RFC: LiveUSB Creator Revamped

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Hi everyone,

for quite a while, I've been working on implementation of a new, revamped UI, designed by Jakub Steiner for the LiveUSB Creator [0]. Currently, me and Luke are slowly moving to merge the changes back into the master branch of the tree. Some stuff is not done, like descriptions of the images or final look of the icons but the really important things are already there.
I'm writing here to ask you guys for input on what you think about how it  
looks like now. I've set up a Copr repository [1] and put a Windows  
package together [2].
I'm open to all kinds of feature requests, bug reports, any kind of input  
that comes to your minds.
The Copr version still contains just udisks support. Udisks2 will be added  
ASAP (when I rebase my branch against master and build the package again).
Specifically, what we'd love to settle is: what to do with the main screen  
with the three promoted images. Obviously, putting a Server or Cloud  
Product on a USB drive is a nonsense. One could argue the tool at least  
downloads the images for you, though.

[0] https://github.com/lmacken/liveusb-creator/tree/feature/new-ui
[1] https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/mbriza/unstable/build/94636/
[2a] https://mbriza.fedorapeople.org/liveusb-creator.zip
[2b] http://ma.rtinbriza.cz/w/liveusb-creator.zip
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