On 02/10/2016 09:49 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
Dne 10.2.2016 v 07:19 Eric Griffith napsal(a):
Functionally, whats the effect of this change?
I understand, I am fighting Red Hat wind-mills, but I consider this
change to be non-helpful, like I consider all of UsrMov too be a serious
mistake. Think about why UsrMov was widely ignored by other Linux distros.
If someone has
Requires: /bin/sed
It will stop working.
Then you'd better keep providing this helper.
Just the dependency. The call in shell will still work.
You should understand that /usr/bin/sed is a Fedora proprietary
location, while /bin/sed is the traditional location sed was installed,
which occasionally can be found hard-coded in many places.
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