5tFTW: Five Conferences in Fedora This Week! FUDCon Managua, LinuxCon EU, SeaGL, and upcoming FOSDEM and DevConf.cz (2014-10-24)

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Reposted from <http://fedoramagazine.org/5tftw-2014-10-24/>.
Fedora is a big project, and it’s hard to keep up with everything that
goes on. This series highlights interesting happenings in five
different areas every week. It isn’t comprehensive news coverage — just
quick summaries with links to each. Here are the five things for
October 24th, 2014:

This is a week with a lot of conference activity — today we have an
all-event 5tFTW.

FUDCon LATAM in Managua, Nicaragua

First up: our Latin American FUDCon is going on right now (yesterday,
today, and tomorrow). We already have some summary posts from Dennis
Gilmore (in English; and he’s planning to post more soon) and Luis
Bazan (in Spanish). More on this event next week!

  * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Managua_2014
  * https://ausil.us/wordpress/?p=79
  * http://lokomurdok.blogspot.com/2014/10/inicia-fudcon-managua-2014.html

LinuxCon EU 2014

Jiří Eischmann reports on Fedora’s presence at the Linux Foundation’s
LinuxCon Europe conference in Düsseldorf, Germany.

A quick quote:

> People were more interested in Fedora Server which is different from
> most events where people are mostly interested in Workstation, but
> it’s not surprising considering the audience. It really helps to
> advertise a specialized product because you can clearly say: if
> you’re interested in server OSes, this is what we have for you and it
> has these interesting features. That’s why I’m glad we have Fedora
> Server. From the marketing point of view, it’s much more appealing to
> have a solution (server product) than just a lego to build it. Quite
> a few people were interested in Fedora as a future of enterprise
> Linux because what they work with and care about is Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux.

… but I think the whole thing is interesting, especially if you’re
interested in how we promote Fedora and interact with the community at
this type of conference.

  * http://eischmann.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/fedora-linuxcon-europe-2014/

Seattle GNU/Linux Conference

Another one going on right now — SeaGL in Seattle, Washington. (From
the logo, looks like that’s “seagull” — cute!). Fedora hacker David Gay
(a.k.a. “oddshocks”, and one of the people behind Fedora Badges and
other projects) is speaking on Free Infrastructure later this
afternoon, sharing his experiences and answering questions. Attendance
is free, by the way, so if you’re in Seattle, it’s the obvious thing to
do with your weekend!

  * http://seagl.org/
  * https://badges.fedoraproject.org/
  * http://lanyrd.com/2014/seagl/sdfgfm/

FOSDEM 2015 Call for Papers

FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting) is
a gigantic community-organized and oriented conference which takes
place in Brussels every year at the end of January / beginning of
February. Right now, 2015’s conference is in its planning phase, with a
“call for papers” (that is, open submission for talks) open now for
both developer rooms and lightning talks and booths.

Of particular interest to Fedora is the Distribution Devroom:

> The purpose of the distributions devroom is to offer a forum for all
> people interested in distribution issues to meet and collaborate on
> improving the distribution ecosystem. What are the upcoming
> challenges facing the distribution space? How can distribution
> maintainers collaborate better to solve cross-distribution issues?
> What are interesting developments helping distribution developers to
> excel in the distribution space?

If you have a Fedora-related idea, let’s talk about it and get to
planning! (The Fedora Ambassadors mailing list is a good place to

  * https://fosdem.org/2015/news/2014-09-30-accepted-devrooms/
  * https://fosdem.org/2015/news/2014-09-19-call-for-participation-part-two/
  * https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2014-October/002047.html
  * https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors

DevConf.cz 2015 Call for Papers

Red Hat sponsors a conference in Brno, Czech Republic the week after
FOSDEM, and that too has an open Call for Papers. Continuing on the
success of last February’s event, the next DevConf.cz will feature an
entire Fedora Day — Jiří has details on his blog. Last year, there were
over 1000 attendees, and this year, the venue has been moved to
accommodate even more!

  * http://devconf.cz/content/call-participation-open
  * http://eischmann.wordpress.com/2014/10/23/fedora-day-devconf-cz-2015/

Matthew Miller            mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx             <http://mattdm.org/>
Fedora Project Leader  mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  <http://fedoraproject.org/> 
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct

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