OK, I finally got a RedHat developer to step outside the RedHat bubble and try to do a 'make sources' from a fresh CVS checkout. Amazingly enough, he got the exact same error that I did. Will wonders never cease :p. All sarcasm aside, Paul Nasrat said he poked some of the RH developers about the 'download' target in the kernel/devel/ Makefile so hopefully that will be cleared up soon (hint, hint). Thank you, Paul. Also, I manually removed the 'download' target from the TARGETS list in that Makefile and did a 'make i686'. After compiling all day I finally am the proud owner of 4 RPMs. I've yet to install them, but at least the build system seems to work. Even if it needs a little persuasion. Now I understand what DaveJ means whenever he talks about the build system :). josh