Hi -
I'm running FC2 on a new Athlon-64 system (x86_64 installation).
Looking at http://www.linuxtx.org/amd64faq.html it suggests I can get fedora extras from http://fedora.linux.duke.edu/fedorax86_64/fedora.us/2/x86_64/ .
However, these are quite old compared to the i386 fedora extras.
There aren't any x86_64 binaries at http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/2/i386/RPMS.stable/
So I could o Use the old ones at duke.edu o Start recompiling SRPMS from the fedora.us o Use the 32-bit apps, installing the appropriate 32-bit libraries
Is there a more recent fedora extras repository? Is there an automated way I could generate x86_64 packages from the SRPMS?
-- Jeremy Sanders <jss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> http://www-xray.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jss/ X-Ray Group, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK. Public Key Server PGP Key ID: E1AAE053