Re: Orphaned Packages in rawhide (2015-04-20)

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On 20 April 2015 at 19:00, <opensource@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

       Package               (co)maintainers         Status Change
erlang-jsx              orphan, erlang-sig, peter    6 weeks ago
gnome-schedule          orphan, sundaram             4 weeks ago
identicurse             orphan, smilner              5 weeks ago
jackrabbit              orphan                       6 weeks ago
libgtkhotkey            orphan, sundaram             4 weeks ago
mercury                 orphan                       6 weeks ago
naim                    orphan, lmacken              4 weeks ago
netactview              orphan                       3 weeks ago
obexftp                 orphan, itamarjp             1 weeks ago
perl-File-SearchPath    orphan, georgiou, perl-sig   0 weeks ago
perl-Term-Clui          orphan, georgiou, perl-sig   0 weeks ago
pork                    orphan, lmacken              4 weeks ago
python-sockjs-tornado   orphan, gholms               4 weeks ago
python-sqlalchemy0.5    orphan                       2 weeks ago
python-sqlamp           orphan                       2 weeks ago
python-xkit             orphan, sundaram             4 weeks ago
xlhtml                  orphan, sundaram             4 weeks ago
xprobe2                 orphan, lmacken              4 weeks ago
zoneminder              orphan, mebourne             1 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: erlang-jsx (28), status change: 2015-03-04 (6 weeks ago)
        thrift (maintained by: willb)
                erlang-thrift-0.9.1-13.fc22.3.i686 requires erlang-jsx = 1.4.2-4.fc22

        accumulo (maintained by: ctubbsii, mizdebsk)
                accumulo-1.6.1-2.fc22.src requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3
                accumulo-core-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                accumulo-gc-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                accumulo-master-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                accumulo-server-base-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                accumulo-tracer-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                accumulo-tserver-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                accumulo-examples-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1

        amplab-tachyon (maintained by: tstclair, hchen, java-sig)
                amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21.src requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1, thrift = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

        avro (maintained by: ricardo, goldmann)
                avro-1.7.5-9.fc22.src requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3
                avro-thrift-1.7.5-9.fc22.noarch requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                avro-mapred-1.7.5-9.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-client = 2.4.1-6.fc22, hadoop-mapreduce = 2.4.1-6.fc22

        hbase (maintained by: rrati, coolsvap, moceap)
                hbase-0.98.3-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                hbase-tests-0.98.3-2.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-tests = 2.4.1-6.fc22, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-annotations) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs::tests:) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-core) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient::tests:) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-minicluster) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1, mvn(org.cloudera.htrace:htrace-core) = 2.03

        hive (maintained by: pmackinn, coolsvap, java-sig, moceap)
                hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires fb303-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libfb303) = 0.9.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.src requires fb303-devel = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, fb303-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, thrift-devel = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

        htrace (maintained by: rrati)
                htrace-2.03-4.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                htrace-2.03-4.fc21.src requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

        oozie (maintained by: rrati, coolsvap, moceap)
                oozie-4.0.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libfb303) = 0.9.1

        parquet-format (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
                parquet-format-2.1.0-1.fc23.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
                parquet-format-2.1.0-1.fc23.src requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1, thrift = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

        python-elasticsearch (maintained by: dbruno, apevec)
                python-elasticsearch-1.4.0-1.fc23.noarch requires python-thrift = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

        python-txamqp (maintained by: dcallagh, silas)
                python-txamqp-thrift-0.6.2-1.fc23.noarch requires python-thrift = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

        hadoop (maintained by: rrati, besser82, coolsvap, matt, moceap)
                hadoop-2.4.1-6.fc22.src requires avro = 1.7.5-9.fc22
                hadoop-common-2.4.1-6.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5
                hadoop-mapreduce-2.4.1-6.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5
                hadoop-tests-2.4.1-6.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5

        hibernate-search (maintained by: goldmann)
                hibernate-search-4.5.1-4.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5
                hibernate-search-4.5.1-4.fc21.src requires avro = 1.7.5-9.fc22

        infinispan (maintained by: ricardo, goldmann)
                infinispan-6.0.2-5.fc21.src requires avro = 1.7.5-9.fc22

        pig (maintained by: pmackinn, coolsvap, java-sig, moceap)
                pig-0.13.0-1.fc21.noarch requires avro-mapred = 1.7.5-9.fc22, avro-trevni = 1.7.5-9.fc22
                pig-0.13.0-1.fc21.src requires avro-mapred = 1.7.5-9.fc22, avro-trevni = 1.7.5-9.fc22

        wildfly (maintained by: goldmann)
                wildfly-8.1.0-3.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5

        glusterfs-hadoop (maintained by: matt, lalatendu)
                glusterfs-hadoop-2.3.2-4.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager) = 2.4.1
                glusterfs-hadoop-2.3.2-4.fc21.src requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager) = 2.4.1

        root (maintained by: ellert, stevetraylen)
                root-5.34.24-3.fc22.src requires hadoop-devel = 2.4.1-6.fc22
                root-io-hdfs-5.34.24-3.fc22.i686 requires

        solr (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
                solr-4.10.3-1.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-annotations) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs) = 2.4.1
                solr-4.10.3-1.fc22.src requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-annotations) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs) = 2.4.1

        spark (maintained by: willb)
                spark-0.9.1-0.3.rc3.fc21.i686 requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1
                spark-0.9.1-0.3.rc3.fc21.src requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1

        hibernate-hql (maintained by: goldmann)
                hibernate-hql-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha6.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-search-engine) = 4.5.1.Final
                hibernate-hql-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha6.fc21.src requires hibernate-search = 4.5.1-4.fc21

        hibernate (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
                hibernate-4.3.5-5.fc23.src requires infinispan = 6.0.2-5.fc21
                hibernate-infinispan-4.3.5-5.fc23.noarch requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final

        picketbox (maintained by: ricardo, goldmann)
                picketbox-4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final
                picketbox-4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21.src requires infinispan = 6.0.2-5.fc21

        resteasy (maintained by: vakwetu, edewata, goldmann, weli)
                resteasy-3.0.6-7.fc22.src requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final
                resteasy-optional-3.0.6-7.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final

        eclipse-jbosstools (maintained by: galileo, goldmann)
                eclipse-jbosstools-4.2.2-1.fc22.src requires wildfly = 8.1.0-3.fc22
                eclipse-jbosstools-as-4.2.2-1.fc22.noarch requires wildfly = 8.1.0-3.fc22

        perl-Alien-ROOT (maintained by: ppisar, jplesnik, perl-sig, psabata)
                perl-Alien-ROOT- requires root-core = 5.34.24-3.fc22
                perl-Alien-ROOT- requires root-core = 5.34.24-3.fc22

        perl-SOOT (maintained by: ppisar, jplesnik, perl-sig, psabata)
                perl-SOOT-0.17-6.fc22.i686 requires,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                perl-SOOT-0.17-6.fc22.src requires root-graf3d = 5.34.24-3.fc22, root-physics = 5.34.24-3.fc22, root-reflex = 5.34.24-3.fc22

        rootplot (maintained by: stevetraylen)
                rootplot-2.2.1-10.fc21.i686 requires root-python = 5.34.24-3.fc22
                rootplot-2.2.1-10.fc21.src requires root-python = 5.34.24-3.fc22

Depending on: python-sqlalchemy0.5 (1), status change: 2015-03-31 (2 weeks ago)
        python-migrate0.5 (maintained by: lmacken, mbacovsk)
                python-migrate0.5-0.5.4-7.fc21.noarch requires python-sqlalchemy0.5 = 0.5.8-11.fc19
                python-migrate0.5-0.5.4-7.fc21.src requires python-sqlalchemy0.5 = 0.5.8-11.fc19

Affected (co)maintainers
apevec: erlang-jsx
besser82: erlang-jsx
coolsvap: erlang-jsx
ctubbsii: erlang-jsx
dbruno: erlang-jsx
dcallagh: erlang-jsx
edewata: erlang-jsx
ellert: erlang-jsx
erlang-sig: erlang-jsx
galileo: erlang-jsx
georgiou: perl-File-SearchPath, perl-Term-Clui
gholms: python-sockjs-tornado
gil: erlang-jsx
goldmann: erlang-jsx
hchen: erlang-jsx
itamarjp: obexftp
java-sig: erlang-jsx
jplesnik: erlang-jsx
lalatendu: erlang-jsx
lmacken: naim, pork, python-sqlalchemy0.5, xprobe2
matt: erlang-jsx
mbacovsk: python-sqlalchemy0.5
mebourne: zoneminder
mizdebsk: erlang-jsx
moceap: erlang-jsx
perl-sig: perl-File-SearchPath, perl-Term-Clui, erlang-jsx
peter: erlang-jsx
pmackinn: erlang-jsx
ppisar: erlang-jsx
psabata: erlang-jsx
ricardo: erlang-jsx
rrati: erlang-jsx
silas: erlang-jsx
smilner: identicurse
stevetraylen: erlang-jsx
sundaram: python-xkit, gnome-schedule, libgtkhotkey, xlhtml
tstclair: erlang-jsx
vakwetu: erlang-jsx
weli: erlang-jsx
willb: erlang-jsx

Orphans (19): erlang-jsx gnome-schedule identicurse jackrabbit
    libgtkhotkey mercury naim netactview obexftp perl-File-SearchPath
    perl-Term-Clui pork python-sockjs-tornado python-sqlalchemy0.5
    python-sqlamp python-xkit xlhtml xprobe2 zoneminder

Orphans (dependend on) (2): erlang-jsx python-sqlalchemy0.5

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (1): erlang-jsx

Orphans  (rawhide)(not depended on) (17): gnome-schedule identicurse
    jackrabbit libgtkhotkey mercury naim netactview obexftp
    perl-File-SearchPath perl-Term-Clui pork python-sockjs-tornado
    python-sqlamp python-xkit xlhtml xprobe2 zoneminder

Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (2):
    jackrabbit mercury

Depending packages (rawhide) (29): accumulo amplab-tachyon avro
    eclipse-jbosstools glusterfs-hadoop hadoop hbase hibernate
    hibernate-hql hibernate-search hive htrace infinispan oozie
    parquet-format perl-Alien-ROOT perl-SOOT picketbox pig
    python-elasticsearch python-migrate0.5 python-txamqp resteasy root
    rootplot solr spark thrift wildfly

Packages depending on packages orphaned (rawhide) for more than 6
    weeks (28): accumulo amplab-tachyon avro eclipse-jbosstools
    glusterfs-hadoop hadoop hbase hibernate hibernate-hql
    hibernate-search hive htrace infinispan oozie parquet-format
    perl-Alien-ROOT perl-SOOT picketbox pig python-elasticsearch
    python-txamqp resteasy root rootplot solr spark thrift wildfly

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Is anyone from erlang-sig willing to adopt erlang-jsx?

If not, can it be patched out of thrift maybe by dropping the -erlang subpackage?

Although I am not directly affected as a java-sig person it does concern me that some random erlang package is affecting so many java packages.
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