Mass orphan: iarnell

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Hi all,

Following ticket: I have just
orphaned all the packages from iarnell on all branches.

During the mass-orphaned we found out a bug in pkgdb making it orphaned all the
branches of the package, not just the ones for which the user is POC.
Unfortunately, this means we have orphaned branches that were maintained by
someone else than Iarnell. If you are in this situation, sorry about that, feel
free to just re-take the branches.

Feel free to visit pkgdb to pick the package(s) you may be interested in.

Best regards,

clc-intercal -- Compiler for the INTERCAL language ( master f21 f20 f19 )
mojomojo -- A Wiki with a tree ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude -- Build and evaluate include/exclude lists ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Algorithm-Merge -- Three-way merge and diff ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Any-Moose -- Use Moose or Mouse automagically (DEPRECATED) ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-App-Daemon -- Start an Application as a Daemon ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-App-Nopaste -- Easy access to any pastebin ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-B-Compiling -- Expose PL_compiling to perl ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-B-Generate -- Create your own op trees ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation -- Annotate and delegate hooked OPs ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check -- Wrap OP check callbacks ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV -- Invoke callbacks on construction of entersub OPs for certain CVs ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-B-Utils -- Helper functions for op tree manipulation ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 el5 )
perl-BackPAN-Index -- Interface to the BackPAN index ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Bencode -- BitTorrent serialization format ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Browser-Open -- Open a browser in a given URL ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CPAN-Meta -- Distribution metadata for a CPAN dist ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements -- Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases -- Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CPAN-Uploader -- Upload things to the CPAN ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Cache-FastMmap -- Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA -- Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Carp-Clan-Share -- Share your Carp::Clan settings with your whole Clan ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Carp-REPL -- Read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Action-REST -- Automated REST Method Dispatching ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView -- Sensible default end action for view rendering ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL -- User role-based authorization action class ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP -- HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext -- Return a new instance a component on each request ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole -- Apply roles to action instances ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder -- Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu -- HTML::FormFu controller for Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Devel -- Catalyst Development Tools ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache -- Catalyst Apache Engines ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Helper-FastCGI-ExternalServer -- FastCGI daemon start/stop script for using FastCgiExternalServer ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Manual -- Catalyst web framework manual ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor -- Use a plain class as a Catalyst model ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema -- DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Model-XMLRPC -- XMLRPC model class for Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication -- Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles -- Role based authorization for Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CGI-Untaint -- CGI::Untaint Plugin for Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache -- Flexible caching support for Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader -- Load config files of various types ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Email -- Send emails with Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N -- I18N for Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache -- Cache the output of entire pages ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session -- Catalyst generic session plugin ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie -- Maintain session IDs using cookies ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI -- Saves session IDs by rewriting URIs delivered to the client ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache -- Store sessions using a Catalyst::Plugin::Cache ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC -- Store your sessions via DBIx::Class ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate -- Delegate session storage to an application model object ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap -- FastMmap session storage backend ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File -- File storage backend for session data ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv -- Catalyst::Plugin::Setenv Perl module ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple -- Make serving static pages painless ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest -- Make subrequests to actions in Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode -- Unicode aware Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-Encoding -- Unicode aware Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-Runtime -- Catalyst Framework Runtime ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude -- Use subincludes in your Catalyst views ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-View-Email -- Send Email from Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template -- HTML::Template View Class ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-View-Mason -- Mason View Class ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-View-PDF-Reuse -- Create PDF files from Catalyst using Template Toolkit templates ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Catalyst-View-TT -- Template Toolkit View Class ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits -- Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-CatalystX-InjectComponent -- Inject components into your Catalyst application ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CatalystX-LeakChecker -- Debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CatalystX-Profile -- Profile your Catalyst application with Devel::NYTProf ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CatalystX-REPL -- Read-eval-print-loop for debugging your Catalyst application ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-CatalystX-SimpleLogin -- Provide a simple Login controller which can be reused ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Child -- Object oriented simple interface to fork() ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped -- Build groups of accessors ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Class-Base -- Useful base class for deriving other modules ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT -- Reduce one's dependency on NEXT ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Class-C3-Componentised -- Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch -- SQL::Abstract for Class::DBI ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Class-Factory-Util -- Provide utility methods for factory classes ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Class-MakeMethods -- Generate common types of methods ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Class-Method-Modifiers -- Provides Moose-like method modifiers ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Class-Mix -- Dynamic class mixing ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Class-Unload -- Unload given class ( el6 )
perl-Clipboard -- Copy and paste with any OS ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Config-Any -- Load configuration from different file formats, transparently ( epel7 el6 )
perl-Config-Extend-MySQL -- Extend your favorite .INI parser module to read MySQL configuration file ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Config-GitLike -- Git-compatible config file parsing ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Config-INI -- Config::INI Perl module ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Config-IniHash -- Perl extension for reading and writing INI files ( el6 el5 )
perl-Config-JFDI -- Just * Do it: A Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader-style layer over Config::Any ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Config-MVP -- Multivalue-property package-oriented configuration ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI -- MVP config reader for .ini files ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Config-Simple -- Simple configuration file class ( el6 el5 )
perl-Context-Preserve -- Run code after a subroutine call, preserving context ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Contextual-Return -- Create context-sensitive return values ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Convert-Bencode -- Functions for converting to/from bencoded strings ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Convert-Bencode_XS -- Faster conversions to/from Bencode format ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP -- CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish -- Eksblowfish block cipher ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Crypt-Rijndael -- Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 el5 )
perl-Crypt-Twofish -- Twofish Encryption Algorithm ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DBICx-TestDatabase -- Create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DBIx-Class -- Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached -- Cursor class with built-in caching support ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch -- Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based DateTime objects for DBIx::Class ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault -- Automatically set and update fields ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn -- Automatically encode columns ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M -- Introspect many-to-many shortcuts ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader -- Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp -- DBIx::Class extension to update and create date and time based fields ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Alias -- Comprehensive set of aliasing operations ( epel7 el6 )
perl-Data-Clone -- Polymorphic data cloning ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Denter -- An alternative to Data::Dumper and Storable ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Dump -- Pretty printing of data structures ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 el5 )
perl-Data-Dump-Streamer -- Accurately serialize a data structure as Perl code ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 el5 )
perl-Data-Dumper-Concise -- A convenient way to reproduce a set of Dumper options ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Data-FormValidator -- Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime -- D::FV constraints for dates and times ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Pond -- Perl-based open notation for data ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Serializer -- Modules that serialize data structures ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Stream-Bulk -- N at a time iteration API ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Taxi -- Taint-aware, XML-ish data serialization ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Data-Visitor -- Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Date-ISO8601 -- Three ISO 8601 numerical calendars ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Date-JD -- Conversion between flavors of Julian Date ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-Format-Builder -- Create DateTime parser classes and objects ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-Format-Epoch -- Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP -- HTTP protocol date conversion routines ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-Format-IBeat -- Format times in .beat notation ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-Format-Mail -- Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL -- Parse and format MySQL dates and times ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-Format-Natural -- Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-Format-Pg -- Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite -- Parse and format SQLite dates and times ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-DateTime-Locale -- Localization support for ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-TimeZone -- Time zone object base class and factory ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-DateTime-TimeZone-SystemV -- System V and POSIX timezone strings ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-DateTime-TimeZone-Tzfile -- Tzfile (zoneinfo) timezone files ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Devel-BeginLift -- Make selected sub calls evaluate at compile time ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-Declare -- Adding keywords to perl, in perl ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-FastProf -- Fast perl per-line profiler ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-Hide -- Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing) ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Devel-LeakGuard-Object -- Scoped checks for object leaks ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-LexAlias -- Alias lexical variables ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Devel-NYTProf -- Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-PartialDump -- Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-PatchPerl -- Patch perl source à la Devel::PPPort's ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Devel-Pragma -- Helper functions for developers of lexical pragmas ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-REPL -- Modern perl interactive shell ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-SmallProf -- Per-line Perl profiler ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals -- Generate stack traces with lexical variables ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Dir-Self -- A __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Directory-Scratch -- Self-cleaning scratch space for tests ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Dist-Zilla -- Distribution builder; installer not included! ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Email-Sender -- A library for sending email ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-End -- Generalized END blocks ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Env-Path -- Advanced operations on path variables ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Eval-Closure -- Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Expect-Simple -- Wrapper around the Expect module ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-FCGI -- FastCGI Perl bindings ( el6 )
perl-File-ChangeNotify -- Watch for changes to files, cross-platform style ( el6 )
perl-File-Modified -- Checks intelligently if files have changed ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-File-Path-Tiny -- Recursive versions of mkdir() and rmdir() without as much overhead as File::Path ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-File-Pid -- Pid File Manipulation ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-File-Read -- Unique interface for reading one or more files ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-File-ShareDir-Install -- Install shared files ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-File-Type-WebImages -- Determine web image file types using magic ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-GTop -- Perl interface to libgtop ( f19 )
perl-Getopt-ArgvFile -- Interpolates script options from files into @ARGV or another array ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive -- Getopt::Long with usage text ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Getopt-Usaginator -- Conjure up a usage function for your applications ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Git-CPAN-Patch -- Patch CPAN modules using Git ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Git-PurePerl -- Pure Perl interface to Git repositories ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Git-Repository -- Perl interface to Git repositories ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Graph-Easy -- Convert or render graphs as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-Defang -- Cleans HTML and CSS of executable contents ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-FormFu -- HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-FormHandler -- HTML forms using Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-GenToc -- Generate a Table of Contents for HTML documents ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-SimpleParse -- Bare-bones HTML parser ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-Strip -- Perl extension for stripping HTML markup from text ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-Tiny -- Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-Toc -- Generate, insert and update HTML Table of Contents ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple -- Easy to use HTML::TokeParser interface ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath -- Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-WikiConverter -- Perl module to convert HTML to wiki markup ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown -- Convert HTML to Markdown markup ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTTP-Lite -- Lightweight HTTP implementation ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI -- Setup a CGI environment from a HTTP::Request ( el6 )
perl-Hash-Case -- Base class for hashes with key-casing requirements ( el6 el5 )
perl-Hash-FieldHash -- Lightweight field hash implementation ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Hash-Flatten -- Flatten/unflatten complex data hashes ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Hash-Merge-Simple -- Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Hash-WithDefaults -- Class for hashes with key-casing requirements supporting defaults ( el6 el5 )
perl-Heap -- Perl extension for keeping data partially sorted ( el6 el5 )
perl-IPC-Filter -- Filter data through an external process ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Import-Into -- Import packages into other packages ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-JSON-Any -- A meta-module to make working with JSON easier ( el6 )
perl-KinoSearch1 -- Search engine library ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lexical-Persistence -- Persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase -- Inflect short English Phrases ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger -- Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-Flags -- Provide small flag icons ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-PT-Stemmer -- Portuguese language stemming ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-Stem -- Stemming of words ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-Stem-Fr -- Perl French Stemming ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-Stem-It -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-Stem-Ru -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only) ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball -- Perl interface to Snowball stemmers ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Danish ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Lingua-StopWords -- Stop words for several languages ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Linux-Inotify2 -- Scalable directory/file change notification ( epel7 el6 )
perl-Locale-PO -- Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Locale-US -- Two letter codes for state identification in the United States and vice versa ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Log-Dispatch-Array -- Log events to an array (reference) ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-Log-Dispatchouli -- Simple wrapper around Log::Dispatch ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Log-Trace -- A unified approach to tracing ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Math-Base36 -- Encoding and decoding of base36 strings ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Math-Base85 -- Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924 ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Memoize-ExpireLRU -- Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MetaCPAN-API -- Comprehensive, DWIM-featured API to MetaCPAN ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Method-Signatures -- Method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Mixin-ExtraFields -- Add extra stashes of data to your objects ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Mixin-Linewise -- Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Module-Locate -- Locate modules in the same fashion as "require" and "use" ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Module-Pluggable-Ordered -- Call module plugins in a specified order ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Module-Used -- Find modules loaded by Perl code without running it ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Module-Util -- Module name tools and transformations ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Moo -- Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility) ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Moose -- Complete modern object system for Perl 5 ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Moose-Autobox -- Autoboxed wrappers for native Perl datatypes ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Aliases -- Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-App-Cmd -- Mashes up MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Async -- Set of Metaclasses for MooseX::POE and it's siblings ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Attribute-Chained -- Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers -- Extended Moose attribute interfaces ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-ClassAttribute -- Declare class attributes Moose-style ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-Clone -- Fine grained cloning support for Moose objects ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile -- An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-Daemonize -- Role for daemonizing your Moose based application ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Declare -- Declarative syntax for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast -- Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-MooseX-Getopt -- Moose role for processing command line options ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-MooseX-Has-Options -- Succinct options for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Has-Sugar -- Sugar syntax for moose 'has' fields ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-InsideOut -- Inside-out objects with Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-Iterator -- Iterate over collections ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-LazyLogDispatch -- Logging Role for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-LazyRequire -- Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl -- A Logging Role for Moose based on Log::Log4perl ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-LogDispatch -- Logging Role for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion -- Force coercion when validating type constraints ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures -- Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes -- Introspect your method code attributes ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-MooseX-MultiInitArg -- Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-MultiMethods -- Multi Method Dispatch based on Moose type constraints ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-NonMoose -- Easy subclassing of non-Moose classes ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable -- Make your Moose classes pluggable ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-OneArgNew -- Teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-POE -- Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Param -- Simple role to provide a standard param method ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Params-Validate -- Extension of Params::Validate using Moose's types ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles -- Apply roles to a class related to yours ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Role-Cmd -- Wrap system command binaries the Moose way ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized -- Make your roles flexible through parameterization ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading -- Roles which support overloading ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-MooseX-Role-XMLRPC-Client -- Provide the needed bits to be a XML-RPC client ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor -- Name your accessors foo() and set_foo() ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-MooseX-SetOnce -- Write-once, read-many attributes for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-SimpleConfig -- Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-Singleton -- Turn your Moose class into a singleton ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Storage -- A serialization framework for Moose classes ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-StrictConstructor -- Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Traits -- Automatically apply roles at object creation time ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable -- A pluggable extension to MooseX::Traits ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-MooseX-Types -- Organize your Moose types in libraries ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Types-Common -- A library of commonly used type constraints ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime -- DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-Types-JSON -- JSON data types for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass -- ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class -- A Path::Class type library for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-MooseX-Types-Perl -- Moose types that check against Perl syntax ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Types-Set-Object -- Set::Object type with coercions and stuff ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Types-Structured -- Structured Type Constraints for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-MooseX-Types-URI -- URI related types and coercions for Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Types-VariantTable -- Type constraint based variant table ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MooseX-Workers -- Provides a simple sub-process management for asynchronous tasks ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Mouse -- Moose minus the antlers ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-MouseX-Types -- Organize your Mouse types in libraries ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Net-Amazon -- Framework for accessing via REST ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Net-IPv4Addr -- Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Net-IPv6Addr -- Perl module to check validity of IPv6 addresses ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Net-Pcap -- Interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Nmap-Parser -- Parse nmap scan data with perl ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Number-Format -- Perl extension for formatting numbers ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-ORLite-Mirror -- Extend ORLite to support remote SQLite databases ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-ORLite-Statistics -- Statistics enhancement package for ORLite ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Object-Signature -- Cryptographically strong objects ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Package-Pkg -- Handy package munging utilities ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Package-Variant -- Parameterizable packages ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-PadWalker -- Play with other people's lexical variables ( el6 )
perl-Parallel-Iterator -- Simple parallel execution ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Params-Classify -- Argument type classification ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 el5 )
perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta -- Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN meta-data files ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Parse-Method-Signatures -- Perl6 like method signature parser ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Perl-PrereqScanner -- Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Perl-Tags -- Generate Ctags style tags for Perl sourcecode ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Perl-Version -- Parse and manipulate Perl version strings ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-PerlIO-gzip -- Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Plack-Middleware-ForceEnv -- Force set environment variables for testing ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy -- Supports app to run as a reverse proxy back-end ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Plack-Test-ExternalServer -- Run HTTP tests on external live servers ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod -- Allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Pod-Eventual -- Read a POD document as a series of trivial events ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Qt -- Perl bindings for Qt ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Regexp-Assemble -- Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Role-HasMessage -- Thing with a message method ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Role-Identifiable -- Identifiable roles ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Role-Tiny -- A nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-SQL-Translator -- Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more) ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Safe-Isa -- Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Scalar-List-Utils -- A selection of general-utility scalar and list subroutines ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Scope-Guard -- Lexically scoped resource management ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Scope-Upper -- Act on upper scopes ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Snowball-Norwegian -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Norwegian ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Snowball-Swedish -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Swedish ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Sort-Key -- Fastest way to sort anything in Perl ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Statistics-Descriptive -- Perl module of basic descriptive statistical functions ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-String-CamelCase -- Convert underscore_text to CamelCase and back ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-String-Diff -- Simple diff to String ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-String-Errf -- Simple sprintf-like dialect ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-String-Flogger -- String munging for loggers ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-String-Formatter -- Build sprintf-like functions of your own ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-String-RewritePrefix -- Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-String-ToIdentifier-EN -- Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods -- Helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter -- Export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Sub-Override -- Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Sys-Hostname-Long -- Try every conceivable way to get full hostname ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-System-Command -- Object for running system commands ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Task-Catalyst -- All you need to start with Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Template-Plugin-Cycle -- Cyclically insert into a Template from a sequence of values ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Template-Plugin-JavaScript -- Encodes text to be safe in JavaScript ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Template-Provider-Encoding -- Explicitly declare encodings of your templates ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Template-Timer -- Template::Timer Perl module ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Term-Prompt -- Perl extension for prompting a user for information ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Term-Size-Any -- Retrieve terminal size ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Term-Size-Perl -- Perl extension for retrieving terminal size (Perl version) ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Test-Aggregate -- Aggregate *.t tests to make them run faster ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-Assertions -- Simple set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-Database -- Database handles ready for testing ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-Expect -- Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-File-ShareDir -- Create a Fake ShareDir for your modules for testing ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-HasVersion -- Check Perl modules have version numbers ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-Test-JSON -- Test JSON data ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-Signature -- Automated SIGNATURE testing ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 el5 )
perl-Test-Spec -- Write tests in a declarative specification style ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-TinyMocker -- A very simple tool to mock external modules ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst -- Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Test-use-ok -- Alternative to Test::More::use_ok ( el6 )
perl-Test-utf8 -- Handy utf8 tests ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Text-Context -- Handle highlighting search result context snippets ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Text-Context-EitherSide -- Get n words either side of search keywords ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Text-Emoticon -- Factory class for Yahoo! and MSN emoticons ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Text-Emoticon-MSN -- Emoticon filter of MSN Messenger ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Text-German -- German grundform reduction ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Text-MultiMarkdown -- Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Text-RecordParser -- Read record-oriented files ( el6 )
perl-Text-SimpleTable -- Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables ( el6 )
perl-Text-TabularDisplay -- Display text in formatted table output ( el6 )
perl-Text-Textile -- A humane web text generator ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Throwable -- Role for classes that can be thrown ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-Tie-ToObject -- Tie to an existing object ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Time-OlsonTZ-Download -- Olson timezone database from source ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Time-Warp -- Change the start and speed of Event time ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Tk-CursorControl -- Manipulate the mouse cursor programmatically ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Tk-ToolBar -- Toolbar widget for Perl/Tk ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory -- Factory object for dispensing Visitor objects ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 )
perl-Version-Requirements -- Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist (DEPRECATED) ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder -- WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder Perl module ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create -- Paste to from Perl ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-XML-Atom -- Atom feed and API implementation ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-XML-Feed -- Syndication feed parser and auto-discovery ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-XML-RSS-LibXML -- XML::RSS with XML::LibXML ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-XML-TokeParser -- Simplified interface to XML::Parser ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-YAPE-Regex -- Yet Another Parser/Extractor for Regular Expressions ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-asa -- Lets your class/object say it works like something else ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-autobox -- Call methods on native types ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-autobox-Core -- Core functions exposed as methods in primitive types ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-autobox-List-Util -- Bring the List::Util functions to autobox ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-autobox-dump -- Human/perl readable strings from the results of an EXPR ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-autovivification -- Lexically disable autovivification ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-bareword-filehandles -- Disables bareword filehandles ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-boolean -- Boolean support for Perl ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-indirect -- Lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 )
perl-latest -- Use the latest Perl features ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-local-lib -- Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
perl-multidimensional -- Disables multidimensional array emulation ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perl-namespace-autoclean -- Keep imports out of your namespace ( master f21 f20 f19 epel7 el6 )
perl-strictures -- Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal ( master f21 f20 f19 )
perlbrew -- Manage perl installations in your $HOME ( master f21 f20 f19 el6 el5 )
slashem -- Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic ( master f21 f20 f19 )
vim-perl-support -- Perl-IDE for VIM ( master f21 f20 f19 )

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