Feel Free to add my name to willing co-maintainers On 03/26/2016 11:58 AM, Divya HariOm
-- Corey W. Sheldon Freelance IT Tutor Security Researcher | Fedora Ambassador, North America sheldon.corey@xxxxxxxxx | csheldon@xxxxxxxxxxxx | corey84@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ph: (11)+1.310.909.7672 skype: cwwsheldon PGP: BB082E66 | 7F261220 | 206116E6 Tox: corey84@xxxxxxxx 9357bc6a5944a08afc7d1effd61f6a73b9eabf8b2fb84acf1dac9a1a4d0a4705ffccd0e5499b Linphone: linuxmodder ricochet:qxcgel5jqoqcb3q2 btc:15cn1BvAFEREHk8UekJ6i9Dxi9Wbw6vzDD "Have no way as way, no limitation as limitation." -- Bruce lee "One must never underestimate the power of boredom...from which creativity and laziness are borne, which can spark great works of chaos and genius." -- Unknown This document, including attachments, is intended for the person(s) or company(ies) named herewithin and contains confidential and/or legally privileged information, and may occasionally include Intellectual Property / Embargoed Content. Unauthorized disclosure, copying or use of this information may be unlawful and is prohibited, including unsolicited Cc/Bcc. If you are not the intended recipient, please disregard and destroy this message and notify the sender (only if you know the intended reciepient), and a return email indicating a improper recipient IS requested so that I may remove you from any lists, conversations such error may have created / allowed. Use of OpenGPG keys are highly encouraged || hkp://pgp.mit.edu & hkp://keys.fedoraproject.org |
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