On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 19:08 +0100, soraberri wrote: > I think my problem is a concept failure: > When I include in my programs a #include <afile.h> I am telling the > compiler to look for afile.h and paste the code in my program. So far so > good. But the header file usually only holds definitions and not the > implementation of the functions, so what I don't understand is how can > the system (compiler) know where and how to find the library or the > piece of binary code that actually implements the functions defined in > the afile.h > > hope this is a very simple question for you You tell the compiler to include the library using -l. For example, gcc -o test test.c -lsomelibrary Please read the GCC documentation instead of asking the list. (Which isn't even the right list to ask user questions - this list is for developing the Fedora distribution.) > > regards > -- Sean Middleditch <elanthis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> AwesomePlay Productions, Inc.