On 10.07.2014 18:31, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
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On 07/10/2014 11:45 AM, poma wrote:
On 10.07.2014 13:11, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
One thing I discovered last night. There's a bug with the new
fedora-release packages and yum/dnf are kind of arbitrarily
picking from fedora-release-[standard|cloud|server|workstation]
to install if you just update. (This is in large part because
these are just placeholder packages and don't have any content in
them yet).
To avoid issues going forward, before you do the distro-sync
above, you probably want to 'yum install
fedora-release-$something' where $something is either 'standard'
(for non-productized Fedora) or one of the Products, which your
environment will evolve more into the closer we get to Alpha.
I'll try to work out what we need to do to make that transition
cleaner from F20->F21, but for Rawhide->F21 it's going to be a
bit manual for a while.
# grep fedora-release /var/log/yum.log ... Updated:
fedora-release-21-0.9.noarch ... Erased:
Is this enough to stay on F21 or I still need e.g.
'fedora-release-standard' for non-product-specific, that is as we
use now on Fedora 20?
You'll want to install fedora-release-standard manually right now to
make sure you have the right version going forward.
Done deal, thanks.
We're working to figure out how to get that to install by default on
Good luck with that!
(Alternately, feel free to use -server or -workstation as well, if you
want to move towards that environment going forward).
Those two goes camping in virtwood. :)
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