Re: 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat)

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Am 05.09.2013 22:04, schrieb Przemek Klosowski:
> On 09/05/2013 02:52 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> so, no whatever macro is repsonsible for this exactly at the release with a non well thought release name this
>> happens -why in the world does Fedora again and agin make decisions which are *not* tested and months before
>> release the impact is known are *not* reverted? *do not touch my hand-made grub-configuration due kernel-updates*
>> except teh path to the kernel and initrd which works since many years - *nobody* needs release names at all and
>> and least nobody needs inisting in show them at the first output at boot in a broken way 
> There seem to be two separate issues here---correct me if I am wrong. Issue 1) is whether the boot message should
> show Fedora release numbers---it could be argued either way but in any case isn't a big deal IMHO.  Issue 2) is a
> conflict with your 'hand-made grub-configuration'. This could not have been tested by anyone else but you, then?


* there is *nothing* in this configuration referring to the release name
* the releas ename is dispalyed *boken* due the unwise name with special chars

so where this is *my* fault?

don't get me wrong, i love many things in Fedora, otherwise i would not use it
but chose a release name with special chars not handeled by the bootloader
is quite stupid - in /boot/grub2/grub.conf it is a ö but this does help not
much as long GRUB2 beside ither major bugs is too stupid to display it

well, and sicne my primary language is german the ö is *natural* here
and that more ironic is that the bootloader can not hanlde the
chosen release name

drop them at all from the distribituion
i *never* faced any person who was able to name fedora release by that name

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