usb boots fine on macbook air (WITH holding option key)
on Acer 720 Chromebook the install screen shows - then fails (F20 usb
boots fine on this machine)
I've tried different mem settings mem=1024M mem=1096M mem=2048M
mem=2080M none work
googling returns mostly garbage
Since the whole point of Live CD is for non-Fedora savvy people to try
Fedora (and Linux):
a) Install either needs to get fixed - or right memory setting needs to
be figured out
b) instructions / FAQ need to be more clear, easier to understand - they
are not - a better FAQ is needed (we're happy to help here if we know
where to submit a new draft
btw since most new people using newer laptops will have to create an
install usb - we have found the dd methods do not seem to create
bootable drives and the instructions to make it bootable are obtuse at
best (is it toggle N or toggle X - too confusing) - we did find
gnome-disk-util works very good both with Nautilus and xfce Thunar - no
idea how it works from Windows which many new users might be coming from.
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