[This is a repost of the 19 november announce on JPackage lists. Since JPackage serves is the upstream of numerous of FC Java packages I was asked to echo it on FC-related rpm lists. Many thanks to Paul Nasrat for the original announcement] The JPackage Project http://www.jpackage.org/ is pleased to announce a new release. Upgrading should be a simple matter of pointing your preferred depsolver at a mirror documented at http://www.jpackage.org/repos.php Since JPackage 1.5, the team has grown thanks to vendor interest and we will continue providing packaging java packages, and we hope to have some more exciting news soon. JPackage will continue to host a devel repository for future large changes. Please update your preferred depsolver to point to the 1.6 repositories as documented: http://www.jpackage.org/repos.php [ You will usually need the generic & distro-specific repository. Devel is for testers ] Thanks once more to all the contributors and users Highlights ========== Ant 1.6.2 is one of the biggest highlights, along with having maven and lots of updated packages. Contribuors =========== In no particular order JPackage is: * Ralph Apel * Gary Benson * Pete Chown * Leonid Dubinsky * Thomas Fitzsimmons * Henri Gomez * Sonja Krause-Harder * Goulven Le Jeune * Nicolas Mailhot * Paul Nasrat * Fernando Nasser * Kaj J. Niemi * Robert Ottenhag * Jens Skripczynski * Ville Skyttà * Sebastiano Vigna * David Walluck * Christian Zoffoli Thanks ====== In addition thanks to Randy Walter for Ant 1.6.X work and Carwyn Edwards for work on the 1.5 JDK. As always we wish to thank the community for all their contributions and work. Notes ===== JPackage no longer supports or distributes Java SDK version 1.3. The version of the Java SDK supported in this release is 1.4. Java SDK 1.5 from Sun is also provided in the non-free section. Removed from free (5 packages: 2 removed + 3 obsolete) ====================================================== keytoolgui (replaced by portecle) plexus-container saxpath (merged into jaxen) stylebook toolbutton (merged into toolbar) Removed from non-free (4 packages) ================================== java-1.3.1-bea java-1.3.1-blackdown java-1.3.1-ibm java-1.3.1-sun New in free (59 packages) ========================= aopalliance axion blowfish-j burlap carol classpathx-jaf classpathx-mail clover easymock easymockclassextension eclipse-gef ehcache ehcache-bootstrap freemarker geronimo-modules geronimo-specs gnu-crypto gvf hessian hibernate howl-logger ibatis ibatis1 idb jacorb jakarta-commons-attributes jakarta-commons-jexl jakarta-commons-latka jakarta-slide-server jboss4-aop jboss4-buildmagic-tasks jboss4-cache jboss4-common jboss4-jmx jboss4-system jetty5 joesnmp howl-logger ibatis ibatis1 idb jacorb jakarta-commons-attributes jakarta-commons-jexl jakarta-commons-latka jakarta-slide-server jboss4-aop jboss4-buildmagic-tasks jboss4-cache jboss4-common jboss4-jmx jboss4-system jetty5 joesnmp jonas jonathan-core jonathan-jeremie joram jotm junitejb maven netbeans odmg openejb owanttask owdeploysched pdfbox portecle radeox spring swingwt tranql xapool xml-commons-resolver-nb xmlbeans Thanks once more The JPackage Team -- Nicolas Mailhot
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