Re: Agenda for Env-and-Stacks WG meeting (2014-11-25)

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#fedora-meeting: Env and Stacks (2014-11-26)

Meeting started by vpavlin at 12:01:05 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (vpavlin, 12:01:38)

* Follow-ups  (vpavlin, 12:02:21)
  * LINK:
    (vpavlin, 12:09:30)
  * ncoghlan started with a draft for a "User Level Package Management"
    topic  (vpavlin, 12:12:19)
  * bkabrda plans to deploy devpi  (vpavlin, 12:12:19)
  * devpi instance wil be here: (nothing is there ATM)
    (vpavlin, 12:16:35)

* Language specific repositories  (vpavlin, 12:16:54)
  * ACTION: ncoghlan to describe the devpi pilot and what we'd like to
    get out of it  (vpavlin, 12:19:09)
  * Koji devels are looking into building non-RPM content (Java jars in
    the first place)  (vpavlin, 12:23:32)
  * WRT vondruch'a opinion, Ruby might not be good candidate for
    "Language specific repositories" project  (vpavlin, 12:36:37)
  * Python's PEP 440 versioning scheme explicitly introduced
    redistributor support, any ecosystems without that feature may be
    ill-suited  (ncoghlan, 12:38:58)
  * pip and conda both came out of the Python community - the origins of
    that split reflects a real difference in the way application
    developers and data analysts approach their tools  (vpavlin,
  * ACTION: everybody should look at conda/NixOS and continue to discuss
    Language specific repositories on ML.  (hhorak, 12:53:14)

* Election planning  (vpavlin, 12:54:17)
  * Every voting member should state if he wants continue his
    participation  as a voting member in the Env & Stacks WG  by 10th
    Dec 2014, no response counts as negative answer  (vpavlin, 12:56:31)
  * Env&Stacks WG elections should be aligned with FESCo elections as it
    would be easier for us and users  (vpavlin, 12:57:43)
  * Decision to be made if we want Townhall, Interviews (or nothing?)
    (vpavlin, 13:04:48)

* Chairman for next meeting  (vpavlin, 13:06:09)
  * hhorak to chair  meeting on 2014-12-03  (vpavlin, 13:08:40)

* Open floor  (vpavlin, 13:08:48)

Meeting ended at 13:22:52 UTC.

Action Items
* ncoghlan to describe the devpi pilot and what we'd like to get out of
* everybody should look at conda/NixOS and continue to discuss Language
  specific repositories on ML.

Action Items, by person
* ncoghlan
  * ncoghlan to describe the devpi pilot and what we'd like to get out
    of it
  * everybody should look at conda/NixOS and continue to discuss
    Language specific repositories on ML.

People Present (lines said)
* ncoghlan (91)
* vpavlin (57)
* hhorak (30)
* vondruch (26)
* bkabrda (7)
* zodbot (4)
* jreznik (3)
* mclasen (2)
* nphilipp (1)
* samkottler (0)
* sicampbell (0)
* tjanez (0)
* juhp (0)
* pkovar (0)

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