rawhide report: 20150130 changes

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Compose started at Fri Jan 30 05:15:07 UTC 2015
Broken deps for i386
	Sprog-0.14-27.fc20.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.18.0)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libofstd.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires liboflog.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libijg8.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libijg16.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libijg12.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libdcmnet.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libdcmjpeg.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libdcmimgle.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libdcmimage.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.i686 requires libdcmdata.so.3.6
	barman-1.3.3-4.fc22.noarch requires python-dateutil < 0:2.0
	boswars-2.7-5.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	broccoli-2.3-1.fc22.i686 requires bro-2.3
	python-broccoli-2.3-1.fc22.i686 requires bro-2.3
	cab-0.1.9-12.fc22.i686 requires cabal-dev
	dnssec-check- requires libval-threads.so.14
	dnssec-check- requires libsres.so.14
	fawkes-lua-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-katana-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-pantilt-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-roomba-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-skiller-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	gcc-python2-debug-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python2-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python3-debug-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python3-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.i686 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gitg-3.14.1-1.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	gitg-libs-3.14.1-1.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	golang-github-goraft-raft-devel-0-0.5.git73f9c44.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf)
	golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-datastore-0.8.5-0.1.git9485e99.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/proto)
	golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-devel-0.8.5-0.1.git9485e99.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/proto)
	libhocr-gtk-0.10.17-18.fc22.i686 requires python-imaging-sane
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libitksys-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libitkopenjpeg-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libitkdouble-conversion-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libitkNetlibSlatec-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libhdf5_hl.so.8
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libhdf5_cpp.so.8
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libhdf5.so.8
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKznz-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKniftiio-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKgiftiio-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKWatersheds-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKVtkGlue-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKVideoIO-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKVideoCore-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKVTK-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKVNLInstantiation-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKStatistics-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKSpatialObjects-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKReview-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKPolynomials-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKPath-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKOptimizersv4-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKOptimizers-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKNrrdIO-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKMetaIO-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKMesh-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKLabelMap-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOXML-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOVTK-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOTransformMatlab-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOTransformHDF5-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOTransformBase-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOTIFF-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOStimulate-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOSpatialObjects-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOSiemens-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOPNG-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIONRRD-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIONIFTI-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOMeta-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOMesh-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOMRC-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOLSM-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOJPEG-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOImageBase-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOIPL-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOHDF5-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOGIPL-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOGE-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOGDCM-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOCSV-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOBioRad-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKIOBMP-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKFEM-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKDeprecated-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKDICOMParser-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKCommon-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKBioCell-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.i686 requires libITKBiasCorrection-4.6.so.1
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.i686 requires npm(ws) < 0:0.5
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.i686 requires npm(ultron) < 0:1.1
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.i686 requires npm(ultron) >= 0:1.0
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.i686 requires npm(commander) >= 0:2.5
	nwchem-openmpi-6.3.2-11.fc21.i686 requires libmpi_usempi.so.1
	opensips-redis-1.10.3-1.fc22.i686 requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	pam_mapi-0.2.0-3.fc22.i686 requires libmapi.so.0
	perl-Net-Twitter-4.01008-1.fc22.noarch requires perl(authentication)
	python-pygit2-0.21.4-1.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	python3-pygit2-0.21.4-1.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	rakudo-star-0.0.2014.04_6.1.0-3.fc22.i686 requires libparrot.so.6.1.0
	librawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.i686 requires libgphoto2_port.so.10
	rawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.i686 requires libgphoto2_port.so.10(LIBGPHOTO2_5_0)
	rawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.i686 requires libgphoto2_port.so.10
	rsyslog-hiredis-7.4.10-5.fc22.i686 requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	rubygem-rugged-0.21.0-4.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.i686 requires libhdf5_hl.so.8
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.i686 requires libhdf5.so.8
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.i686 requires hdf5 = 0:1.8.13
	stratagus-2.2.7-4.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	subsurface-4.3-1.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	subversion-ruby-1.8.11-1.fc22.i686 requires libruby.so.2.1
	syslog-ng-redis-3.6.2-1.fc22.i686 requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	uwsgi-plugin-gridfs-2.0.7-2.fc22.i686 requires libmongoclient.so
	uwsgi-plugin-rack-2.0.7-2.fc22.i686 requires libruby.so.2.1
	uwsgi-plugin-ruby-2.0.7-2.fc22.i686 requires libruby.so.2.1
	uwsgi-stats-pusher-mongodb-2.0.7-2.fc22.i686 requires libmongoclient.so
	xavante-2.3.0-1.fc22.noarch requires lua(abi) = 0:5.2
	xonotic-0.7.0-5.fc22.i686 requires xonotic-data = 0:0.7.0
	xonotic-server-0.7.0-5.fc22.i686 requires xonotic-data = 0:0.7.0
	libyaz-5.6.0-1.fc22.i686 requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	zmap-1.2.1-2.fc22.i686 requires libhiredis.so.0.10

Broken deps for x86_64
	Sprog-0.14-27.fc20.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.18.0)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libofstd.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires liboflog.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libijg8.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libijg16.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libijg12.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libdcmnet.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libdcmjpeg.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libdcmimgle.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libdcmimage.so.3.6()(64bit)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.x86_64 requires libdcmdata.so.3.6()(64bit)
	barman-1.3.3-4.fc22.noarch requires python-dateutil < 0:2.0
	boswars-2.7-5.fc22.x86_64 requires libtolua++-5.1.so()(64bit)
	broccoli-2.3-1.fc22.i686 requires bro-2.3
	broccoli-2.3-1.fc22.x86_64 requires bro-2.3
	python-broccoli-2.3-1.fc22.x86_64 requires bro-2.3
	cab-0.1.9-12.fc22.x86_64 requires cabal-dev
	dnssec-check- requires libval-threads.so.14()(64bit)
	dnssec-check- requires libsres.so.14()(64bit)
	fawkes-lua-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-lua-0.5.0-19.fc22.x86_64 requires libtolua++-5.1.so()(64bit)
	fawkes-plugin-katana-0.5.0-19.fc22.x86_64 requires libtolua++-5.1.so()(64bit)
	fawkes-plugin-pantilt-0.5.0-19.fc22.x86_64 requires libtolua++-5.1.so()(64bit)
	fawkes-plugin-roomba-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-roomba-0.5.0-19.fc22.x86_64 requires libtolua++-5.1.so()(64bit)
	fawkes-plugin-skiller-0.5.0-19.fc22.i686 requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-skiller-0.5.0-19.fc22.x86_64 requires libtolua++-5.1.so()(64bit)
	gcc-python2-debug-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python2-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python3-debug-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python3-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.x86_64 requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gitg-3.14.1-1.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	gitg-3.14.1-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libgit2.so.21()(64bit)
	gitg-libs-3.14.1-1.fc22.i686 requires libgit2.so.21
	gitg-libs-3.14.1-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libgit2.so.21()(64bit)
	golang-github-goraft-raft-devel-0-0.5.git73f9c44.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf)
	golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-datastore-0.8.5-0.1.git9485e99.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/proto)
	golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-devel-0.8.5-0.1.git9485e99.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/proto)
	libhocr-gtk-0.10.17-18.fc22.x86_64 requires python-imaging-sane
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libitksys-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libitkopenjpeg-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libitkdouble-conversion-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libitkNetlibSlatec-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libhdf5_hl.so.8()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libhdf5_cpp.so.8()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libhdf5.so.8()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKznz-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKniftiio-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKgiftiio-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKWatersheds-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKVtkGlue-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKVideoIO-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKVideoCore-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKVTK-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKVNLInstantiation-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKStatistics-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKSpatialObjects-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKReview-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKPolynomials-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKPath-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKOptimizersv4-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKOptimizers-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKNrrdIO-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKMetaIO-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKMesh-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKLabelMap-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOXML-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOVTK-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformMatlab-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformHDF5-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOTransformBase-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOTIFF-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOStimulate-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOSpatialObjects-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOSiemens-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOPNG-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIONRRD-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIONIFTI-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOMeta-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOMesh-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOMRC-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOLSM-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOJPEG-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOImageBase-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOIPL-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOHDF5-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOGIPL-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOGE-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOGDCM-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOCSV-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOBioRad-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKIOBMP-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKFEM-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKDeprecated-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKDICOMParser-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKCommon-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKBioCell-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libITKBiasCorrection-4.6.so.1()(64bit)
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.x86_64 requires npm(ws) < 0:0.5
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.x86_64 requires npm(ultron) < 0:1.1
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.x86_64 requires npm(ultron) >= 0:1.0
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.x86_64 requires npm(commander) >= 0:2.5
	nwchem-openmpi-6.3.2-11.fc21.x86_64 requires libmpi_usempi.so.1()(64bit)
	opensips-redis-1.10.3-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libhiredis.so.0.10()(64bit)
	pam_mapi-0.2.0-3.fc22.i686 requires libmapi.so.0
	pam_mapi-0.2.0-3.fc22.x86_64 requires libmapi.so.0()(64bit)
	perl-Net-Twitter-4.01008-1.fc22.noarch requires perl(authentication)
	python-pygit2-0.21.4-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libgit2.so.21()(64bit)
	python3-pygit2-0.21.4-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libgit2.so.21()(64bit)
	rakudo-star-0.0.2014.04_6.1.0-3.fc22.x86_64 requires libparrot.so.6.1.0()(64bit)
	librawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.i686 requires libgphoto2_port.so.10
	librawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.x86_64 requires libgphoto2_port.so.10()(64bit)
	rawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.x86_64 requires libgphoto2_port.so.10(LIBGPHOTO2_5_0)(64bit)
	rawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.x86_64 requires libgphoto2_port.so.10()(64bit)
	rsyslog-hiredis-7.4.10-5.fc22.x86_64 requires libhiredis.so.0.10()(64bit)
	rubygem-rugged-0.21.0-4.fc22.x86_64 requires libgit2.so.21()(64bit)
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.i686 requires libhdf5_hl.so.8
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.i686 requires libhdf5.so.8
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.i686 requires hdf5 = 0:1.8.13
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.x86_64 requires libhdf5_hl.so.8()(64bit)
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.x86_64 requires libhdf5.so.8()(64bit)
	scilab-5.5.1-2.fc22.x86_64 requires hdf5 = 0:1.8.13
	stratagus-2.2.7-4.fc22.x86_64 requires libtolua++-5.1.so()(64bit)
	subsurface-4.3-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libgit2.so.21()(64bit)
	subversion-ruby-1.8.11-1.fc22.i686 requires libruby.so.2.1
	subversion-ruby-1.8.11-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libruby.so.2.1()(64bit)
	syslog-ng-redis-3.6.2-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libhiredis.so.0.10()(64bit)
	uwsgi-plugin-gridfs-2.0.7-2.fc22.x86_64 requires libmongoclient.so()(64bit)
	uwsgi-plugin-rack-2.0.7-2.fc22.x86_64 requires libruby.so.2.1()(64bit)
	uwsgi-plugin-ruby-2.0.7-2.fc22.x86_64 requires libruby.so.2.1()(64bit)
	uwsgi-stats-pusher-mongodb-2.0.7-2.fc22.x86_64 requires libmongoclient.so()(64bit)
	xavante-2.3.0-1.fc22.noarch requires lua(abi) = 0:5.2
	xonotic-0.7.0-5.fc22.x86_64 requires xonotic-data = 0:0.7.0
	xonotic-server-0.7.0-5.fc22.x86_64 requires xonotic-data = 0:0.7.0
	libyaz-5.6.0-1.fc22.i686 requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	libyaz-5.6.0-1.fc22.x86_64 requires libhiredis.so.0.10()(64bit)
	zmap-1.2.1-2.fc22.x86_64 requires libhiredis.so.0.10()(64bit)

Broken deps for armhfp
	Sprog-0.14-27.fc20.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.18.0)
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libofstd.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires liboflog.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libijg8.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libijg16.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libijg12.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libdcmnet.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libdcmjpeg.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libdcmimgle.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libdcmimage.so.3.6
	aeskulap-0.2.2-0.19beta1.fc22.armv7hl requires libdcmdata.so.3.6
	avro-mapred-1.7.5-9.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-mapreduce
	avro-mapred-1.7.5-9.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-client
	barman-1.3.3-4.fc22.noarch requires python-dateutil < 0:2.0
	boswars-2.7-5.fc22.armv7hl requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	broccoli-2.3-1.fc22.armv7hl requires bro-2.3
	python-broccoli-2.3-1.fc22.armv7hl requires bro-2.3
	cab-0.1.9-12.fc22.armv7hl requires cabal-dev
	dnssec-check- requires libval-threads.so.14
	dnssec-check- requires libsres.so.14
	fawkes-lua-0.5.0-19.fc22.armv7hl requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-katana-0.5.0-19.fc22.armv7hl requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-pantilt-0.5.0-19.fc22.armv7hl requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-roomba-0.5.0-19.fc22.armv7hl requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	fawkes-plugin-skiller-0.5.0-19.fc22.armv7hl requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	gcc-python2-debug-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.armv7hl requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python2-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.armv7hl requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python3-debug-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.armv7hl requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gcc-python3-plugin-0.13-2.fc22.armv7hl requires gcc = 0:4.9.2-1.fc22
	gitg-3.14.1-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libgit2.so.21
	gitg-libs-3.14.1-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libgit2.so.21
	golang-github-goraft-raft-devel-0-0.5.git73f9c44.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf)
	golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-datastore-0.8.5-0.1.git9485e99.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/proto)
	golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-devel-0.8.5-0.1.git9485e99.fc22.noarch requires golang(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/proto)
	libhocr-gtk-0.10.17-18.fc22.armv7hl requires python-imaging-sane
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libitksys-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libitkopenjpeg-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libitkdouble-conversion-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libitkNetlibSlatec-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libhdf5_hl.so.8
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libhdf5_cpp.so.8
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libhdf5.so.8
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKznz-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKniftiio-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKgiftiio-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKWatersheds-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKVtkGlue-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKVideoIO-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKVideoCore-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKVTK-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKVNLInstantiation-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKStatistics-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKSpatialObjects-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKReview-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKPolynomials-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKPath-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKOptimizersv4-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKOptimizers-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKNrrdIO-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKMetaIO-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKMesh-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKLabelMap-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOXML-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOVTK-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformMatlab-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformHDF5-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOTransformBase-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOTIFF-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOStimulate-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOSpatialObjects-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOSiemens-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOPNG-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIONRRD-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIONIFTI-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOMeta-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOMesh-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOMRC-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOLSM-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOJPEG-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOImageBase-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOIPL-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOHDF5-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOGIPL-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOGE-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOGDCM-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOCSV-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOBioRad-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKIOBMP-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKFEM-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKDeprecated-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKDICOMParser-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKCommon-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKBioCell-4.6.so.1
	nifti2dicom-0.4.9-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libITKBiasCorrection-4.6.so.1
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.armv7hl requires npm(ws) < 0:0.5
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.armv7hl requires npm(ultron) < 0:1.1
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.armv7hl requires npm(ultron) >= 0:1.0
	nodejs-ws-0.7.0-1.fc22.armv7hl requires npm(commander) >= 0:2.5
	opensips-redis-1.10.3-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	ostree-grub2-2015.3-2.fc22.armv7hl requires grub2
	pam_mapi-0.2.0-3.fc22.armv7hl requires libmapi.so.0
	perl-Net-Twitter-4.01008-1.fc22.noarch requires perl(authentication)
	python-pygit2-0.21.4-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libgit2.so.21
	python3-pygit2-0.21.4-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libgit2.so.21
	rakudo-star-0.0.2014.04_6.1.0-3.fc22.armv7hl requires libparrot.so.6.1.0
	librawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.armv7hl requires libgphoto2_port.so.10
	rawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.armv7hl requires libgphoto2_port.so.10(LIBGPHOTO2_5_0)
	rawstudio-2.0-16.fc22.armv7hl requires libgphoto2_port.so.10
	rsyslog-hiredis-7.4.10-5.fc22.armv7hl requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	rubygem-rugged-0.21.0-4.fc22.armv7hl requires libgit2.so.21
	spring-maps-default-0.1-12.fc21.noarch requires spring
	stratagus-2.2.7-4.fc22.armv7hl requires libtolua++-5.1.so
	subsurface-4.3-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libgit2.so.21
	subversion-ruby-1.8.11-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libruby.so.2.1
	syntastic-d-3.5.0-1.fc22.noarch requires ldc
	syslog-ng-redis-3.6.2-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	uwsgi-plugin-gridfs-2.0.7-2.fc22.armv7hl requires libmongoclient.so
	uwsgi-plugin-rack-2.0.7-2.fc22.armv7hl requires libruby.so.2.1
	uwsgi-plugin-ruby-2.0.7-2.fc22.armv7hl requires libruby.so.2.1
	uwsgi-stats-pusher-mongodb-2.0.7-2.fc22.armv7hl requires libmongoclient.so
	xavante-2.3.0-1.fc22.noarch requires lua(abi) = 0:5.2
	xonotic-0.7.0-5.fc22.armv7hl requires xonotic-data = 0:0.7.0
	xonotic-server-0.7.0-5.fc22.armv7hl requires xonotic-data = 0:0.7.0
	libyaz-5.6.0-1.fc22.armv7hl requires libhiredis.so.0.10
	zmap-1.2.1-2.fc22.armv7hl requires libhiredis.so.0.10

New package: blivet-gui-0.2.0-6.fc22
             Tool for data storage configuration

New package: dap2rpm-0.1.7-2.fc22
             Tool for generating RPM specfiles for DevAssistant DAP packages.

New package: dozer-5.5.1-1.fc22
             Java Bean to Java Bean mapper

New package: drpm-0.1.2-1.fc22
             A small library for fetching information from deltarpm packages

New package: felix-fileinstall-3.4.0-3.fc22
             A utility to automatically install bundles from a directory

New package: flatpack-4.0.0-2.fc22
             Flat File Parser via XML Mappings (fixed length,CSV)

New package: golang-github-influxdb-hyperleveldb-go-0-0.1.gite24de94.fc22
             Go wrapper for HyperLevelDB

New package: golang-github-influxdb-rocksdb-0-0.1.git7adff3e.fc22
             Go wrapper for RocksDB

New package: jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0-1.fc22
             JAXB2 Commons - Fluent API Plugin

New package: kwrited-5.2.0-1.fc22
             KDE Write Daemon

Removed package:  dirmngr-1.1.1-6.fc22

Updated Packages:

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:1.0.0-4
- core: resume bridged connections properly (rh #1162636, backport from master)

Size change: 257 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 3.1.4-10
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3025 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.1-9
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3055 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jaromir Capik <jcapik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.11.1-1
- Update to 0.11.1 (#1180423)

* Fri Aug 15 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild

Size change: 69704 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.0.28-4
- Add speexdsp-devel as a dep to fix FTBFS

Size change: -939 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 4.3-0.3.r3.1
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3037 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.1-9
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3082 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 0.1.0-10
- introduce license macro

Size change: -985 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.5.0-10
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3085 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2-11
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3052 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.0-0.9.20120509SNAPSHOT
- introduce license macro

Size change: -1068 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.0-14
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3047 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 3.0.2-9.20120313svn1102435
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3080 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 2.0-15
- introduce license macro

Size change: -1003 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 0.1-9
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3040 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 0.9.19-8
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3033 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 0.4.4-3
- introduce license macro

Size change: 97 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.8.4-2
- introduce license macro

Size change: -1025 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 13.0.2-3
- Add speexdsp as build dep as speex_echo.h has moved - rhbz 1181021

* Thu Jan 15 2015 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 13.0.2-2
- update for lua 5.3

Size change: -757 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 0:1.2.12-10
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3133 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.6.1-13
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3076 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.2.0-4
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3105 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.50-6
- introduce license macro

Size change: -973 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.50-6
- install license file in main package

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.50-5
- introduce license macro

Size change: -873 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 1.50-4
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3124 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 0:2.1.2-6
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3131 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 gil cattaneo <puntogil@xxxxxxxxx> 0.5-10
- introduce license macro

Size change: 3096 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@xxxxxxxxx> 1.14.0-2
- Add patch to fix crashes in dot. Fixes bug #1183242

Size change: -60 bytes

* Fri Jan 30 2015 Wolfgang Ulbrich <chat-to-me@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.0-1
- update to 1.8.0 release
- fix english and non translated help

Size change: 75690 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.0-0.2.pre1
- require timedatex (#1136905)

Size change: 176 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Robert Scheck <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.98.6-1
- Upgrade to 0.98.6 and updated daily.cvd (#1187050)

* Wed Nov 19 2014 Robert Scheck <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.98.5-2
- Corrected summary of clamav-server-systemd package (#1165672)

Size change: 1252523 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ryan Lerch <ryanlerch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9-0
- Update to upstream version 0.9

Size change: 7639 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2-12.20150125
- update to 1.2-20150125

Size change: 3191 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Igor Gnatenko <i.gnatenko.brain@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.3-1
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- packaging: include rpmconf plugin only for F22+ (Igor Gnatenko)
- trivial: drop note about bug (Igor Gnatenko)
- local: prefer verbose option on quiet (Igor Gnatenko)
- local: simplidy parsing code (Igor Gnatenko)
- local: fix output from spawning createrepo (Igor Gnatenko)
- doc: improve documentation for local plugin (Igor Gnatenko)
- repoclosure: store requirements as is (Igor Gnatenko)
- repoclosure: optimize performance and memory usage (Igor Gnatenko)
- build: distribute forgotten files (Igor Gnatenko)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- plugins: add repoclosure plugin (Igor Gnatenko)
- packaging: fix files for common subpkg after one of merges (Igor Gnatenko)
- local: use createrepo_c instead of createrepo (Igor Gnatenko)
- plugins: add local plugin (RhBug:991014) (Igor Gnatenko)
- repograph: set decimal places to 12 for colors (Igor Gnatenko)
- tests: fix indentation in repograph (Igor Gnatenko)
- plugins: add repograph plugin (Igor Gnatenko)
- repomanage: replace dnfpluginscore with dnfpluginsextras (Igor Gnatenko)
- plugins: fix typo in if/else (Igor Gnatenko)
- doc: add note that --new by default for repomanage (Igor Gnatenko)
- snapper: don't make snapshots if user removing snapper (RhBug:1177631) (Igor Gnatenko)
- tests: add tests for repomanage (Igor Gnatenko)
- tests: add initial framework (Igor Gnatenko)
- repomanage: use native pkg.location without path join (Igor Gnatenko)
- packaging: obsolete and provide dnf-plugin-tracer correctly (Igor Gnatenko)

Size change: 27969 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.1-13.gitd400ac7
- daily rebuild - Thu Jan 29 14:13:04 UTC 2015

Size change: 7890 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Mat Booth <mat.booth@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.14.0-2
- Build/install with mvn_build/mvn_install, let xmvn auto generate
  requires and provides
- Fold context-team and context-ide into base package, it longer makes
  sense to have these as separate sub packages
- Drop update-site patch
- Add patch to explicitly require hamcrest for tests that need it
- Remove other misc cruft from spec file that is no longer needed

Size change: -2604 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jaromir Capik <jcapik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2:3.18-1
- Update to 3.18 (#1175150)

Size change: -995 bytes

* Tue Jan 27 2015 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx> - 2.2.2-2
- Install bash completion to %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions

Size change: 239 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 František Dvořák <valtri@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.36-2
- Patch to fix build with recent build tools

* Mon Oct 27 2014 František Dvořák <valtri@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.36-1
- Release glite-px-proxyrenewal 1.3.36
- Patches merged upstream

Size change: -336 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 David King <amigadave@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Add uncrustify Requires

Size change: 119 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Yanko Kaneti <yaneti@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.4-1
- Update to 0.1.4

Size change: 808 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 David King <amigadave@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.15.4-1
- Update to 3.15.4
- Use license macro for COPYING
- Use pkgconfig for BuildRequires

Size change: -709 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Luke Macken <lmacken@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.9-2
- Patch the metadata.json to work with the latest GNOME shell (#1045669)

Size change: -520 bytes

* Mon Jan 26 2015 Adam Williamson <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.14.2-2
- backport partial fix for BGO#743395

Size change: 347 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Tomáš Mráz <tmraz@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.1-1
- new upstream release
- this release now includes the dirmngr which is obsoleted as separate package

Size change: 498956 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Added fix for wxPython3 (by wxpython3-gtk3 patch). Patch
  provided by Scott Talbert

* Tue Jan 27 2015 Petr Machata <pmachata@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0

Size change: 1063 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Julian Sikorski <belegdol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.10.19-1
- Updated to 0.10.19

Size change: 22110 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 jchaloup <jchaloup@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.4-1
- Bump to upstream 51fe59aca108dc5680109e7b2051cbdcfa5a253c
  related: #1158670

Size change: -323 bytes

* Fri Jan 30 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.12.0-3
- Once build on f22

* Tue Jan 27 2015 David Tardon <dtardon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.12.0-2
- install all headers

Size change: 1421 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Antonio Trande <sagitterATfedoraproject.org> - 31.4.0-2
- Added %license macro

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Antonio Trande <sagitterATfedoraproject.org> - 31.4.0-1
- Update to 31.4.0
- Added MPLv2.0 license of HTML5-video-everywhere extension
- Description updated

* Mon Jan 26 2015 David Tardon <dtardon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 31.2.0-8
- rebuild for ICU 54.1

Size change: 43209057 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.91-1
- Latest upstream.

* Tue Jan 27 2015 Petr Machata <pmachata@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.48.5-7
- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0

Size change: 6112924 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.2.0-2
- Provide kdesu symlink in /usr/bin (instead of kde-runtime)

Size change: 167 bytes

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  14.12.1-1
- 14.12.1

Size change: -1410792 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@xxxxxxxxxx> 14.12.1-3
- don't provide kdesu on F22+ (provided by kde-cli-tools)

Size change: -959 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 14.12.1-4
- use (hard)links instead

Size change: 16 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 5.2.0-2
- no FireWire on s390(x)

Size change: 135 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.2.0-2
- Obsoletes/Provides kio_mtp

Size change: 124 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 jchaloup <jchaloup@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.1-0.2.gitca6de16
- Bump to upstream ca6de16df7762d4fc9b4ad44baa78d22e3f30742

Size change: 106795 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Tomáš Mráz <tmraz@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.17-1
- new upstream release

Size change: 122268 bytes

* Fri Jan 30 2015 Peter Hutterer <peter.hutterer@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.9.0-1
- libinput 0.9.0

Size change: 4436 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.10-1
- 0.10 bump

Size change: 15310 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-1
- New upstream release 1.7.0 (rhbz#1186218)

Size change: 20184 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.19.15-1
- 2.19.15, to fix BZ 1149230.

Size change: 321962 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.19.15-1
- 2.18.2.

Size change: 9051613 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.6.1-7
- Add speexdsp-devel as a dep to fix FTBFS

Size change: -924 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Rajnoha <prajnoha@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.02.115-2
- Set default cache_mode to writehrough when missing in metadata.
- Add BuildRequires: device-mapper-persistent-data
  for proper thin and cache tool configuration.

Size change: -81 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.9.2-2
- The package cloog-ppl-devel was renamed to cloog-devel in rawhide

Size change: -925 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx> - 0.5.3-9
- Ship COPYING as %license
- Clean up no longer needed backwards compatibilities

Size change: -2286 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Marek Skalicky <mskalick@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.0-1
- Upgrade to stable version 1.0.0

* Tue Jan 27 2015 Petr Machata <pmachata@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.0-0.8.rc3
- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0

Size change: 7105 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Leigh Scott <leigh123linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.4.3-4
- more CSD fixes

Size change: 1003 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx> - 2.3.12-9
- Ship COPYING as %license where available

Size change: -924 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.10.8-1
- Update to NSPR_4_10_8_RTM

Size change: -22434 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> 4.2.6p5-26
- require timedatex (#1136905)

Size change: -922 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <nmav@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.0-2
- only enable seccomp in x86-64. It seems to be broken in x86:

Size change: -833 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.10.10-6
- Add speexdsp-devel as a dep to fix FTBFS

Size change: -943 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Haïkel Guémar <hguemar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2014.2.1-3
- Usage storage quota bypass - CVE-2014-9623 (RHBZ #1187003)

Size change: 4417 bytes

* Fri Jan 16 2015 Juan Hernandez <juan.hernandez@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Added support for the operations to move, copy and export disks using
  the top level disks collection #1169376.
- Replaced storage_manager with spm #1146457.
- Added support for reconfigure firewall (override_iptables) to the host
  installation action #1179613.
- Added support for importing block storage domains #1181681.
- Fixed support for listing unregistered VMs #1148715.
- Added support for setting memory ballooning #1149188.
- Added support for specifying cluster during migration #1150191.
- Added snapshot id to documentation of preview action #1150071.
- Added custom_properties to templates #1166632.
- Added logical_name to disks #1063597.
- Added support for watchdog action and model #1129840.
- Added support for network QoS.
- Added support to enable/disable sound card to VM, pool and template.
- Added support for QoS, including CPU and disk profiles.
- Added support for iSCSI bonds.
- Avoid NPE when receiving null lists #1119812.
- Fix optional parameters of add template #1109548.
- Fix parameters of add DataCenter #1104085.
- Fix update VM optional parameters #1082594.
- Added NUMA support.
- Added actions to copy and move disks #1097681.
- Added file_transfer_enabled and copy_paste_enabled elements to Display.
- Added protocol element to Host.
- Added support for Gluster volume profiling.
- Added support for instance types.
- Added support for quota.id parameter for disks.
- Added support for random number generator device.
- Added support for scheduling policies.
- Added support storage domains disks sub-collection.
- Added support to register VMs and templates.
- Support X-Ovirt-Expect header #1093784.
- Added action to undelete events.
- Added base_interface to host_nic.
- Added boot_menu to VM and template.
- Added custom properties to host_nic.
- Added disksnapshots sub-collection to storagedomains.
- Added domain_entry_id to users and groups.
- Added sessions sub-collection to vms.
- Added support for Gluster volume statistics.
- Added support for VM and template custom serial numbers.
- Added support for bookmarks.
- Added support for deleting VM disk snapshots.
- Added support for reporting VM SELinux configuration.
- Added support for reporting VM kdump configuration.
- Added support for reporting architecture capabilities.
- Added tags sub-collection to templates.
- Add method to get entity by string id #1099818.
- Add expect and correlationId parameters to network labels related
  methods #1101531.
- Add method to get entity by string id #1099818.
- Added maintenance operation to VM.
- Added hosted_engine element to Host.
- Added labels to Network.
- Added labels to HostNIC.
- Added actions to preview, commit and undo snapshots.
- Added support for affinity groups.
- Added support to import a VM as template.
- Removed external_id from users and groups.
- Renamed cloud_init.hostname to cloud_init.host.address.

* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

Size change: -7843 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.2.0-1
- oxygen-font 5.2.0, remove the fontforge rawhide workaround

Size change: -1916 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0942-1
- Update to 0.0942
  - Replace contents of archives in test folder with random noise in order to
    avoid any licensing issues
- Use %license where possible

Size change: 114272 bytes

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.05-309
- Allow changing the configuration directory name

Size change: 1675 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.83-3
- Rebase patch to remove a spurious back-up file

Size change: -976 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.404-1
- Update to 0.404
  - Fix ancient toolchains (PREREQ_PM & Co. set appropriately)
  - Bump version required of Test::More to 0.96 (#toolchain calls it a "sane
  - Fix some meta-data #toolchain pointed out

Size change: 504 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4-1
- Update to 1.4
  - Removed boilerplate section "EXPORT" from pod (CPAN RT#96937)
  - Tightened checking for pod lines (CPAN RT#95747)
- Classify buildreqs by usage
- BR: tar > 1.15.1, which can't unpack tarballs with unknown extended
  attributes without generating a non-zero exit code

Size change: 1648 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.04-1
- Update to 0.04
  - Test::More prior to 0.88 (included with perl 5.10.1) does not support the
    done_testing() function; revert to a test plan to support older perls

Size change: 428 bytes

* Tue Jan 27 2015 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-1
- Update to 2.2.0 (stable)
- add dependency on libidn

Size change: 12357 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.3-7
- Fix endian support for aarch64
- Add speexdsp-devel dep as speex_echo.h has moved there

Size change: -434 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.2.0-3
- Requires: plasma-milou (for krunner)

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 5.2.0-2
- no FireWire on s390(x)

Size change: 267 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jakub Jedelsky <jakub.jedelsky@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.2-2
- move modules dir into docs

Size change: 148 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.4.1-2
- Add python-six requirement

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.4.1-1
- Upstream v1.4.1

Size change: 26665 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.3.4-2
- Adjust paths for tests

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.3.4-1
- Upstream v1.3.4
  Drop patches now included in upstream

Size change: 12641 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.5-1
- new version

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.5-1
- new version

Size change: -575 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.5-1
- new version

Size change: 190 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ralph Bean <rbean@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.4.5-1
- new version

Size change: 280 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.63.2-2
- Add python-six dependency

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.63.2-1
- Upstream 0.63.2
  Switched source url from ftp to pypi.python.org

Size change: -3842 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1:4.8.6-21
- refresh boost/moc patch (QTBUG-22829)

Size change: -1200 bytes

* Wed Jan 28 2015 František Dvořák <valtri@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.5-4
- Rebuilt with ruby 2.2 and rubygem-openssl_cms_2_2
- Fix generating of the documentation
- Excluded more development files

Size change: -856 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.34.24-3
- Rebuild with fixed cairo (bz 1183242)

Size change: -966 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-4
- Add missing rubygem-test-unit dependency on rubygem-power_assert.

Size change: -963 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Recent usage of %gem_install to modify source
- Use system libmarkdown

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Simply use test-unit

Size change: -176 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.4-2
- Drop the boostrap and depend on railties instead of rails.

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.4-1
- Update to sprockets-rails 2.2.4.

Size change: 1003 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 0.10.0-4
- don't Require Xorg server on s390(x)

Size change: -951 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Lukas Vrabec <lvrabec@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.13.1-106
- Allow docker to attach to the sandbox and user domains tun devices
- Allow pingd to read /dev/urandom. BZ(1181831)
- Allow virtd to list all mountpoints
- Allow sblim-sfcb to search images
- pkcsslotd_lock_t should be an alias for pkcs_slotd_lock_t.
- Call correct macro in virt_read_content().
- Dontaudit couchdb search in gconf_home_t. BZ(1177717)
- Allow docker_t to changes it rlimit
- Allow neutron to read rpm DB.
- Allow radius to connect/bind radsec ports
- Allow pm-suspend running as virt_qemu_ga to read /var/log/pm-suspend.log.
- Add devicekit_read_log_files().
- Allow  virt_qemu_ga to dbus chat with rpm.
- Allow netutils chown capability to make tcpdump working with -w.
- Label /ostree/deploy/rhel-atomic-host/deploy directory as system_conf_t.
- journald now reads the netlink audit socket
- Add auditing support for ipsec.

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Lukas Vrabec <lvrabec@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.13.1-105
- Bump release

Size change: 522 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Add patch similar to what was already done upstream in speex but not dsp

Size change: 91 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Omair Majid <omajid@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-10
- Do not create an admin account in thermostat database.

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Omair Majid <omajid@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-9
- Fix setup script for mongodb 2.6 compatiblity.

Size change: 1280 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Jaromir Capik <jcapik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3-1
- Update to 1.3 (#1087388)

Size change: -6702 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.8.1-4
- Modernise spec

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Marcin Juszkiewicz <mjuszkiewicz@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.8.1-3
- Make uriCompareRangeA() return -1/0/1 like tests assume it does
  so package will build on aarch64.

Size change: -149 bytes

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Michael Adam <madam@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.24-3
- Ship the polkit rules file as example in the docs package.

* Wed Jan 28 2015 Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.0.24-2
- Do not ship polkit rules for now, since this might have security implications.

Size change: 379 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Thomas Sailer <t.sailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 20141211-1
- update to 20141211

* Mon Jan 26 2015 Petr Machata <pmachata@xxxxxxxxxx> - 20140510-3
- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0

Size change: 19722 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.8-1
- New upstream release 0.3.8 (rhbz#1078135)

Size change: -862 bytes

* Thu Jan 29 2015 Ding-Yi Chen <dchen@xxxxxxxxxx> 3.4.1-1
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.4.1

Size change: 6563 bytes

Added Packages: 10
Removed Packages: 1
Modified Packages: 110
Size of added packages: 8657356 (8.3 M)
Size change of modified packages: 59713947 (57 M)
Size of removed packages: 585592 (572 k)
Size change: 67785711 (65 M)
Compose finished at Fri Jan 30 08:52:27 UTC 2015

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