Re: New UEFI guide on the wiki

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On 05/02/14 05:46 PM, Przemek Klosowski wrote:
On 02/04/2014 06:18 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
And then we can definitely justify making them bigger. 550MB, or even 1GB. It's neutral to plus
for performance for either HDDs or SSDs (faux short stroked in the former, and overprovisioned for
the latter). Does anyone know why the convention is to create the ESP as the first partition?
At times in the past there was a race between BIOS support for large disks and hard disk size, and
BIOS boot code could not reach the far sectors of the disk. This even leaked into Linux sometimes,
It still happens: I just had a case of this on Dell R620 (Ivy Bridge Xeon) with over 3TB disk space 
and RHEL 6.5... Grub couldn't reach it's files to boot OS.

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