Hello everybody! I promised u to send u my test report for the PowerMacG3. unfortunately i could do nothing the whole week, because i have to download a boot.iso and somehow there is no! I look every day 2 times at this sites http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/ppc/images/mac/ http://ftp.uni-koeln.de//mirrors/fedora/core/development/ppc/images/mac/ and hope this changes. What's the problem? Can i help somehow? When can i download a CD boot image. Or how can i make a bootable DVD? ciao, nico. -- NEU +++ DSL Komplett von GMX +++ http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl GMX DSL-Netzanschluss + Tarif zum supergünstigen Komplett-Preis!