0.4.22-12.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-otr (maintained by: pwouters)
		pidgin-otr-4.0.1-3.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-privacy-please (maintained by: llaumgui)
		pidgin-privacy-please-0.7.1-10.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	pidgin-window-merge (maintained by: eischmann)
		pidgin-window-merge-0.3-6.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

	purple-line (maintained by: fujiwara, i18n-team)
		purple-line-20151114git26f6511-2.fc24.i686 requires pidgin = 2.10.12-2.fc24

Depending on: mingw-SDL2 (2), status change: 2016-03-04 (5 weeks ago)
	mingw-SDL2_image (maintained by: orphan, epienbro, maci)
		mingw-SDL2_image-2.0.0-7.fc24.src requires mingw32-SDL2 = 2.0.3-8.fc24, mingw64-SDL2 = 2.0.3-8.fc24

	mingw-SDL2_mixer (maintained by: orphan, epienbro, maci)
		mingw-SDL2_mixer-2.0.0-5.fc24.src requires mingw32-SDL2 = 2.0.3-8.fc24, mingw64-SDL2 = 2.0.3-8.fc24

Depending on: nc6 (1), status change: 2016-03-12 (4 weeks ago)
	hadoop (maintained by: rrati, besser82, coolsvap, denisarnaud, matt, moceap)
		hadoop-common-2.4.1-14.fc24.noarch requires nc6 = 1.0-23.fc24

Depending on: nini (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	smuxi (maintained by: sagitter, cicku)
		smuxi-1.0.3-2.fc24.src requires pkgconfig(nini) = 1.1.0
		smuxi-engine-1.0.3-2.fc24.i686 requires mono(nini) =

Depending on: oyranos (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	cinepaint (maintained by: jcapik)
		cinepaint-libs-1.4-14.fc24.i686 requires liboyranos.so.0, liboyranos_config.so.0, liboyranos_core.so.0, liboyranos_modules.so.0, liboyranos_object.so.0

Depending on: powerman (1), status change: 2016-02-24 (6 weeks ago)
	nut (maintained by: mhlavink)
		nut-2.7.4-1.fc24.i686 requires libpowerman.so.0
		nut-2.7.4-1.fc24.src requires powerman-devel = 2.3.5-11.fc24

Depending on: python-SecretStorage (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	backintime (maintained by: hannes, cicku, raphgro)
		backintime-qt4-1.1.12-1.fc24.noarch requires python3-SecretStorage = 2.1.1-3.fc24

Depending on: python-dpkt (1), status change: 2016-02-29 (5 weeks ago)
	captcp (maintained by: mbaldessari)
		captcp-1.9-3.fc24.noarch requires python-dpkt = 1.8-4.fc24

Depending on: python-storm (1), status change: 2016-02-24 (6 weeks ago)
	dexter (maintained by: thm, salimma)
		dexter-0.18-12.fc24.noarch requires python-storm = 0.20-6.fc24
		dexter-0.18-12.fc24.src requires python-storm = 0.20-6.fc24

Depending on: rabbitvcs (1), status change: 2016-02-27 (5 weeks ago)
	nemo-extensions (maintained by: leigh123linux, fale, raveit65)
		nemo-rabbitvcs-2.8.x-8.fc24.noarch requires rabbitvcs-nemo = 0.16.1-0.4.20160108gite8214e6.fc24

Depending on: rtmidi (1), status change: 2016-03-09 (4 weeks ago)
	milkytracker (maintained by: muep)
		milkytracker-0.90.86-2.fc24.i686 requires librtmidi.so.2
		milkytracker-0.90.86-2.fc24.src requires rtmidi-devel = 2.1.0-5.fc24

Depending on: tofrodos (21), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	advancecomp (maintained by: lupinix, cicku, thias)
		advancecomp-1.20-2.fc24.src requires tofrodos = 1.7.13-6.fc24

	kde-dev-scripts (maintained by: than, dvratil, group::kde-sig, jgrulich, mbriza, rdieter)
		kde-dev-scripts-15.12.3-1.fc24.noarch requires advancecomp = 1.20-2.fc24

	kdesdk (maintained by: than, group::kde-sig, jgrulich, jreznik, rdieter, rnovacek, tuxbrewr)
		kdesdk-4.14.3-3.fc24.noarch requires kde-dev-scripts = 15.12.3-1.fc24

	oxygen-icon-theme (maintained by: rdieter, dvratil, group::kde-sig, jreznik, rnovacek, than)
		oxygen-icon-theme-5.20.0-1.fc24.src requires kde-dev-scripts = 15.12.3-1.fc24

	plasma-breeze (maintained by: rdieter, dvratil, jgrulich, than)
		plasma-breeze-5.5.5-3.fc24.src requires kde-dev-scripts = 15.12.3-1.fc24

	faust (maintained by: limb)
		faust-kate-0.9.46-8.fc24.noarch requires kdesdk = 4.14.3-3.fc24

	adwaita-qt (maintained by: mbriza, mclasen)
		adwaita-qt-common-0.3-2.fc24.noarch requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	kde-runtime (maintained by: than, dvratil, group::kde-sig, jgrulich, jreznik, kkofler, mbriza, rdieter, rnovacek)
		kde-runtime-15.12.3-1.fc24.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	kdiff3 (maintained by: nbecker)
		kdiff3-0.9.98-7.fc24.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	kmid2 (maintained by: kkofler, cheeselee, tuxbrewr)
		kmid2-2.4.0-11.fc24.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	krdc (maintained by: than, group::kde-sig, jreznik, rdieter, rnovacek)
		krdc-15.12.3-1.fc24.src requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	krecipes (maintained by: kkofler, balajig8)
		krecipes-2.1.0-1.fc24.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	krfb (maintained by: than, group::kde-sig, jreznik, rdieter, rnovacek)
		krfb-15.12.3-1.fc24.src requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	ksig (maintained by: kkofler, rdieter, than, tuxbrewr)
		ksig-1.1-0.18.20080213.fc24.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	lemonpos (maintained by: siddharths)
		lemonpos-0.9.4-14.fc24.src requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	lxqt-common (maintained by: heliocastro, raphgro, rdieter, tieugene)
		lxqt-common-0.10.0-9.fc24.noarch requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	okular (maintained by: than, group::kde-sig, jreznik, rdieter, rnovacek)
		okular-15.12.3-1.fc24.src requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	piklab (maintained by: sophiekovalevsky, chitlesh)
		piklab-0.16.1-12.fc23.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	plasma-workspace (maintained by: group::kde-sig, dvratil, jgrulich, rdieter, than)
		plasma-workspace-5.5.5-10.fc24.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	quassel (maintained by: lupinix, maxamillion, rdieter, skottler, tc01, tuxbrewr)
		quassel-0.12.3-4.fc24.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	razorqt (maintained by: tieugene, heliocastro, ttorling)
		razorqt-libs-0.5.2-23.fc23.i686 requires oxygen-icon-theme = 1:5.20.0-1.fc24

	Too many dependencies for tofrodos, not all listed here

Depending on: wxGlade (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (6 weeks ago)
	spe (maintained by: limb)
		spe-0.8.4.h-16.fc24.noarch requires wxGlade = 0.7.0-2.fc24

Affected (co)maintainers
abompard: python-storm
adrienverge: dissy
athimm: fakechroot
balajig8: tofrodos
bbbush: wxGlade
besser82: nc6
bruno: fife
cheeselee: tofrodos, rtmidi
chitlesh: eqntott, tofrodos, cgnslib, dinotrace, gnucap, nesc
cicku: cgnslib, fife, bitbake, gnucap, ghemical, python-SecretStorage, CImg, docky, opencfu, mirmon, vhd2vl, libebur128, oyranos, fakechroot, profile-sync-daemon, undbx, cal3d, phrel, yapet, libdom, s3ql, liboglappth, kannel, libghemical, vaspview, eqntott, ansifilter, gdpc, gnaural, willie, be, figtoipe, PyMca, ginac, aime, python3-dugong, libctl, herbstluftwm, lfcxml, guile-lib, lookat, jwm, ovaldi, minutor, xdrfile, joyce, florence, xar, elektra, dinotrace, nesc, netatalk, libsilc, httraqt, libnsbmp, firehol, minised, wxGlade, mandelbulber, verbiste, sstp-client, pion-net, fdm, libxls, neap, tcpcopy, nini, tintii, stjerm, licq, mpqc, qt4pas, lfcbase, dissy, gcin, svni, tsung, darkhttpd, ctemplate, bunny, sysusage, libnsgif, desktopcouch, chinese-calendar, sfk, urbanlightscape, tofrodos, cego, rabbitvcs, wemux, bleachbit
coolsvap: nc6
corsepiu: fakechroot
deji: libctl, ginac
denisarnaud: nc6
dvratil: tofrodos
eischmann: libsilc
elad: willie
embolalia: willie
epienbro: mingw-SDL2_mixer, mingw-physfs, mingw-gtkglext, libsilc, mingw-SDL2_image, mingw-SDL2
erlang-sig: tsung
fale: rabbitvcs
fcami: licq
filiperosset: vhd2vl
fkocina: netatalk
fujiwara: libsilc
group::kde-sig: tofrodos, virtuoso-opensource
hannes: python-SecretStorage
heliocastro: tofrodos
helloworld1: goldendict, python-hcs_utils
hobbes1069: cgnslib
hpejakle: libsilc
i18n-team: gcin, libsilc
icon: verbiste
imntreal: mhddfs
itamarjp: dx-samples, vaspview, libsilc
ivazquez: ghost-diagrams, oflb-riordonfancy-fonts, edsadmin
ixs: bitbake
java-sig: rome-parent
jcapik: oyranos, elektra, dinotrace
jehane: netatalk
jgrulich: tofrodos
jjames: tex-zfuzz, lexertl, undertaker, libpuma
jkastner: cgnslib
jreznik: tofrodos
jsafrane: nc6
jskarvad: libsilc
jsynacek: libsilc
jwrdegoede: gnucap
kalev: libsilc
kkofler: tofrodos
ksyz: bitbake
kumarpraveen: libsilc
kwizart: elektra
laxathom: guile-lib
leigh123linux: rabbitvcs
limb: tofrodos, gnucap, wxGlade
linuxthomass: kannel
llaumgui: libsilc
lupinix: tofrodos
maci: mingw-SDL2_image, mingw-SDL2_mixer, mingw-physfs, mingw-gtkglext, python3-dugong, mingw-SDL2, s3ql
mariobl: appmenu-qt5
matt: nc6
maxamillion: tofrodos
mbaldessari: python-dpkt
mbarabas: ovaldi
mbriza: tofrodos
mclasen: tofrodos
mcrha: libsilc
mhlavink: powerman
mjakubicek: ginac
mmahut: ginac
moceap: goldendict, elektra, nc6
moezroy: tripwire
monem: rabbitvcs
mono-sig: docky
mstuchli: python-flask-admin, python-flask-mongoengine, python-rply, rpm-compare-req, RunSnakeRun
mtasaka: ghemical, libghemical
muep: rtmidi
nbecker: tofrodos
nosnilmot: libsilc
nushio: rabbitvcs
odysseus: zukitwo
peter: tsung
pingou: virtuoso-opensource
psabata: nc6, geekcode, jumanji, jj
pviktori: python-flask-admin
pwouters: libsilc
rakesh: ginac
raphgro: nodm, rabbitvcs, python-SecretStorage, tofrodos
raveit65: rabbitvcs, compiz-plugins-unsupported
rdieter: tofrodos, virtuoso-opensource, eigen2, libsilc, mate-netspeed
renich: fife
rineau: figtoipe
rnovacek: tofrodos
rrati: nc6
rvokal: libsilc, nc6
sagarun: gnucap
sagitter: nini
salimma: python-storm
siddharths: tofrodos
skottler: tofrodos
skytux: jwm
smani: cgnslib
sophiekovalevsky: tofrodos, dinotrace
spot: libsilc
stefanok: mate-netspeed
stefansf: pyicq-t
tc01: tofrodos
tflink: python-flask-admin
than: tofrodos, virtuoso-opensource
thias: tofrodos, kannel, xar
thm: python-storm
tieugene: tofrodos, licq
timfenn: guile-lib
tolland: ghemical
ttorling: tofrodos
tuxbrewr: sugar-help, powerman, tripwire, netmonitor, tofrodos
vicodan: mate-netspeed, compiz-plugins-unsupported
xavierb: ocsinventory
yaneti: licq, python-sybase, python-dpkt, mysqludf_xql
zbyszek: ginac

Orphans (139): CImg PyMca RunSnakeRun aime ansifilter appmenu-qt5 be
    bitbake bleachbit bunny cal3d cego cgnslib chinese-calendar
    compiz-plugins-unsupported ctemplate darkhttpd desktopcouch
    devtodo2 dinotrace dissy docky dx-samples edsadmin eigen2 elektra
    eqntott fakechroot fdm fife figtoipe firehol florence gcin gdpc
    geekcode ghemical ghost-diagrams ginac gnaural gnucap goldendict
    guile-lib herbstluftwm httraqt jj joyce jumanji jwm kannel lexertl
    lfcbase lfcxml libctl libdom libebur128 libghemical libnsbmp
    libnsgif liboglappth libpuma libsilc libxls licq lookat
    mandelbulber mate-netspeed mhddfs mingw-SDL2 mingw-SDL2_image
    mingw-SDL2_mixer mingw-gtkglext mingw-physfs minised minutor
    mirmon monitor-edid mpqc mysqludf_xql nc6 neap nesc netatalk
    netmonitor nini nodm ocsinventory ocsinventory-agent
    ocsinventory-ipdiscover oflb-riordonfancy-fonts opencfu ovaldi
    oyranos phrel pion-net powerman profile-sync-daemon pyicq-t
    python-SecretStorage python-dpkt python-flask-admin
    python-flask-mongoengine python-hcs_utils python-rply python-storm
    python-sybase python3-dugong qt4pas rabbitvcs rome-parent
    rpm-compare-req rtmidi s3ql sfk sstp-client stjerm sugar-help svni
    sysusage tcpcopy tex-zfuzz tintii tofrodos tripwire tsung undbx
    undertaker urbanlightscape vaspview verbiste vhd2vl
    virtuoso-opensource wemux willie wxGlade xar xdrfile yapet zukitwo

Orphans (dependend on) (19): cgnslib dinotrace elektra ginac gnucap
    guile-lib libsilc mingw-SDL2 nc6 nini oyranos powerman
    python-SecretStorage python-dpkt python-storm rabbitvcs rtmidi
    tofrodos wxGlade

Orphans (branched) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (14): cgnslib
    dinotrace elektra ginac gnucap guile-lib libsilc nini oyranos
    powerman python-SecretStorage python-storm tofrodos wxGlade

Orphans  (branched)(not depended on) (120): CImg PyMca RunSnakeRun
    aime ansifilter appmenu-qt5 be bitbake bleachbit bunny cal3d cego
    chinese-calendar compiz-plugins-unsupported ctemplate darkhttpd
    desktopcouch devtodo2 dissy docky dx-samples edsadmin eigen2
    eqntott fakechroot fdm fife figtoipe firehol florence gcin gdpc
    geekcode ghemical ghost-diagrams gnaural goldendict herbstluftwm
    httraqt jj joyce jumanji jwm kannel lexertl lfcbase lfcxml libctl
    libdom libebur128 libghemical libnsbmp libnsgif liboglappth
    libpuma libxls licq lookat mandelbulber mate-netspeed mhddfs
    mingw-SDL2_image mingw-SDL2_mixer mingw-gtkglext mingw-physfs
    minised minutor mirmon monitor-edid mpqc mysqludf_xql neap nesc
    netatalk netmonitor nodm ocsinventory ocsinventory-agent
    ocsinventory-ipdiscover oflb-riordonfancy-fonts opencfu ovaldi
    phrel pion-net profile-sync-daemon pyicq-t python-flask-admin
    python-flask-mongoengine python-hcs_utils python-rply
    python-sybase python3-dugong qt4pas rome-parent rpm-compare-req
    s3ql sfk sstp-client stjerm sugar-help svni sysusage tcpcopy
    tex-zfuzz tintii tripwire tsung undbx undertaker urbanlightscape
    vaspview verbiste vhd2vl virtuoso-opensource wemux willie xar
    xdrfile yapet zukitwo

Orphans (branched) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (98): CImg
    PyMca aime ansifilter be bitbake bleachbit bunny cal3d cego
    chinese-calendar ctemplate darkhttpd desktopcouch devtodo2 dissy
    docky dx-samples edsadmin eigen2 eqntott fakechroot fdm fife
    figtoipe firehol florence gcin gdpc ghemical ghost-diagrams
    gnaural goldendict herbstluftwm httraqt joyce jwm kannel lexertl
    lfcbase lfcxml libctl libdom libebur128 libghemical libnsbmp
    libnsgif liboglappth libpuma libxls licq lookat mandelbulber
    mate-netspeed mhddfs minised minutor mirmon monitor-edid mpqc neap
    nesc netatalk netmonitor ocsinventory ocsinventory-agent
    ocsinventory-ipdiscover oflb-riordonfancy-fonts opencfu ovaldi
    phrel pion-net profile-sync-daemon python-hcs_utils qt4pas sfk
    sstp-client stjerm sugar-help svni sysusage tcpcopy tex-zfuzz
    tintii tripwire tsung undbx undertaker urbanlightscape vaspview
    verbiste vhd2vl virtuoso-opensource wemux willie xar xdrfile yapet

Depending packages (branched) (53): advancecomp adwaita-qt backintime
    captcp cinepaint coot covered dexter emacs-spice-mode faust
    gcompris gmsh gnome-shell-extension-pidgin gplcver hadoop
    kde-dev-scripts kde-runtime kdesdk kdiff3 kmid2 krdc krecipes krfb
    ksig lemonpos lxqt-common milkytracker mingw-SDL2_image
    mingw-SDL2_mixer nemo-extensions nut okular orsa oxygen-icon-theme
    pidgin pidgin-birthday-reminder pidgin-guifications
    pidgin-indicator pidgin-libnotify pidgin-logviewer
    pidgin-musictracker pidgin-otr pidgin-privacy-please
    pidgin-window-merge piklab plasma-breeze plasma-workspace
    purple-line quassel razorqt smuxi spe xcm

Packages depending on packages orphaned (branched) for more than 6
    weeks (47): advancecomp adwaita-qt backintime cinepaint coot
    covered dexter emacs-spice-mode faust gcompris gmsh
    gnome-shell-extension-pidgin gplcver kde-dev-scripts kde-runtime
    kdesdk kdiff3 kmid2 krdc krecipes krfb ksig lemonpos lxqt-common
    nut okular orsa oxygen-icon-theme pidgin pidgin-birthday-reminder
    pidgin-guifications pidgin-indicator pidgin-libnotify
    pidgin-logviewer pidgin-musictracker pidgin-otr
    pidgin-privacy-please pidgin-window-merge piklab plasma-breeze
    plasma-workspace purple-line quassel razorqt smuxi spe xcm

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Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
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