In about 3-4 weeks I am going to update objectweb-asm package in rawhide from version 3.3.1 to 5.0. The new version is generally incompatible with the current one. If your packages work with versions 4.0 and above then this change should be transparent. If you are not sure about that then you can try using objectweb-asm4 package, which contains version 4.x of ASM. If your package does not work with versions 4.0 and above then you have an option to stay on version 3.x for now. There is objectweb-asm3 which is meant to be used by packages that can't migrate to latest ASM. The list of packages possibly affected by this update follows. access-modifier-annotation animal-sniffer apache-commons-javaflow apache-commons-jci apt-maven-plugin aries-blueprint aries-proxy aspectjweaver bridge-method-injector bytecode-compatibility-transformer byteman cglib clojure clojure-compat cobertura codenarc cxf eclipse eclipse-eclemma eclipselink eclipse-m2e-core felix-scr-generator findbugs glassfish-hk2 glassfish-jaxws glassfish-pfl gmetrics gradle groovy groovy18 hadoop hawtdispatch hawtjni jackson jackson-module-mrbean jacoco jaffl jarjar jasperreports jbossws-cxf jdependency jdom2 je jersey jetty jibx jmock jnr-ffi jnr-posix joni jruby laf-plugin maven2 maven-ant-tasks maven-dependency-analyzer maven-plugin-tools maven-shade-plugin mojo-signatures mqtt-client mvel oat objenesis openjpa openwebbeans parboiled plexus-containers pmd reflectasm spin spock springframework stapler tika tycho wildfly xbean -- Mikolaj Izdebski IRC: mizdebsk -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: