tir, 14.12.2004 kl. 15.56 skrev Neal D. Becker: > trac http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/ is really awesome SCM/project > management. I installed it easily on FC3 using packages from DAG > repository. I highly recommend adding this! It is GPL, of course. As i am reading this list, i see more and more people recomending their "favorite toy" (please dont misunderstand) - while no "important" improvements for everyone are made. Many of the programs that are recomended looks really great, and should definitively be in extras. But then there is gyum. Even if i must admit that i have not tested it very much (as my main platform is still FC2), i must admit that this might give fedora and yum an edge it dosn't have today. And it does (According to screenshots - i only have an old computer with XFCE running fc3) have a panel aplet that can replace that poor old up2date thing. It won't be a moment to late... Only problem i have noticed with gyum so far, is that it does *appear* to be hanging while getting the package list. That's an UI problem... I would guess tchung is also on this list - is this due for fixing? Comments from anybody else, that migth have more experience than me using the app? Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk