F22 Radeon Kernel Oops when switching on Monitor

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Hi everyone,

I've just filed a bug [1] detailing how I'm hitting a kernel oops if I have the audacity to switch my DisplayPort attached monitor on when the system has already booted. I'd like to call it a regression but the code path in question doesn't seem to have been touched since Jul 2014.
Suffice it to say, I didn't notice it happening on F21.

I had a few questions I don't want to clutter up the Bugzilla report with:
1) Was I right to report the more serious of what are two alternative 
manifestations of the bug (ie a kernel Oops in text mode, just a gnome 
crash in Graphical)?
2) If so, should I create a second bug to cover the Graphical 

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1224579

Richard Bradfield
devel mailing list
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