Dennis, could you please build Alpha base image with updated bash? (And
probably also prepare F20 and Rawhide images so that we can really call
the Fedora image official with all it's tags?)
We should probably also consider using Fedora Cloud SIG account on
github to push these image to Docker Automated builds - it would
probably look better then using Lokesh's account (no offence:) ).
The *interim* workflow for uploading official Fedora image to Docker Hub
would be:
1. Download tar.gz and ks from Koji
2. Unpack
3. Compress layer.tar as xz
4. Upload Dockerfile, ks and *.tar.xz to Fedora Cloud SIG github
repository (same as https://github.com/lsm5/docker-brew-fedora/tree/21)
5. Update
I agree with Matt we should ship what we have and follow up with Docker
on enablement of import for our images (containing metadata) built in Koji.
Does this make sense to you? If there will be no objections, could we vote?
Lokesh, would you like to continue to maintain the process of getting
Fedora Docker base images to the audience?
Thanks & regards,
Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list
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