The following packages did not build for two releases and will be retired around 2013-08-26 unless someone rebuilds them or announces to actively working on fixing them. Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected packages or a package that depends on one. Package (co)maintainers =========================================================================== curry gemi, oliver eclipse-phpeclipse mbooth, swagiaal libgarmin fab libvpd emunson, hegdevasant, fkocina, lnykryn, rrakus, jskala lsvpd emunson, hegdevasant, fkocina, lnykryn, wolfy, rrakus, jskala mod_mono chkr nautilus-sendto-trac mbooth open-cobol s4504kr petitboot dwmw2, tbreeds, jwboyer python-pylons kylev, cicku simulavr ndim smart athimm, scop synce-connector awjb tango-icon-theme cwickert tango-icon-theme-extras cwickert The following packages require above mentioned FTBS packages: Depending on: python-pylons python-repoze-what-pylons (maintained by: spot, lmacken) python-repoze-what-pylons requires python-pylons = 1.0-4.fc17 Depending on: smart PackageKit (maintained by: rhughes, rdieter, stefw, jcm, rnorwood, lmacken, rhughes, timlau, tuxbrewr) PackageKit-smart requires smart = 1.3.1-68.fc17 fedora-package-config-smart (maintained by: athimm, scop) fedora-package-config-smart requires smart = 1.3.1-68.fc17 Depending on: synce-connector synce-gnome (maintained by: awjb) synce-gnome requires odccm = 0.15.2-5.fc17 synce-kpm (maintained by: awjb) synce-kpm requires odccm = 0.15.2-5.fc17 Depending on: tango-icon-theme gnome-theme-curvylooks (maintained by: pgordon) gnome-theme-curvylooks requires tango-icon-theme = 0.8.90-6.fc17 Affected (co)maintainers athimm: smart awjb: synce-connector chkr: mod_mono cicku: python-pylons cwickert: tango-icon-theme-extras, tango-icon-theme dwmw2: petitboot emunson: lsvpd, libvpd fab: libgarmin fkocina: lsvpd, libvpd gemi: curry hegdevasant: lsvpd, libvpd jcm: smart jskala: lsvpd, libvpd jwboyer: petitboot kylev: python-pylons lmacken: python-pylons, smart lnykryn: lsvpd, libvpd mbooth: nautilus-sendto-trac, eclipse-phpeclipse ndim: simulavr oliver: curry pgordon: tango-icon-theme rdieter: smart rhughes: smart rnorwood: smart rrakus: lsvpd, libvpd s4504kr: open-cobol scop: smart spot: python-pylons stefw: smart swagiaal: eclipse-phpeclipse tbreeds: petitboot timlau: smart tuxbrewr: smart wolfy: lsvpd The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance: The sources of this script can be found at: -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: