On 07/22/2013 03:38 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
So there we have it. Comments and discussion, please!
I disagree with this "Proposal", but I would agree with that if you
would call it "Goal" or "Vision".
I agree with you that Fedora will (and should) look like this after 20
But that is long time. And you propose a lot of things. If you would
want to apply them all at once, that will be revolution. Which hardly
worked in history. We need evolution. With small steps.
You can propose e.g. for Fedora 21 that packages from @Standard should
not require packages which are not in @Standard (which is AFAIK not true
right now).
You can propose more restrictive Guidelines for packages in @Minimal.
This will effectively implement Ring 0+1.
We can finish Copr, which will allow to exist applications in very outer
ring. If it will work, we can then define those outer rings and its
We can define more strictly SIGs and give them some rights (and
accountability) and if it will work, we can build "something" on top of
them. Bubbles. Or Rings. But if it will not work we will not be blocked.
So I concur your vision. But do not propose it. Just share it with us
(which I'm glad you did). And "propose" smaller steps, which may lead to
your vision. Or not.
Miroslav Suchy
Red Hat, Software Engineer
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