Orphaned Packages in rawhide (2015-11-02)

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

         Package                    (co)maintainers           Status Change 
autodir                      orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
boa                          orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
camE                         orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
cdargs                       orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
crystal-clear                orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
crystal-project              orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
csmash                       orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
ctapi-common                 orphan, tmraz                    2 weeks ago   
cvs2svn                      orphan, mjakubicek, tremble      4 weeks ago   
dclib                        orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
eclipse-eclox                orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
eclipse-jbosstools           orphan, galileo, goldmann,       0 weeks ago   
eclipse-texlipse             orphan, chitlesh, mef            3 weeks ago   
eclipse-veditor              orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
flasm                        orphan                           0 weeks ago   
gkrellm-aclock               orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
gkrellm-freq                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
gkrellm-moon                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
gkrellm-sun                  orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
html-xml-utils               orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
i8kutils                     orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
idjc                         orphan, comzeradd                4 weeks ago   
irsim                        orphan, chitlesh, filiperosset   3 weeks ago   
kde-plasma-applicationname   orphan                           3 weeks ago   
knetstats                    orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
libtsm                       orphan, kwizart                  7 weeks ago   
log4cxx                      orphan, mjakubicek, mtasaka      4 weeks ago   
oidentd                      orphan, athmane, thias           3 weeks ago   
openct                       orphan, tmraz                    2 weeks ago   
openvpn-auth-ldap            orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
opticalraytracer             orphan, mjakubicek, mmahut       4 weeks ago   
prototype                    orphan                           6 weeks ago   
pymetar                      orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-Coherence             orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-dotconf               orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
python-louie                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-nevow                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-ogg                   orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-tag                   orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-twill                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-twisted-web2          orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-vorbis                orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-wikimarkup            orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
rubygem-ghost                orphan, madsa                    2 weeks ago   
scriptaculous                orphan                           6 weeks ago   
sfbm                         orphan                           3 weeks ago   
sitecopy                     orphan, jorton                   7 weeks ago   
snmp++                       orphan, mjakubicek, mtasaka      4 weeks ago   
sshmenu                      orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
surf                         orphan, fcami, psabata           7 weeks ago   
syntaxhighlighter            orphan                           6 weeks ago   
thttpd                       orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
tktray                       orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
torch                        orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
trac-peerreview-plugin       orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
valknut                      orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
xmms-acme                    orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
xmms-arts                    orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
xmms-crossfade               orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
xmms-lirc                    orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
xmms-musepack                orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
xmms-skins                   orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
xmms-speex                   orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: crystal-project (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (3 weeks ago)
	harctoolbox (maintained by: leamas)
		harctoolbox-1.1.3-1.fc24.noarch requires crystal-project = 20070620-14.fc23
		harctoolbox-1.1.3-1.fc24.src requires crystal-project = 20070620-14.fc23

Depending on: libtsm (1), status change: 2015-09-11 (7 weeks ago)
	kmscon (maintained by: kwizart)
		kmscon-8-10.fc23.i686 requires libtsm.so.3, libtsm.so.3(LIBTSM_1), libtsm.so.3(LIBTSM_2), libtsm.so.3(LIBTSM_3)
		kmscon-8-10.fc23.src requires pkgconfig(libtsm) = 3

Depending on: log4cxx (5), status change: 2015-09-30 (4 weeks ago)
	bookkeeper (maintained by: tstclair, java-sig)
		bookkeeper-4.2.1-19.fc24.src requires log4cxx-devel = 0.10.0-19.fc23
		libhedwig-4.2.1-19.fc24.i686 requires liblog4cxx.so.10

	roboptim-core (maintained by: thomasmoulard)
		roboptim-core-3.1-4.fc24.i686 requires liblog4cxx.so.10
		roboptim-core-3.1-4.fc24.src requires pkgconfig(liblog4cxx) = 0.10.0
		roboptim-core-devel-3.1-4.fc24.i686 requires pkgconfig(liblog4cxx) = 0.10.0

	roboptim-trajectory (maintained by: thomasmoulard)
		roboptim-trajectory-3.1-2.fc24.i686 requires liblog4cxx.so.10

	tncfhh (maintained by: avesh)
		tncfhh-0.8.3-24.fc24.i686 requires liblog4cxx.so.10
		tncfhh-0.8.3-24.fc24.src requires log4cxx-devel = 0.10.0-19.fc23
		tncfhh-examples-0.8.3-24.fc24.i686 requires liblog4cxx.so.10
		tncfhh-libs-0.8.3-24.fc24.i686 requires liblog4cxx.so.10
		tncfhh-utils-0.8.3-24.fc24.i686 requires liblog4cxx.so.10

	zookeeper (maintained by: tstclair, ctubbsii, etuttle, java-sig, skottler)
		zookeeper-3.4.6-12.fc24.src requires log4cxx-devel = 0.10.0-19.fc23

Depending on: python-Coherence (1), status change: 2015-09-30 (4 weeks ago)
	upnp-inspector (maintained by: musuruan)
		upnp-inspector-0.2.2-11.fc23.noarch requires python-Coherence =

Depending on: python-tag (1), status change: 2015-09-30 (4 weeks ago)
	sonata (maintained by: lbazan)
		sonata- requires python-tag = 2013.1-14.fc24

Depending on: python-twill (1), status change: 2015-09-30 (4 weeks ago)
	python-flask-testing (maintained by: yograterol)
		python-flask-testing-0.4.1-3.fc23.src requires python-twill = 0.9-13.fc23

Depending on: tktray (3), status change: 2015-09-30 (4 weeks ago)
	coccinella (maintained by: spot, smani)
		coccinella-0.96.20-11.fc23.noarch requires tktray = 1.3.9-11.fc23

	tkabber (maintained by: krege)
		tkabber-1.1.2-1.fc23.noarch requires tktray = 1.3.9-11.fc23

	tkabber-plugins (maintained by: krege)
		tkabber-plugins-1.1.2-1.fc23.noarch requires tkabber = 1.1.2-1.fc23

Affected (co)maintainers
athmane: oidentd
avesh: log4cxx
chitlesh: eclipse-texlipse, trac-peerreview-plugin, crystal-project, eclipse-veditor, crystal-clear, eclipse-eclox, irsim, knetstats
comzeradd: idjc
ctubbsii: log4cxx
etuttle: log4cxx
fcami: surf
filiperosset: irsim
galileo: eclipse-jbosstools
goldmann: eclipse-jbosstools
group::eclipse-sig: eclipse-jbosstools
java-sig: log4cxx
jorton: sitecopy
krege: tktray
kwizart: libtsm
lbazan: python-tag
leamas: crystal-project
madsa: rubygem-ghost
mef: eclipse-texlipse
mjakubicek: cdargs, opticalraytracer, python-dotconf, valknut, torch, python-wikimarkup, snmp++, html-xml-utils, tktray, dclib, cvs2svn, log4cxx
mmahut: opticalraytracer
mtasaka: snmp++, log4cxx
musuruan: python-Coherence
psabata: surf
skottler: log4cxx
smani: tktray
spot: tktray
thias: python-Coherence, gkrellm-moon, pymetar, camE, xmms-musepack, csmash, xmms-acme, python-vorbis, gkrellm-sun, oidentd, python-ogg, gkrellm-freq, xmms-speex, xmms-arts, openvpn-auth-ldap, autodir, python-twill, xmms-skins, thttpd, xmms-crossfade, gkrellm-aclock, python-nevow, i8kutils, python-tag, python-louie, sshmenu, python-twisted-web2, boa, xmms-lirc
thomasmoulard: log4cxx
tmraz: openct, ctapi-common
tremble: cvs2svn
tstclair: log4cxx
yograterol: python-twill

Orphans (63): autodir boa camE cdargs crystal-clear crystal-project
    csmash ctapi-common cvs2svn dclib eclipse-eclox eclipse-jbosstools
    eclipse-texlipse eclipse-veditor flasm gkrellm-aclock gkrellm-freq
    gkrellm-moon gkrellm-sun html-xml-utils i8kutils idjc irsim
    kde-plasma-applicationname knetstats libtsm log4cxx oidentd openct
    openvpn-auth-ldap opticalraytracer prototype pymetar
    python-Coherence python-dotconf python-louie python-nevow
    python-ogg python-tag python-twill python-twisted-web2
    python-vorbis python-wikimarkup rubygem-ghost scriptaculous sfbm
    sitecopy snmp++ sshmenu surf syntaxhighlighter thttpd tktray torch
    trac-peerreview-plugin valknut xmms-acme xmms-arts xmms-crossfade
    xmms-lirc xmms-musepack xmms-skins xmms-speex

Orphans (dependend on) (7): crystal-project libtsm log4cxx
    python-Coherence python-tag python-twill tktray

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (1): libtsm

Orphans  (rawhide)(not depended on) (56): autodir boa camE cdargs
    crystal-clear csmash ctapi-common cvs2svn dclib eclipse-eclox
    eclipse-jbosstools eclipse-texlipse eclipse-veditor flasm
    gkrellm-aclock gkrellm-freq gkrellm-moon gkrellm-sun
    html-xml-utils i8kutils idjc irsim kde-plasma-applicationname
    knetstats oidentd openct openvpn-auth-ldap opticalraytracer
    prototype pymetar python-dotconf python-louie python-nevow
    python-ogg python-twisted-web2 python-vorbis python-wikimarkup
    rubygem-ghost scriptaculous sfbm sitecopy snmp++ sshmenu surf
    syntaxhighlighter thttpd torch trac-peerreview-plugin valknut
    xmms-acme xmms-arts xmms-crossfade xmms-lirc xmms-musepack
    xmms-skins xmms-speex

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (5):
    prototype scriptaculous sitecopy surf syntaxhighlighter

Depending packages (rawhide) (13): bookkeeper coccinella harctoolbox
    kmscon python-flask-testing roboptim-core roboptim-trajectory
    sonata tkabber tkabber-plugins tncfhh upnp-inspector zookeeper

Packages depending on packages orphaned (rawhide) for more than 6
    weeks (1): kmscon

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Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
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