On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 15:41 -0600, Richard June wrote: > > FYI, Inkscape is included in fedora.us/Fedora Extras, currently at > > version 0.40. > Really? I'm running fc3 and would love to have inkscape RPMs from > Fedora > Extras. where can I download them? The FC2 SRPM http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/2/i386/SRPMS.stable/inkscape-0.39-0.fdr.1.2.src.rpm builds/runs fine under FC3 (x86_64). Required libsigc++-devel http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/2/i386/SRPMS.stable/libsigc++-1.2.5-0.fdr.5.2.src.rpm Building 0.40 was a considerable diversion. Required the following non- FC3 packages to be built to satisfy dependencies. libgc-6.2 libsigc++20-2.0.6 gtkmm2-2.4.6 glibmm-2.4.5 inkscape-0.40 Don't have a public site to dump packages, but spec files are attached if they may be helpful. Phil
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