I have had some difficulties with installing a box with a "RIVA128" gfx card. The install process itself goes all well. Problems turns up when it has finished installing packages (which took a couple of hours, using NFS... Dead-slow machine...), and reboots. When it has rebooted, it comes to a point where it says "configuring kernel parametres". And there it stops (i had it hanging there for a weekend, just to be shure. It was still hung when i got back on monday ;) Rigth before this happens, it tries to bring up RHGB, which fails miserably. But it fails, it don't chrash the box. Only way (i) have found to solve it, is to boot into single user (it does then get past the "configuring kernel parameters" without problems), and changing the driver from "nv" to "vesa". reboot gets up rhgb, but it still hangs there (or at least when it comes to firstboot). I i then kill power, boot it into single user mode, and *then* using "init 5" to get it up (twice - firstboot chrashes in the first atempt, taking the rest of the thing with it, but it don't happen again...), it works up to GDM. I can then shutdown and reboot and everything else (after fixing monitor resolution and refresh...) without problems. As far as i can see, this is more than one bug, and i don't know where to file'em. xorg? kudzu? firstboot? rhgb? kernel? Kyrre