Hi *, I created a page in the fedora.us Wiki with names of packages that should not be rebuilded by the build team when the rebuild for FC3 happens: http://www.fedora.us/wiki/FC3Status So, if you have a package in fedora.us that is obsoleted in some form by a core FC3 package and does not need to be build simply add it to the list. To save the time spend by the fedora.us build-team please also add your package-name to the list somewhere if you know that it won't build cleanly on FC3. After the rebuild is done this page should serve as a tracker to packages that are missing for FC3 and were in FC2/FC1 (build-issues, unmaintained, ...) like http://www.fedora.us/wiki/FC2Status does for FC2. Thanks. CU thl P.S.: No, I'm not a member of the build team, I started this cause I have a package that should not be rebuilded for FC3. -- Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>